
IISCC Welsh Week-end

HIE FRANI, iNAL Vintage SC,56 elsh Trial and 1>ro ing ‘Fest week•end took place satisfactorilv on October 12 1 3th. with 74 entries 1, the tomer and It, tot Ilic road-commit, irelegance.tests part. Ilea, lain on the ,turday nig gave over btu rendered tlie observed sections very muck, and slip., I was unable to wat,di them. being detailed to (Cl to the ii t, nig-tests al Knighton. but hear Mai l’utton’s :dine Bent. got stile’: at the bottom 01 0111 lull. that Benda, 3,1 toie-start In deterenee to .1 weak magneto. and that Wickham lost a ,tirc pllig CCCCflI the engine of his 12 511 Ale, but he hued a spare one and

continued. Bask CCI Presteigne from the RhYdspence Inn where coffee courtesy of the house had been laid on lor the trials IlmpiiICCClIC Ill Me Austin Nletri, that had been stealing attention lrom the vintage sal,. and we dis,.overed that Warburton’s very nice 19211 1 2 III Star two-seater hail completed its compulsory lult miles mortung run tust III lime but that Di Recie’s equally -interesting 1925 1 ark 10 1..111111.1.1 III 11.1111 ar1,11 late and Mils im tared a penal, as did I Davies’ 1927 At Royal two•seato: the respe,li,e reasons Were

Lift Boy

1 , I .1,11 When 11111.1111 to .1 sers I, ll 11011111CM I 111.Ide 10111i C11,1111 le, 111 1 he 110,.. III 11,111141119C 110,01 V. 1111 I 11:11•0,11111, garage door W’hat yyttli ,danking chains and .111 CI 11111 motor anchored 10 Itle 11001′ 11.1S 111,1111,1011ell .11111 11.1, 11111111 Ille last 1 1,111 gelling mit 1.1 Ow sar 111 hi/Ming gait., 01111 1,1111, rain to shot the sloop, on the Ii II out and doing the same Mule in reverse to get in A lew months :Igo 11 W.11 1111 1111111CC 10 fie 1111 10111.11, Ill/Ill IC., .11111 III iell I had .1 pi oeltici Mai .1,1111 he

usetul to me. Thin 111.11 011, ed 11,1, .1 sere,. drive. 1 1117. 011 reverse. a positive II1IPCIIIIII,IIIllC, 1111111 .A1 operating in both ihree mons. a light with .1 two and a half minute mite del. and Me 11111111 thing suprthed. assemIsled and ready to install I hw limitation. Me egll1,111ellt 1.111111,1 he 11111,1 III sloors with vertu:al traeks

Not having tints. to In the tinsi tirowll an electrkian wired it to a powet point in the gamut. rioting 111.11,1.1 Is, CII, III I “Ii 1111111111 11 the garage eloor opens. the lie, .011111 011 dIld 11.1 1, 11h 114 .1 1011 ta 2, 111111111es W111.11 my11 more than reasonable lune to make oneself con11,1.1111, in the car and having driven inn. hs using a very small transmitter from inside the car the garage doot doses and is ‘,ewe,. 111111 As sou slit, .11,11 Ihe light is extinguished I lie evening at ter the door Is ai filled rell11.11ed I 1 11111 1111 evenmg engagement. o was a elark night 111111 II leaS1 II ;I, 111111’ 1,111 CIIIIIIIIIU a1111 a, I approached the drive there was a cloudburst It vas with great e‘pectation that I piessed the plunger on the small transmitter and 11. inv (wet tov the garage door opened and tor the lust 111111. under sush condnions I got 0111 ill the Cal 411 To anyone wIth 1 1mM-in-garage with immediate entry into house… I1CIIIC1ICICICICI ritust. l’or ,-ho have to walk to their whenII CII,lIlICIIu and din k. taking presto., seconds to find the keyhole hi tuilosk game, being detailed while sailing and stopping l’or lunch. but no doubt worth the 111 marks 11111 he most interesting i.ar competing was A. J. Burnett’s 1916 CC 55 Th. Schneider tourer. while IC 11. lienvon’s 1927 131111,1 WeVmann saloon was alIll Ivisicall, French and S. Southall’s 19211 411 III .p. Rolls.Rowe tourer provided an Air ol Dig., The tests were emoved, it seemed. by those submitting to them. R,emary Burke was responsible tor their devising Angela Cherie. said

