We have referred previously to Reece


X’e have referred previously to Reece Winston, picture-books about old-time Bristol

and thc cars and other vehicles robe spotted in the backgrounds to his photographs. He now offers “Bristol As It Was — 1960-1962” and although the motoring aspect is not as historic, obviously, as in the earlier titles, his own Ford Anglia, Jaguar Saloon and Ford Consul appear in 13 of the shots and one sees post-war Armstrong Siddelcy, Austin Westminster. etc. in others of the 268 pictures, which are directed at those interested in the hiss, of the City of Bristol in general. Aspects such as the removal of the roundabout by Sr. Jude’s Church in 1961 and the installation of parking-meters at Castle Street and Castle Green in the same year are cases in point. Unfortunately, in nine instances picture-captions have been rendered unreadable by the binders, so an Errata slip which also contains six corrections to other captions has had to be included. It is fun looking at history in this way, spotting the cars in use in those early 1960s, and seeing the comparatively untroubled traffic conditions. The book can be had for E5.90 direct from the author. at 23 Hyland Grove, Henbury Hill, Bristol 9, on mentioning MOTOR SPORT. — W.B.