CLUB AFFAIRS, November 1951



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The directors of the Scottish Racing Club, Ltd., report that at a special meeting held at Bellshill on September 20th, along with the owners of 500-c.e. racing ears in Scotland, it was unanimously agreed that the club should become the organising body for these drivers.

The club has been successful in obtaining permission from the Town Council of Kirkcaldy to hold a 5004t.e. race nweting. at their Beveridge Park in the spring of 1952. There is a most interesting road circuit of 1.3 miles, situated in beautiful park land, which will provide excellent sport and tax the skill of the most proficient driver. There is also ample ac(‘ommodation for spectators and an excellent. car 1).trk.

All personsinterested in the development of 500,e.e, motor racing in Scotland are requested to conununicate with the club at 27, Stirling Road, Edinburgh, 5.

The V.S.C.C. of Australia has issued the second number of its S. Australian Division, Vintage Ileg,ister ; it is a special Bugatti number. Hon. Sec. : IL W. Short, Box 90, P.O., Rundle Street, Adelaide.

A Wolverhampton and South Staffordshire C.C. has been formed in Wolverhampton to cater for the social and sporting requirements of entlutsiasts in that area of Staffordshire south of but including Stafford. An initial membership of 50 is promised and the club will seek affiliation to the R.A.(7. Hon.

See, of the new club is V. Fullwood of the Staffordshire Tyre Co., Chapel Ash, Wolverhaini1ton. * * *

From this month onwards the first Monday evening monthly meetings of the 750 Club will take place, not at the, ” Red Cow,” lianunersinith, but at the Abbey Hotel, North Circular Road, Stonebrklge Park, near the Ace Service Station. * * *

P. C. Warwicker has offered to compile a list of Clyno owners and requests that details of these ears, notes on sources of spare parts and other relevant matter be addressed to him at Ambergate House, Net herlield, Nottingham. * * *

The Morgan Three-Whoeler Club prints its monthly Bulletin but is short of material for it. No doubt voluntary contributions about. :Morgans, perhaps front 1nts4 owners, would be welcome.

The Editor is :Marshall, 21, Kenilworth Road, Edgware Way, ‘Middlesex.