The September B.A .R.C. Goodwood


The September B.A.R.C. Goodwood Meeting

Dr. Giuseppe Farina Wins Three Races and Raises Lap Record to 97.36 m.p.h. for Alfa-Romeo. Stirling Moss Takes Three Firsts and a Second in H.W.M. and Jaguar Type C Cars. Bad Accident to Brian Shawe-Taylor.

It is always pleasant to go to Goodwood. You hear praise of the facilities on all sides and the short, Brooklandsstyle races are most entertaining. Consequently a large if not record crowd flocked there on September 29th to enjoy an excellent “card ” in ideal weather. They saw Farina, in an old style 159 Alfa-Romeo—the type with swing-axle rear suspension, forward-facing duct to the air intake and single exhaust pipe — raise the lap-record to 97.36 m.p.h. and win every race for which it was entered, including one immensely exciting handicap in which Farina, driving magnificently, caught Moss’ HW.M. on the run-in to the finish.

Ascari was an absentee, so Reg. Parnell gratefully took over Vandervell’s Thinwall Ferrari, now endowed with B.R.M. three-leading shoe Girling brakes. No B.R.M. ran, the Bourne boys being far more concerned about making certain of winning all the 1952 Grands Prix ! Incidentally, had a B.R.M. run the B.A.R.C. proposed to give it 7 sec. start in the Third September Handicap from Farina’s AlfaRomeo and the Ferrari— verb. sap. ! • • •

• • • Madgwick Cup (5-laps scratch) Up to 2,000-c.c. non-sic, 1,1007c.c. sic

The green single-seater II.W.NLs dominated this race. pursued by Merriek’s Cooper-Nor-J.A.P., now with Mk V chassis, which was audibly off form. Macklin led hip one, moss close behind and waving an aria, Merrick third. A lap later it was Macklin. Moss. still waving, then Abecassis. On lap three Moss took the lead, lapping at. /16.54 m.p.h. Stokes spun his Alta on the first lap, Barber’s Cooper Sounded unwell, and the single-seater Connaught. was a last-minute non-starter. 1st : s. NWss t11.W.M.). wont ipy tAn sec, at 8,1,53 2nd : 3rd Al””‘ ‘ e’is ( • M

3rd Al””‘ ‘ e’is ( • M Woodcote Cup (5 laps, scratch) Formule Libre

With the B.R.M., Fotlwringham-Parlives Maserati. the ConnattgInt, the A.J.R. Spero’s Maserati and Good hew Alfa-Romeo non-starters, IS cars formed up tint the grid. Of these, Branea’s Masendi required new plugs alai got away late. Farina’s engine was started with. one minute to go, and the ISO Alfa-Romeo simply walked away from the rest. pursued by Parnell in the Ferrari who closed up a little into the corners but never came to grips wit It the great Farina, who drove a splendid race, setting the lap-record to 96.02 m.p.h. Way hack. Tony Rolt was applauded for a tine run in Rob Walker’s E.R.A.-Delage, which kept. the E.R.A.s and Maseratis behind it. James’ Maserati seemed to get in the way

