


I read today that an unmarked red E-type Jaguar driven by Bucks police officers trapped no fewer than 132 motorists on the MI during a nine-day spell. I am totally opposed to the present stupid speed limits on motorways, and so I was rather angry to read about this. But my anger was intensified when I read that the police were driving a car on loan from Jaguars. [And it collects some £335 a day in fines, I believe—Ed.]

All niz,tor manufacturers supply police cars, and this is fair enough, but what on earth can Jaguars be thinking about to involve themseles in this kind of dirty trick. This seeems to me a most unpleasant and unfair piece of deception and it ill becomes Britain’s most famous sports car makers to be involved in it. To say that Jaguars were biting the hand that feeds them seems to me to be too mild a comment.

They produce a 150 miles-an-hour sports car for enthusiasts and then knowingly assist in a typical piece of underhand police activity aimed at enforcing a stupid law thought up by deskhound Whitehall bureaucrats led by a lady who has never driven in her life.

I am afraid we have come to expect the police, especially in Bucks, to use agent provocateur methods to trap the enthusiast driving at slightly over the limit. The sight of a red E-type in the mirror is enough to many enthusiasts accelerate a little and thus play right into the hands of the police.

If the police want to operate in disguise, then let them pay for their red E-types. Jaguars are doing a disservice to every enthusiast in the country by loaning cars for such a purpose. It is no use pleading ignorance because this matter has received publicity before. Most people who hold the name ” Jaguar ” in some esteem would join me in asking Sir William Lyons to make sure that his sports cars stay in the right hands in future.

Walsall. R. J. PORTER.