Report of Recent Events


Reports of Recent Events


With a time of :3(1.02 sec., Ken Wharton lowered the car record for the hill and also bettered the absolute record held by a Vincent-If. R.D. motor-cycle. In practice Dennis Poore recorded 36.92 sec., the first time the 1,000 yards have ever been covered in under 37 sec. An unfortunate accident happened to A. J. Butterworth, when the A.J.B. hit the bank at Kennel Bend, tore off a rear wheel and left the road. Butterworth was badly hurt.


This ” extra ” meeting, not we hope the last car meeting at this venue, was run off expeditiously with a minimum of fuss. The 10-lap Final of the Formula III race was a really desperate battle between Headland (Cooper) who had won Heat 1 at 73.57 m.p.h. and Brandon (Cooper) who had won Heat 2 (both of five laps) at 75.16 m.p.h. Headland led away, Eric passed him to lead at the end of lap 2, then, cornering right on the limit, and seemingly courting disaster, Headland flung his Cooper in front again. Brandon, far more steady, although Headland became less wild as the race proceeded, didn’t catch his rival until two laps from the end. He won by a mere 1.2 sec. at 76.38 m.p.h. Leston’s J.B.S. was third, followed by Habin’s J.B.S. and then by ” Curly Dryden (J.B.S.), who just kept ahead of Parker’s J.B.S. Mins looked unhappy in his newly acquired Monaco. Chapman’s gall uit 4i-litre Bentley won the vintage race, Downing’s fast Connaught netted two more wins, and at last Crozier’s great 8-litre Bentley found adequate anchorage, winning the. big sports car scratch race at 72.7 m.p.h., ably pursued by Symondson’s Type 57S Bitgatti on which XK 120s, ” Silverstone ” Ilealeys and even Stoop’s ” Mille Miglia ” Frazer-Nash could make no impression. An Austin A40 Sports -won the second handicap after Howell’s limit Austin Seven with standard suspension and three-speed gearbox had led for three of the live laps. A feature of’ this race, and of the M.G. Handicap, was the spirited cornering of Scott-Brown in it ” TD ” M.G. A good finale to a season of highly entertaining Silverstone Club Meetings. May they resume in 1952 1 Results :

500-CC. RAci)to Cmts, HEAT 1.-Ist : C. D. Headland (Cooper), 7:5.57 m.p.h. ; 2nd : L. Leston (.11.11.8.); :3rd : W. Webb (Cooper). HEAT 2-1st : Erie. Ilrandon (Ceoper), 75.1,0 m.p.h. ; 2nd : Don Parker 3.3 .B.S.) ; :3rd: J B. Habin

FINAL-1st: Erie Brandon (Cooper), 76.38 MO). ; 2nd : C. D. Headland ; 3rd : L. Leston. VINTAGE CARS.. D. J. IL Clutpinam 1 Bentley), 70.27 m.p.h. ; 2nd : E. O. Greenall (Bawd ;

3rd : A. Itartiidge (Bentley).

SPORTS CARS p To : K. B. Downing (Connaught), 70.31 m.p.h. ; 2nd : C. N. Scars (Fra&r-Nash); :3rd: Mrs. It. 13. Gibbs (11.13.(1.). SPORTS CARS OVER 1,500-C.C.-1st : U. M. Crosier (Bentley), 72,70 m.p.h.• 2nd : IL. C. Synaaalstn) (Bugatti); 3rd ; J. B,

. (Jaguar XK 120).

SPORTS Call HANnicAr, Finn ItscE.-1st : K. IL Downing (Connaught), 71.61 m.p.h. ; 2nd: .1, A. Williamson (Bentley); 3rd : D. 3. It. Chapman (13entley). SEcoNn BACE.-lst D. S. Shale..Aillstin), 57,25 m.p.h.; 2nd : N. Pownell (MeicOds -.13enk) ; 3rd :

M. Vaughan (Delage).

M.O. HANDICAP RACE.-14.: N. HartIldgay 85.57 ; 2nd : 11. C. Bradford ; 2rd : G. H. Symonds.

W. HANTS & DORSET C.C. KNOTT CUP TRIAL (Sept. 23rd) UHALLEN6E (.1 P of the

KNoTT UHALLEN6E (.1 P (Best performance of the day): W. di. Wring (1,190-c.c. sic W.ILW. Bellow).

VzstTorts’ (UP: A. G. Imhof (1,238-c.c. Sle linhOf Special).

THE SHIP CHALLENGE. CUP : K.. E. 0. Burgess (3.9-litre sfe Allard) .

CLASS 1 CUP (tin-sjc 1,300 c.c.): R. W. Faulkner (1,172-c.c. Paul Special).

