

Readers in north-east Middlesex may be interested to know of evening courses for owner-drivers in Motor Maintenance. The classes are of a theoretical and practical nature and are held from 7.15-9.15 on weekdays at White Hart Lane Old School, White Hart Lane, Wood Green, N.22.


This small group of enthusiastic clubmen who have been organising club races for single-seater cars built to a prescribed Formula have recently made a major change, to take effect in 1962. The existing rules give a very free choice of engine, and due to the close similarity with Formula Junior rules, thought up after the formation of the Monoposto Register, there has been a tendency to follow the unending spiral of Formula Junior development and cost, which is far above the pockets of the average clubman. In future, the Monoposto Register will cater only for vehicles built as single-seaters and using the I,172-c.c. Ford side-valve unit. By fixing this basic engine as the basis around which to build these single-seaters, it is felt that more equal racing will evolve, and the spiral of money chasing horsepower, as in Formula Junior, will be stemmed. As always, it is stressed that this form of Monoposto racing is strictly for the amateur clubman, and races at purely club level. are visualised.

For further details write to Mr. F. J. Tiedeman, 185, Swakeleys Road, Ickenham, Uxbridge, Middlesex.


This annual event, marshalled by Officer-Cadets of the R.M.A. Motor Sports Club took place in showery weather at the Royal Military Academy, under Capt. Boyd. The tests included the usual problem of getting into and out of very small garages,. driving blindfold, going as slowly as possible and then opening up, braking as close at possible to two soldier-dummies and checking oil-level in a pit stop. The best performance was by J. Smythson (1936. Talbot los saloon), runner-up being P. Moores (1931 open Talbot toy). ‘The Concours d’Elegance, judged by Georges Roesch and the Editor of MOTOR SPORT was won by G. Smith’s, immaculate 1913 12/16 Sunbeam which had been driven down from London accompanied by South’s imposing Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith. A. Forshaw’s 1929 twin-cam 3-litre Sunbeam, the ex-Barker 13rooklands car, one day to have its Cozette supercharger reinstalled but at present with twin carburetters was second. The South Trophy for the most deserving entry went to E. Price’s 1934 Sunbeam 25 saloon. Another interesting but unpainted entry was that of R. Carter, who came in one of the hst Sunbeam Speed zos, with open touring body.