

We recently had the opportunity to inspect the latest production from the Alfa-Romeo factory, known as the Jeep Ardibia Alfa-Romeo 1900. This is a rather large version of the well-known .Jeep,” which carries six people and is propelled by the four-cylinder twin-o.h.e. 1,900-c.c. engine as used in the current

production saloons. It has by wishbones and torsion bars and all the usual abilities and attributes of a ” .Jeep ” or Land Rover, such as four-wheel drive and varieties of ratios. With a maximum of’ 75 m.p.h. it would appear to be quite a sporting vehicle for the Italian Army. especially if the road-holding is up to normal Alfa standards. Already we can vjsummjise Ike basis of some. of next year’s It-at ian Imme-brewed speeials !