The Late Peter Whitehead


We wish to express our deep regret at the fatal accident which befell Peter Whitehead when he was a passenger in a Jaguar driven by Graham Whitehead in the Tour de France. Peter Whitehead was one of the last remaining amateur drivers of whom the pre-war races at Brooklands and Donington were largely composed but who, with the increasing commercial management of motor racing, have been replaced since the war by many professionals. Peter was a gentleman farmer who raced as a sport and will be remembered for the stirring drives he shared before the war with Peter Walker in an E.R.A.. and by his subsequent fast but characteristic steady races in Alta and Ferrari cars and tua splendid exploits with Jaguars at Le Mans. A typical farmer. Whitehead was quiet, almost shy by nature, but a talented racing driver who drove fast without unnecessary fireworks. Perhaps the best attribute to his character away from motor racing has been paid by one of his former racing mechanics, who testifies to the fair-minded generosity and appreciation shown by Whitehead as an employer, which is in happy contrast to many present-day business tycoons. Whitehead is mourned by the whole motor-racing fraternity and particularly by those who recall the pre-war days of the amateur racing drivers.-W. B,