Printers' Error


Our printers sometimes take it upon themselves for some reason to presume to know more about motoring than the editorial staff, and sometimes even to know more about our advertisers’ products than the advertisers themselves. In last month’s issue we published an advertisement for Valspar, the 2-4 hour lacquer. Unfortunately our printers decided that no lacquer could dry in under four hours so promptly dropped the hyphen, turning it into 24-hour lacquer. As anyone who has used this excellent paint well knows, Valspar does indeed dry within four hours, and if care is taken in preparation a first-class finish can be obtained.

A Castrol Film Show

At a Press and Trade showing C. C. Wakefield & Co., Ltd., makers of Castrol Oil, presented three new films for release to clubs this winter. The programme catered for all tastes, with a film on Scooter Sport, showing the fun and games that Scooter Clubs have with their Vespas and Lambrettas; a Rally film with a difference which was about the Coronation Safari in East Africa, and a vivid action film of the motor-cycle French Grand Prix on the new Clermont-Ferrand circuit, which is a photographer’s paradise. All three are in full colour and the Safari film in particular made good use of this, showing scenery and Rally conditions beyond the belief of European Rally enthusiasts. All are available on loan and are on 16mm. Kodachrome.