Letters from readers, cont-9., November 1960




In your December 1959 issue, in the article ” 2,000 Miles in the 80-Bore Ford,” you stated: “Moreover, the early claims for 43 m.p.g., and later of ‘up to 50 m.p.g.,’ which emanated front Dagenham publicity sources, are not met with under road-test conditions, although a light-footed owner should achieve 40 m.p.g.”

In fairness to Ford, I think I should give you the figures I obtained during a week’s possession of an Anglia, during which 986 miles were covered. The overall figure, involving hard and light, and mountain and flat country driving was 38.6 m.p.g. The 41  miles which were covered, by no means with a light foot or nursing in the intermediate gears, but never exceeding an indicated 55 m.p.h.. returned a figure of 49.3 m.p.g. The 3,000-mile mark on the mileage recorder was passed while the car was in my hands. No oil was used during the 986 miles.