.CLASS 2 CUP (I,500-c.c. Sic and 34itre tin-sic) Dr. A. W. Miley (1,172-c.c. ale Clegg).

‘cr,A-ss 3 CUP (unlimited C.c.): C. R. L. Nichol! (3.6litre Ford Special).

TEAM PRIZE: North West London Motor Club (Faulkner, Waring, (‘rump).

TEAM SHIELD (Bristol :tt. Neat Hants and Dorael.): Bristol L.C. and M.C.C. FIRST-CLASS AwAlcDS : B. Fitzwater (1,087-c.c. Riley Special), C. Oubishley (1,446-c.c. C.C.S.), Dr. T. T. Spare (1,172,c.c. White-lord Special), J. Decley (1,512-c.c. (‘ranford), A. E. Mink

(1,172-c.c. Cotton Special), C. Crtunp (1,172-e.C. Marden). SECOND-CLA.SS AWARDS : W. Cuff (1,172-e.c. Cuff Special), H. U. Spine: (I,172-0.c. Spence .V), B. J. Bodenham 1,172-c.c. sic Bellow), 11.Ifop

kinSun ( . , ?• Austin/Ford), R. W. Hartnoll (1,172-o.o.


Ores 1’0:aft:NOE B.AcE, HEAT 1.-1st: D. Parker :05.03 ; G. W. Patterson

(I ; 3rd : I’. K. Braid (Cooper-‘ Norval).

HEAT 2-1st: It. C. Eeclestone (Cooper-Norton),60.40 m.p.h. ; 2nd : 5. Lewis-Evans (CooperJ.A.P.) ; :3rd : E. Brandon (Cooper-Norton). FtNAL.-Est : J. I). Rabin (J.B.S.), 60.53 ;

211 : U. It. Wicken (Cooper-J.A.P.). .

HEAT : J. Leary (Cooper-Nortoq, 00.20 m.p.h. ; 2nd • K. E. Carter (Cooper-Norton); :3rd : W. II. Lowe (Cooper-J.A.P,).

HEAT 4.-14 : W, 3. Whitehouse (Cooper-Norton), 62,22 m.p.h. ; 2nd : A. Iowans (.1.13.S.); 3s.t: G. II. Wi.ken (Cooper..l.A.P.). oNtou BRANDS HATell CHAMPIONSHIP, HEAT 1.–

1st: N. 3. Gray (Cooper-3 Al’.), 57.97 ; 2nd: It. W. Brise(Cooper-J.A.P.); 3rd : C. A. Street. (c.R.M.).

HEAT 2.-Ist I. Pelting (Eineryson), 58.34 m.p.h. ; 21a1 : J. B. ‘Rabin („1.13.S.); :3rd : I. H. &Milt (Cooper-J.A.P.). HEAT 3.-lit: It. D. Brown (A rnott), 60.61 ni.p.h. ; 2nd : P. Taylor (lots),

B, D. A. Frost, (J .13.S.), 61.92 m.p.h. ; 2nd : N. J. Gray (Cooper-I.A.P.). 3rd : J. 11.. Habin (j..11.S.) ; .1th : A. Moore (.1.13.S.). itgasns HATCH CHAMPIONSHIP, HEAT 1.-lat : K. E.Carter (Cooper-Norton), 62.61 m.p.h. ; 2nd : O. D. Headland (Cooper-Norton); Sid :

L. Leston (3.13.8.).

MOAT E. Brandon ((tooper-Norton); 2nd : H. It. Gray Wooper-3.A.1′.); 3rd ‘A W. E. Richards (.1.15.8.). FiNal.. 1,3 I. B. .1 t.t,i -Nortou), 64.9 2nd : E. ,oper-Norton); :1rd : romibes (.1.1),s.); 431): .A. NV. E. Iti..bards HAGLEY & D. L.C.C. SPEED TRIALS, WESTWOOD PARK (Sept. 23rd) FASTEST TIME OE Tny lie, 1st ; It. Collins (Cadillae-Allard), 22.2 ; 2nd : P. Collins (3.11.5.), 22.8 sec. ; 3rd : .1. Moor (Wasp), 23.4see. CLASs AC

CLASS 1 (Raring ears tip to 500-e.c.).-lst ; P.

Collins (490-e.c. ; 2nd : J. Moor (499-c.c. Wasp) ; 3rd : K. Wharton (499-c.c. Kieft). CLASS 2 (Saloon ears up to : ,Jones (1,200.c.c. Austin) ; 2nd : It. W. Horton (1,200-e.c. Austin)

CLASS’S (Saloon cars 1,201–2,000.c.c.).-Is1 : 0.15. Mansell (Jewett Javelin); 2nd : N. Lawrence (1,911-e.c. CitrOen).

