BOOK REVIEWS, November 1951, November 1951




CAN MoThlt Can.” by J. L. Elbert. (168 pages, 5 dollars, or VI 17s. 6d.) Nicely produced, if soft-cover, this big and lavishly illustrated book is a mine of information about the t)tesenberg, concerning which so much interest exists in the States. It contains reproductions of magazine articles and, advertisements on the car, in the Clymer Style, as well as Elbert’s own material. There are ownersurveys of past and present owners of

the 470 Model-4 Duesenbergs -how these people work, even journalists !and sketches by Stolter MaeMinn. Vivian Gray is the sole agent outside America and (‘anada.

To celebrate fifty years of progress Jowett Cars, Ltd., have proditeed If charming book, written by their Advertising and 1,00(1011 ‘Manag,er, .h)lin BaldWill. It IS by Ili) ineans it directory of the older Jowett models, III &t it does recall for the N.Inta,re-ntinded, by way of delightful drawings by Erie Fraser, some or the Jowetts that made a name for I hemselves NV /ICH we were y011.112. Sttelt glimpses into history are a tonic to vintage nostalgia-can anyone lind us a 1929

Jowett ” penny-a-miter light I lease ‘t The book also introduces the present JoWett cars and illustrates some of the methods employed in the modern IllIc factory.