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There really should be a prize for the pot-boiler of the year. If there were, Octopus Books’ “Great Marques: Rolls-Royce” by Jonathan Wood would be well in the running, for can there be anything new to say? The colour pictures. many specially commissioned say the publishers, are the saving grace, but alas the bigger ones are bisected over two pages. The price is £3.95, so at least there is no greed displayed in the market of this one. The only thing “new” are the End Papers which show the honourable C. S. Rolls driving non-stop up the Hermitage Road in Nice in 1909 in a 40/50 Tourer, for the edification of the Dady Telegraph motoring correspondent — and even these 9 photographs came from Rolls Royce 1910 publicity material. W.B.