A Sunbeam Anniversary


Nineteen fifty-nine is the 60th anniversary of the old Sunbeam Motor Co. and the 50th of Louis Coatalen joining that famous firm.To celebrate these anniversaries the Rootes Group threw an excellent party for Sunbeam Register members and Sunbeam personalities at the Sunbeam-Talbot factory at Ryton-on-Dunsmore on October 17th, with a tour of the factory, cocktails, lunch, tea and a film-show. Coatalen was absent with influenza but Albert Divo, of Castrol, was a welcome guest — he won the 1923 Spanish G.P. for Sunbeam, etc. Driving tests were organised by Garrad at Ryton. The cavalcade then moved on to Wolverhampton, where Mrs. Boddy held a Martini party at Guy Motors. On the Sunday a navigational run, parade (in which Divo rode in Heal’s twin-cam 3-litre Sunbeam and later in South’s 1913 12/16 Sunbeam) took place in Wolverhampton, followed by a Civic Reception given by the Mayor at the Town Hall to competitors and ex-Sunbeam employees.


Driving Tests:

1st: V. Rawlings (1913 Talbot 90) — Rootes Award.

2nd: A. C. M. Millar (1927 Twin-cam 3-litre Sunbeam).

3rd: A. Rawlings (1928 14/45 Talbot).

Navigation Run:

1st: F. W. Joyce (1933 Sunbeam Speed Twenty) — Rootes Cup.

2nd: R. H. de B. Wilmot (1931 Sunbeam Dawn).

3rd: A. C. M. Millar (1927 Twin-cam Sunbeam).

Pride of Ownership:

1st: R. Davis (1930 Sunbeam Sixteen) — Express and Star Trophy.

2nd: H. Williams (19826 Sunbeam Twenty).

3rd: L. Thomas (1932 Talbot 75).

Perkins Trophy (most deserving entry): A. Heib/A. Lomas (1926 Twin-cam 3-litre Sunbeam).

South Trophy (most interesting entry): M. Roderick (1925 20/60 Sunbeam).

Special Trophy (car in everyday use as only car): F. W. Joyce (1933 Sunbeam Speed Twenty)