PRA ClICE NOTES Johnnie. Clues had the ex-Brook 4ct,a’ Maserati

Johnnie. Clues had the ex-Brook 4ct,a’ Maserati hot he wasn’t very punctual for practice. David Murray brought the ex-Whitehead Ferrari, now with 2-litre engine, David Hampshire OM No. 1 K. tLA :mil Ken Wharton was handling Bell’s E.R.A. in It•litre form as well as the Crmnard-Snecial. Big 11111 Whitehouse was trying Watson’s 2-litre Alta, hampered by magneto trouble in practice and inability to exceed :3.710 r.p.m.. on race day, while Alta-Sport brought their tuiblown 2-litre for Stokes to drive—it was pulling a 3.8 axle ratio—but couldn’t get the Cowell blown II-litre ready in time. Stokes’ tight leg was still in Master following a road aecident. Boyce had entered veteran Austin Seven driver H. C. Spero to drive the ex-Bira ” 2.9 ” Maserati, now red and with it front shoek-akorbers now COMM in but otherwise mainly original and still beautifully turned-out. trnfortunately it rolled over at Matgwiek Corner, but very gently, so that only mild damage resulted. It wos scratched front its race, however, Allard was running Ins CadillacAllard as 5. ” racer,” suns front wings, and Baring entered a Cadillac-Allard, with the usual twin (1.41. carburetters on Detroit Engineering Equipment manifolds, Ina it wouldn’t run properly and did not race ott the Sattmlay. Willment tried his hand with the ex-Folland 2i ire Ferrari, now blue, and Keen had the ex-Peter Clark monopinee Lett-Franviglf . ILl I. ‘rile r-11.M.W., with offset transmiSsion, the ‘horror Special and the I..arngia were down to race. Tony Branca brought a latish INA’ Maserati, as did Baird. who also had the touring-bodied Ferrari for the Sports Car Race, now declared as a 2,3-litre. Branca, you recall, drove a Simea at Jersey last year, ‘1 jIll Seecombe and A. Sullivan SharNi till’ ” Reruns ” from the Hamilton/ Parker stable. Daman Iiamitton was in trouble with a broken Inlet rocker and bent push-rod on his IAV.:?)/Falls)t,. Incidents, at-art. front Spero’s inversion. involved Jantes’ Maserati, at Woodeoto. and Shawc-Taylor, 1111025. E.R.A, spun oil at Madgwiek, Farina brought the Alfa-Romco from Italy in a vast Dodge track, aecormianied by three meehanies. Ile male best practice time in 1 min. 30.4 sec., 03.38 M.p.h., (0 Parnell’s 95.15 and Reg, was trying his hardest. Moss .put the l’ype C sports Jaguar round at an incredible 80.37 m.p.h., stoplamps winking, laing only slightly faster in the M., at, 87 m.p.h.. which Alin equalled. For once the peace Of Cloodwoocl was iindislurbeil by ” 501a.” which the B.A.R.C_ had heckled to St11114-110Wit 1 n faV011r Of newts AN, pl•riatls LC( arise, if theN hadn’t. the Half-Litre ChM might have stood dOW11 itself unless guaranteed a return of entry fees to starters, I thr ticar and Hampshire took to the grass in a vain attempt to pass, a practice they frown on at Goodwood. Shawe-Taylor was fourth, ahead of Poore, whose big Alfa-Romeo lacked its usual top-end poke, A. G. Whitehead’s E.R.A. was sixth, followed by Hatailton’s sick Talbot, minus compression and so oiling-up on one eylinder, and Allard finisIVII eighth, fending of 4CLT Maseratis, of which Claus’ had caught Hat npshire’s E. [LA. 011 the last lap. Farina’s average was 0.29 111./,,11. Itigiter than Parnell’s old lap-record Farira ( Alm• Romeo>. ivoi, by 7.1 Ill 94.s3 19e1 : It. Varied! (Pena

led : P. It. Rolt Weisge).

Sports Car Race (5 laps, scratch) Over 1,500-c.c., to 3,500-c.c. non-sic :Moss, on the front NAV of the starting

on NAV grid with Crook’s, Clarke’s and Peacock’s Frazer-NasItes, led tltroughout in lie’ Type C Jaguar, making fastest lap at 84.53 m.p.h. Indeed, Clarke’s Frazer-Nash. was 13 seconds behind at the finish. Howarth’s X K120 Jaguar third, Crook fourth. Once

again Frazer-Nash had demonstrated their superiority over all other sports ears save the Type C. in spite of having engines which are small by prevailing sports-car standards. Howarth, who had the fastest of the eleven XI:120s, has spent some time at Jaguars learning how to make these ears go, with noticeably good results. Crook was fourth. Fotheringham-Parker fifth, Peacock sixth, Craig seventh. Baird’s Ferrari eighth.

1st : s. Mom (.1a’3llar), won by 13 sec. at 83.417 M.p.h.

2titl : D. A. Clarke (Frazer-Nash).

3rd : F. II. Howarth (Jaguar).