doors and for those who are comerned Mr the woman ot the house Cl 11 11111 a proposition worth considering, not only lroni unlity point III VIeW hill 1111111 a salety point ot yieik “Flits radio controlled earage door opener IN marketed by 1.1111No 1 _Mined of .A Marlborough Road. London. 9122 CNN and the price 1:244 VAT and luting

MY enthusiasm 1, the min h. been calla., lw the laid that in the short time it It.11 been in ,,vration it has been unusually %%it’d.’ accompanied by quite violent storms FIlulull little doubt ime is more than compensated tor the small out -lay needed to acquire benefits so rewarding. — .M.D.W.

a a a Change of Secretary

ANDREW CHILDS h.Ii written to say Mat he has relinquished Ins post as secretary of t. Brooklands Society The 1,11, has been taken 111191 irahame Fleming whose address is lii. 1.)tieen 1,11,abeth’s Walk. Wallington. 1.1111eV.

“Oh Dear!” Department

CCI(R1611 INS have been at work again wt111 out eaptions — last month the captions lin the Iwo pages 01 eidour photographs Irom the Tourist

• I rophe ineettne. were transposed. while this 1111,11111 on page I711i, the bhplane photographed II the top ol the page is. ot 11111111 an C.’ 111.1111 I’ll 1 V.

that her 1928 IC Alta Romeo needed the Lambda to he penalised as it had been Cl she was to heat it. and certinnly Dr. Reeve anew it about like a Mini. ending one slalom on locked tront wheels on lock. The Butte Deluges were out again and D. Macmillan was pressing on in his 19211 Rolls-Royce ‘f”WentV in characteristic fashion for him. quite out ot charauer tor a Royce. Sunda, dawned plendidlv but there uas a disappinntment when the ,ornpetitors arrived at Llangoch— it had been resurlaced and In . longer II muddy trials 111 1,11. so it was Devil’s P191.11 11111 a short mud path , I held, which proved mostly c.v. although Dr. Harr,’ Frazer Nash. Ian Walker, using u Lea-Francts instead of his Austin 7. onlv lust made it. du:key-seat occupant bouncing furiously. and Thorpe’s Swift tourer. HamiltonAiould’s A-Ivre Citroen, Wickham’s Alvis and Tony limes 30 9g Vauxhall were among the unsuccesstul. the 1.1-named because they lOrgot to pump pressure into the petrol tank. In contrast. Barry Clarke’s Austin Grotty Chummy. trunk up behind. was irripresmVe. Roger Collings math, 1111111k 11111 in the only Edwardian entry. the 191i Zust on

7.00 21 rear tyres. and Fairle, Austin 7 Special had no trouble at all. Longhtust came up fast M his Riley 9 Special. 1-tarnish Mottatt looked all but out of control. so last was his Type II Bugatti motoring. and whereas Comn’s Austin Uhder Wit. Vet, dell:MIMI, (0.11tgan’s Vernon-1krby shuddered lIP easily at low revs. commas,’ on,a, 11,79

The Fight Goes On

wt. eiye ktters on the subject of the .911111ster ,,t liansport’s proposals to tax the possession of a vehicle rather than its i.e. and we hope that MP’s throUghout the count rv have been similarly inundated. Mr. Fowler has obviously taken some notice of the considerable adverse comment he must have reeeived. for in a ktier published early in I klober he slates: -I have, ot course, taken very carelul note of all the representation% We have ic,eived. We have not entered Into 11111 firm eollinilinient on the details and we will be anxious TO avoid unnecessary difficulties when we reach our ttnal conclusions. Let me emphastse that 1 shall be giving very careful consideration to all the comments and suggestions made to me. This will take time and a final deusion is not imminent This is hmieful. but no, victim, keep writing and fighting, • •

