Letters from readers, cont-8., November 1960



Sir. Mr. Isaacs’ letter in your September issue about the World’s Most Exciting Light Car prompts me to relate my own experiences. I bought a Ford New Anglia in November of last year, and since that time the following excitements have been provided :

The choke setting had been factory adjusted in a permanently open position. Could this have been the cause of the engine stalling mentioned in your road test ?

The throttle control arm on the carburetter came apart, releasing the engine to full throttle in a crowded London street. This was a great thrill.

More engine failure called for a new carburetter needle valve (unobtainable outside London).

Several springs fell out of the driver’s seat and one came through the p.v.c. at the back.

One door pull disintegrated.

One door keep is missing altogether.

It needs two people to prise the near-side door open.

The flasher unit started indicating two directions at once and had to be replaced.

After buying new wiper blades and changing them round I finally gave up all hope of a clean windscreen. At 13,000 miles the clutch packed up and had to be completely replaced. (The pedal rubber lasted three weeks.)

At 15,000 miles the engine has a blood-curdling death-rattle, but I am told that ” all Fords do this.”

For the long-suffering and always helpful dealers—Moon’s Motors of Ruislip—I have nothing but praise, and the Anglia is a pleasure to drive when everything is working, but I no longer get a thrill out of wondering what will happen next. I offer no prizes to MOTOR SPORT readers for guessing the identity of the car that will replace the Anglia.