

gives most for your money . . .

Wins the ” Autocar” Trophy in the Classic Brooklands event

the “DOUBLE-7’WELVE”! able value Mr mom, w err .1g:1111 s ividly demonstrated at ltrooklanik on May Inth In the mid classic tarn t he seiti-on t he • • Isinable• Tnelve •• t. Austin Smell won the • ‘ Aut. at Limits for the tog free forma., on e and alsi. gamed tug und second pLwe ,t.-, The average speed was 04,9 m p.h This ‘,let, wa, soiled by cars modelled Mr standard design of tOp /mists AU TIN

An advertisement for the Austin Ulster which appeared m MOTOR SPORT in June 1930. Remember The race

,a as oral mg gruelling.

Engin, frame. gearbox. transnmssm all received far greater putilduneril than a car enuld ever teren•e driven ‘II the hands visa , Nut Ow tiv

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