S.C.C.A. School for Racing Drivers at Sowega


We have received the following from the S.C.C. of America, Inc.:

“The Sports Car Club of America will inaugurate a school for racing drivers at the Sowega International Sports Car Races to be held on October 25th at Turner Air Force Base, Albany, Georgia. This new school will he set up on Saturday, October 24th, for entrants who desire instruction in driving techniques. The top drivers of the S.C.C.A. will be on hand to coach the pupils. George Huntoon, veteran driver and Chairman of the S.C.C.A. Activities Committee, will organise the school and head up the list of instructors. Other top pilots such as Briggs Cunningham, Phil Walters, Bill Spear, John Fitch and many others will be there to give free help and instruction to entrants.

“A briefing period will be held at 8.30 a.m. Saturday following which the instructors will ride with the pupils and coach them on the finer points of handling a racing machine in competition. The most important thing which can he obtained from this school is the opportunity to learn what is and what is not considered to be a safe practice. Aside from actual driving techniques, the following points will be covered by the instructors: Safe passing practices, avoiding of blocking, power slides and spin recovery, safe approach and exit from turns, and accident anticipation and avoidance.

“The purpose of this novel school is not to develop a new batch of ‘Nuvolari,’ but to teach new competition drivers to handle a car well and safely. It is expected that many of the new drivers, as well as some with considerable experience will take advantage of the opportunity of receiving instruction from these capable teachers.”

[And if the “teachers” survive this they will have proved themselves even better drivers than we thought them! — Ed.]

New Castrol Appointments

Following the retirement of W. E. Davey, C. C. Wakefield & Co., Ltd., announce the appointment of W. J. Wallace, formerly Assistant Manager, as Manager of their Motor Manufacturers Department. At the same time, H. W. Appleton becomes Divisional Manager.