Formula 1's summer of love: the 1967 season
The 1967 season was a halcyon time for the young Nigel Roebuck, who recalls tracksides echoing to Sgt Pepper as Clark, Gurney and Hulme roared by. Hippies hoped for…
Air. Il. IlarvvyIcas bo,ti apiaantrd Publicit y laikager of It’ttrtt !ft, 1.(.1.. :tad %till bt. resittair,flatt
La the Sites Sir, fOr the atIvertisim.t itoil public r,•;at ions u-I Sill’s Of I hi’ ..tupany. Sir. Harvey ittov,,,I foal’ Itionitittliatil whi-re was with known for his tieth it WS lei Chairman of the (oval branch althe A..sorjation Slut 14.00.(ler
ClilOrnian of the Itioningloon 01.11(1.trs’ Club.
Prior ml Ow War In, was for it milliner of years 011 t be Stair Of The Birminqhant 1’0.4 anki forsook riaath Estate to take all important appointment. in the world ni etiterfainniont. In May, Mu, Aft. Harvey Joimal Ill., It Ntw servkiin the NVI•stern 1.b:Aert, Tobruk, Egypt, Palta4ine and Syria, Ortriniasioncil jut (hitb•bl, In. was appointed Wit1fare (neer tO the sth Army, iutil then Stall captain ro rho headqaarters in Palestine. la 1911, wain, senior Administrative Stair ()Illecr of an Infantry Irntaxic Group, in Ow campaign,
with rank of Major.