M.G. Records at Utah


Following the successful record attempts by the Austin-Healey Sprite at Utah, the supercharged M.G. EX-181 was taken out by Phil Hill to attack Class E (up to 2,000 c.c.) records.

The record for the flying kilometre was set at 254.91 m.p.h. and that for the flying mile at 254.53 m.p.h. Other records taken by Hill include the flying five kilometres at 232.97 m.p.h., the five miles at 238.36 m.p.h., the 10 kilometres at 234.49 m.p.h., and the 10 miles at 191.03 m.p.h. which is rather a drop on the 10 kilometres speed, suggesting that some trouble intervened, but full details of the run have not yet filtered back to Britain.

The record attempts were delayed for some time owing to the state of the Bonneville Salt Flats after some days of torrential rain.