First September Handicap (5 laps) Racing Cars As the 14 runners lined John IhnIster

As the 14 runners lined up, John IhnIster remarked, via the P.A., that the Shelsley record-holder was on ” limit ” in the Cromard Special. Wharton was hastily docked 30 sec. of his generous start and Bucknall’s blown, 1,087-e.c. M.G. left first. But on lap two Ken, although not entirely at home as yet in the Lea-Francisengined Cromard, was in the lead, although the car’s bonnet had fallen off. Dunham’s game old Alvis was coming along fast from the same mark, and Vlharton Snaked a bit through the bends as he strove to retain his lead. Merrick, too, was in a hurry in the (‘ooper-NorJ.A.P., and put up fastest lap, at a very

notable 87A)7 indieating that it is still our most. potent. n01.1111118 II car ! NVItarton got. over the line with a comfortable lead from Dunham, with Merrick 3 sec. behind the Alvis. Lewis and Maall had started together in their ” 2.6 ” AlfaRMAteos and antiMpated a grand scrap, butt Mann was the faster and then Lewis and Hawthorn (in his T.T. Riley) had ant incident together. Lewis spinning round twice and being flagged off after restarting. Downing. whose 11-litre COrtnaught went. very last in practice, and which has the ” raeino. ” four-carburetter layont, never really got going, the (+Itch refusing to grip. This race was almost ” pure Brooklands ” and very good value.

151 : K. Wharton tf ‘romard Special/. min.

53 see. Won by S see, at st.2111n,p,h.

2,p(1 F. Dunham A Ivls), 11Iitl. 53 sVe. ml : it. 5I rick ((‘otmer-Nor-J.A.P.), min.

Second September Handicap (5 laps) Sports Cars On paper Moss, in the Type C Jaguar,

paper looked to have an all but impossible task as, from scratch, he had to make up over It) see, a lap on it ” Silverstone ” !leaky and S see, a lap on a bunch of Xt? 120s, while Clarke’s rapid Frazer-Nash could never be caught. However, althoundt the Healey of de Edwards led for two laps and Clarke’s Frazer-Naslt on the third, Clarke had trouble and finally retired, with a broken oil pipe. Stirling ‘4VaS lirth at the end of lap two, third on lap three, and hen passed into the lead at St. Mary’s on the fourth lap. To

do this he lapped at 86.02 m.p.h., in spite of having so many ears to overtake ! Yet, as usual, he made it lonk an entirely effortless drive. Moss had seeured his third win of the day ! Itiseley-Priteltard’s NE:120 spun at .11;1dg-wick. elottted the straw laths, then slid backwards mind the officials’ funk-hole into a parked Morris Minor. The Morris was slightly dented, the Jaguar undamaged. and the driver apologised very nicely to Lt.-Col. Baker, whose Morris it was. 1st : S. Ma.ts (Jaloar), scratch. Wou by I5J1 so’. at 8.1.16

2nd : 11. Howarth (.Ja:mar), win. 15 see. :1rd : P. Fotherintrhant-Parker (Jaguar), Omni. IS SeP.

Third September Handicap (5 laps) Racing Cars

This was quite the finest race ever seen at Goodwood and a complete justification for short handicap races. Parnell was on ‘scratch with Farina and the 11.W.M.s had 47 see. start. Moss got off well and led lap one from team-mate AbeeaSsis. the two slim green H.W.M.s, followed by Whitehouse in Watson’s Alta. Graham Whitehead’s E.R.A. was already fourth, pursued by a determined Rolt in the dark blue E.R.A.-Delage. Burnout beat Class on getaway and then Parnell beat Farina to it, being first into Madgwick. After a lap, however, the Alfa-Romeo led the Ferrari, hut Parnell was closing on it at times and certainly giving it no mercy. Hamilton. Talbot still skit, waved Farina by. After two laps it was still Moss, Abecassis, Whitehouse, and on lap three the leaders were likewise, only now Farina and Parnell were sixth and seven’.11, instead of ninth and tenth. Parnell. driving splendidly. couldn’t kohl the Ilying AlfaRomeo, which Farina was driving SO calmly yet. so very, very fast, passing left or right of other ears as expedient. After four laps the two 11.W.M.s were still leading, latt Moss’ had a trace of niisliriiig; Itt.slt was third. but Farina was oh se !whim’. On the intense last, lap the crowd was breathless with excitement as loss pressed every mawe from. the and Farina, now seessnd, streaked down the back-leg in pursuit. Into Woodeote Stirling just led, but only just. Yet he went through, they said, every bit as fast. as Farina, who, however, passed on the run-in, to win this great race try a nwre two seconds ! Reg. was third. AbeeaSsis fourth, the gaps 2.4 and 0.4 seerespectively. Twice had Farina emndled the lap record he set. in the seeonsl race ; the Alfa-Romeo lwat the TIsinwall Ferrari by 4.4 see. Grand

stuff ! 1st : st. Purina (Alfadnimeo), KTatell. Won 1.Y

2 see. at 115.5 m.p.h. 2,141: S. Sin:: (11..W.5I,k, ti Ser

tot 1.1. Parnell (Ferrari>, s,..1 5111..

