Letters from readers, cont-14., November 1960




May I correct what could be a misleading report on the Peterborough M.C. meeting.

In the 1,172-c.c. event it was Eyre who spun on the approach to Woodcote, not Youlten as reported; in actual fact Youlten collided with Eyre and was then rammed by Dixon’s Lotus.

As for complimenting the Peterborough M.C. on its organisation, well that matter remains to be seen and is, its fact, the subject of an official protest now in the hands of the R.A.C.

May I state here and now that had the organising club, or the Clerk of the Course in particular, adhered to R.A.C. Rules this accident may well have been averted !

The bare facts are these: that seven drivers protested to the Clerk of the Course about grid positions (four of the fastest 1172 cars being in the rear ranks of the grid), yet no action was taken. Then when the accident occurred John Eason-Gibson was heard, by three witnesses, to call for the Red Flag and, as in last year’s Peterborough M.C. meeting when a man lay critically injured at Copse, this could not be found !!

And this is considered good organisation! In my opinion such people should never be allowed to organise a race meeting until they arc fully conversant with all the R.A.C. Rules and have skilled officials to see that these rules are carried out.