Letters from readers, cont-12., November 1960



Mr. Henderson, in his letter in the October issue, has virtually said that Jack Brabham is not worthy of a World Championship title, as he is not nearly as versatile a driver as previous World Champions and because he has never signed on with any other works team other than Cooper.

Jack Brabham thoroughly deserves to be World Champion driver; the ruling states that points leading up to this title are to be collected in all Grand Prix Formula 1 events; nothing more than that. Brabham has fought every inch of the way in Grand Prix events during the past year or so, in order to become the World Champion driver. Whether he has entered in other types of motor racing or not it makes no difference: if he was unable to drive a Go-Kart he has still proved himself to be the best amongst the finest drivers in the World, in the kind of events which are only for the “elite.” It appears that Jack Brabham has used a good deal of sense in driving for Coopers over so many years; he has shown that he is also a very consistent driver.

Only the other day I was reading in a popular motoring weekly that had anyone even hinted at the fact by the end of 1958 that Brabhham was a possible contender for World Championship honours in 1959, it would most certainly have been laughed off as a naïve joke. Well done, Jack! you deserve your title, and remember, Mr. Henderson, ” World Champion Driver of the World ” does not necessarily mean “The best and most versatile driver of the year.” A few months ago MOTOR SPORT readily admitted that Moss was the greatest driver of our time.