Fourth September Handicap (5 laps) Racing Cars

Eleven cars started ; Webb•44 Turner

wehtl Nvas mysteriostsly Mut solivapped 27 sec. Richards’ Riley Special soon made up its 10 see. on the ” limit ” Lotus-Austin, and led for four laps, but on the last. Keen’s 1-1.11 G. got by. Leonard’s Ferrari-like Cooper-M.(. was third and Shavve-‘Paylois E.R.A. seventh, from scratelt. Chevdl stopped at Madgwick on lap two believing his Alvis to be breaking tip, but it. was merely it loose stay elouting the body ! Loog after the rest. Wu! finished Southon was still circulating in Rohll’s ” 2.3 ” Alfa-Romeo. Keen dill fastest lap, at 82.86 m.p.h.

1st : 51. .1. 0. Keen 111,11.0,), II lain. 45 see .

%Von liv 3 see. at sot)] m.p.h.

.?.nd : H. A. His:bards (Itiley-tinveittl), I min. :Ift sta. Sol : 1,. 1,omanl (l ’00per-211.( ; .1, Init.. SS set.t.

” Daily Graphic” Goodwood Trophy Race (IS laps, scratch)— Formula I

So to Ow hig Foxe of the day—and no B.R.M. ! Although Parnell took the least initially (lapping at over 05 from a standing start !) and led lap one, it seemed a foregone ecmelusion that Farina would win soul this he did. swopping places with Reg. on lap two and thereafter driving through the race impeccably, passim,. slower ears without hesitation and taking the left-tem(‘ (-snare past the Paddoek in a true four-wheel-drift. Ile raised la, hop record 97.3(1 m.p.h., beating Parnell’s original Ferrari record In’ 2.86 ut.p.‘11., and winning easily, at

over 05 nt.1).11.. No (1011bI the latest Alfa-Romeo or Ferrari would have mot the lats-record above 100 m.p.h., as (lie MARX. had anticipated. Parnell did ;ill that was possible and took his defeat with it broad smile (but. ILIUM. owed him it good car for this race). Ife wallaby lapped only 1.4 .sec. slower thaw Farhat. Itolt WaS a splendid third, going round at approximately 91 m.p.h., all hough sr lap behind, having just. held off Gerard’s brilliantly handled E.R.A. I hroughout. MOSS clung, if less effectively towards the end, to Gerard’s tail in the HAV.11., Wharton (E.R.A.) was sixth, Abeeassis (1 W,M.) seventh, rotlowed by :lames’ Maserati and, two laps behind, 1N’hitehouse in the Alta. Unfortunately a bad accident befell Shawe-Taylor. Third off at the start, Ito was obviously determined to make his old C-type KRA. tick, lie slid off the outside of Woodcote on this first lap while still third but, keeping the engine going, saw a gap after Baird’s Maserati Iad gone by in tenth place and stmt. from the shrubbery, pulled over to let. .1 araeS” MaSera I’ i by. I., len aCeeleratei I away. Alas, approaelting St. Mary’s oss lap Iwo I tranea slid, spun and struck the E.R.A. which was following. It went. end-overend, the near-side front wheel and suspension unit Iwing torn off. it was some time before the and mlatiee look tilkawcTaylor away, badly hurt. Branca’s Maserati suffered a crushed 110Se MOO. The rare WaS -now nearly over, and Stokes’ Alta had retired on lap live. on which lap Baird took eighth place from Hiontsshire, who also dropped out. On lap seven Whiteitead got byJames and was in turn passed on the right out of Woodeote I iy the flying Farina. Whitehead, however, retired MI I Ito Dial It hip. After I his It to outer was flitch:owed 10

the end.

1st : 0, Farina (Alla-Hottivnb Won by kfw., fit 1)5,11 m.p.h.

2tul : It. Parnell (Ferrari y.

Stal : A. I’. it, 8011 (I 55.1g.’), It taps.