• • • The Fiat Dino Register

mi,i• Mt 111 1,1 S has mitten to tell us III ihis

reIL-iii lormed organ,ation. membership 01 winch is tree ealenng tor owner% ill the 21114 2 4-litre Ferrart-engined Spvder and Coupe cars made between 1967 and 1972 Die Re,ter is able to help Miller,. 01 such …Jr: with technical inhirmation and .1111 111 :Mt out obtaining 91.re pans. 111111111 111111d-,,ide. .111, asked to wine to Mike at 59. ,111,101I11 Valk. I unbrIdge 51 ‘II herit. • • •

• • • Vintage Tyre Consultant

RALPH 5911,111:. known to mane’ in Vintage:Hid Veteran elf1.11, 1111 1111 1111111.1.311ale De 1111111 011d GNI ears. Is retiring trom Ins post as manager id the Techmeal Sal, and Nowt., De:partition a. 1)unloiss alter Heal,’ a ghat ter a, 111111111 11116 the comptinv Ile iv, be tinning S’iniage 11111 Supplies. Me Middlesex based spe,alo Is obsolete tyre we.. a sonsultant to ads ise owners on then isle mohlems

ISGC — ontalued I’m page 16,

Parker and his passenger got their 1928 Austin 7 fabric saloon up by concerted sideways bouncing. Phillips’ irrepressible 7.17 Jowett two-seater puttered up to quite a rorty exhaust beat and Dunkerley’s Boulogne Frazer Nash. three up. was extremely good. Stretton’s Super Sports Frazer Nash had no trouble, and be now the surface had improved and no failures were noted. Marc’ Frazer Nash Fast Tourer touring up. Winder’s Chummy Austin managing in spurt a boiling radiator, while Laxton’s Austin 7 Chummy lust got up. in spite of bad moments before the lift-off.

Keith Hill and family in the ASS made it look easy. Riddle’s i.o.e tiN likewise. and whereas Peacop used plenty of revs from his Morris Minor, the berct-wearing Fenner showed how to do it at low torque, in his Riles’ 9. Lloyds was *1 very easy hill also but fortunately Cwmhevope levelled things up. with Moffatt, the wits’ one clean and at Pester Barry Clarke beat Moffatt. with Hirst’s Alvin leading in the opposite class. The afternoon was spent at the Pilleth Complex. where the farmer generously allows the VSCC to churn up his hills and the public to park in a lower field. Pilleth I. in spite of much recent rain, was easy, the grass long enough to keep the mud down. There were some complaintv of marshalling delays in the absence at walkie-talkie kits, so that Weeks was anxious about getting his BSA-powered GN home before darken its batters. lighting.

The only car I saw tail was Hancock’s 16.60 OM but Bendall had had tyre trouble so that his 30/98 had to use beaded-edge boots at the rear. and Peter Harris in the Rowley Wensum had suffered a split on rear hub, noticed fortunately before the splines were damaged. and had to borrow a wheel from Ghosh beftre ascending. Pileth 2 was much more difficult and Pileth 3 so far towards Heaven that it was not castly observed. The Lust was doing well, apart from a puncture. but all day Plant’s 1929 20 50 Mathis was plagued by plug trouble and overheating. However, variety is one of the highlights of the Welsh, and this year entries Included an Aero Morgan, the two GNs, a Salmson. two Model-A Ford saloons, Tom Threlfall’s familiar and efficient 192$ Tudor and Campbell’s ex-Barker I.h.d. Tudor, Thomas’s o.h.c. 11 12 Wolseley two more OMs. Mellish’s artillery’ wheeled 19.6 h.p. Crossley and Mrs. Kain in the Ts, 44A-powered Type 43 flown. — t3′ 13. Results Harry Bowler Trophy B. IM • Clarke, Austin Seven Prestiagne Trophy T. J. Threllall. Ford Model A Talyllyn Trophy D. Macmillan. Rolls Royce 21.1