VINTAGE POSTBAG cont., November 1960


Sir. Reading your comment regarding a Hispano-Suiza lorry, prompts me to send you the enclosed snapshot which was taken in Barcelona whilst I was on a visit to Spain. [Picture not reproduced.—Ed.]

Standing in the road beside a melon market was this lorry which I think is a Hispano-Suiza. circa 1922.

Also enclosed is a snapshot of an old Chevrolet truck. This was seen in the early afternoon and the driver was then sleeping in the back! Note the trolley on the wing and the cans on the roof for carrying water for the radiator, a common sight in Spain.

The S.P. stands for Servico Publico, which means that the vehicle is licensed by the authorities for public service carrying.

All vehicles in Spain carry only one registration letter, representing the initial letter of the town or city where the vehicle was registered. Hence T for Tarragona and B for Barcelona.

Vehicles of this age are a common sight throughout Spain and my only regret was that I was unable to bring home one of them as a museum piece instead of allowing them to disappear into a limbo of lost souls.