Southern Jowett Car Club


On Sunday, September 27th, the Southern Jowett Car Club held a mixed event for members. In the morning a map-reading point-to-point run was organised around Addington, Surrey, and the afternoon rendezvous was near Wrotham, Kent. The morning was misty and the full effect of the picturesque route planned was lost. However, the weather provided added map-reading hazards. Results: 1st, Mrs. Fitzpatrick (Morris Minor); 2nd, D. E. White (Javelin); 3rd, Mrs. Rimer (Jowett Eight).

The afternoon was filled with several tests calling for accurate judgment on the part of drivers and passengers. In one test a relatively short length of cotton affixed to each car respectively and a tree had to be brought to the taut position on the passenger’s instructions. The runs were also timed. Results: 1st, D. E. White (Javelin) and J. Ashton (Javelin) — tie; 3rd, R. Palmer (Austin).

Another test required the driver to judge well ahead of himself the spacing between two markers so that during his run forward his front wheels would pass over both markers.

The ladies’ event was won by Mrs. White.

The day’s events were concluded by a regularity test over a 10-mile road course.

Details of membership may be obtained from the Hon. Secretary, Mr. R. Knight, 390, Hoe Street, Walthamstow, E.17.