Cars in Books, November 1973



I was intrigued to see reference to “Sicilian Circuit” in the correspondence columns of your October issue as I possess copies of both this book and also Lord Cottenham’s earlier work “All Out”, (which portrays the same set of characters).

Mr. Butler should really re-read his copy as it is the devilish Bolshevicks who are bent on sabotaging the gas-turbine car, and the Fascists are called in to frustrate their efforts. In fact the author makes several favourable comments on the efficiency of the Fascists and some idea of his sympathies can be perceived when one of the principal characters refers to the fate of erstwhile Holy Russia being controlled by “every ghetto — bred scoundrel from Riga to the Black Sea”. Modern Russian Jews might not agree!

I can recommend both these books as epitomising the spirit of the right crowd and no crowding era, and also for the thinly veiled portraits of leading racing motorists of the period.

Cleeve Prior C. J.T. McMeekin