CLASS 4 (Saloon care. over 2,000-c.e.).-Ist: J. F. Kemp (3,485-c.e. Jaguar); 2nd : E. Robbins (2,660-c.c. Austin).

CLAss 6 (Sports ears 751-1,200-c.c., and pp to 750-e.e. e/eL-lst : L. Oliver (I,172-c.c. Oliver); 2nd : J. Rhodes (1,172-e.c. RitodeS) ; 3rd : S. A. Craeknell (1,172-c.c. H.P. Special). PLASS 7 (Sports cars 1,201-1,500-c.e., and 750-

1,200-cc. : It. J. L. ‘f (1,467-c.c.

Lester-M.G.); 2nd : Mrs. Letwe (1,172-c.e. Hallow); 3rd : Mrs. J. Mike (1,098-c.c. Bellow).

CLASS 8 (Sports cars 1,501-_,3 000-cc. and 1,2011,500-c.c. sA0.-Ist : S. K. Ridley (2,088-c.e. Vanguard Special); 2nd : W. A. 0: Goodall (2,088-v.c. Morgan).

CLASS’ 9 (Sports cars over 3,000-c.c.).-lst : P. Collins (5,420-c.c. Cadillac-Allard); 2nd : C. Brough (3,485-c.c. Jaguar) ; 3rd : D. 0. M.

Taylor Jaguar XK 120).


liOwmARER TROpHY AND itEnn..A W. It. Yates (Vanguard), 4 markslost.

FIRST 15ASsEN0Elt AWARD: Sirs. W. It, Yates (Vanguard), 4 marks lost. PrILST-CLAss AwARDS: A. H. Shipley (Javelin) 7 marks lost ; G. Doman (Standard), 51 marks lost. SECoNo-CtAss A wAsos : D. J. Herbert (Riley), 19nanrikasrklitosItost ; 0. F. Williams (Lea-Francis), 11

NovtcB AWA.RD : Miss D. Button (M.G.), 21 marks lost.

HERTS COUNTY & N.L.E.C.C. RAMSGATE SPEED TRIAL (Sept. 30th) ” LoiinAans ” Cilausson TROPHY.

” LoiinAans ” Cilausson TROPHY.11. E. Ileadnack (cooper-3.A.P., sic.), 14113 sec. F.T.D. BY LADY DRIVER -CHALLENGE TROPHY.Mrs. S. L. Parker (Jaguar XK120), 19.14 we. P.T.D. BY MENDER OF THE Haan C.A.A,C., KEST JARVIS MEMORIAL CHALLENGE TROpicy,-A. W. Richards (.1.13.8.-.T.A.1′.), 15.18sec. P.T.D. By DRIVER OF 100 PER CENT. FORE(GN-DUILT CAR-ARGENTINO CHALLENGE TRoPiry.-51,. 11, Mukins (” 2.3 ” )3ugattit,s/c.), 15.0.1 sec. F.T.D. BY DRIVER’ Op VINTAGE CARVINTAGE AWARD.-V. Heru (Amiicar, sic.), l6.13 .sec. MRS. grt.ERS-FLETCHER CHALLENGE TROPHY.


UP TO 1,500 C.C.-R. S. Randall (Austin A40) 20.91 sec. OVER 1,500 Orme (Riley), 20.08 see. Sewers CARS:

tIP TO 1,100 C.0.-K. Rolfe (Fiat), 18.13 see. : V. J. Hern (AraileAr, sfe.), 16.13 sec. ; 2nil : F. C. Davis (Cooper-M.(i.,), 18:31 sec.; 3rd : E. C. C. Harwood (M.O., sic.),

10.00 sec. 1,501-2.500 c.c.-0. Pinch (Anallear), 17.76sec. 2,500 C.C.-Ist : (1. Parker (Juliette, sa..), 18.18 see.; 211(1: W. 13. Illaek (Jaguar), 17.63 sec..; 3rd: s. G. Greene (Krazer-Nash), 17.00 sec. tt,t(‘/NG CARS:

UP TO 50(1 W. Richards (J.B.S.-J.A.P.). 15.18 see. IOU ce. t ‘,moths (.1.1334..-Norton), 16.19 sce, ,t0i 1st : It. E. Brad atek (Cooper s. 13.3350%; 2tal : Farley (Farley Special

1,5014,000 c.c. -Insliiii0cya entries.

OVER 2,001)(..33. -1st : E. Lloyd-Jones (Triangle Special), 14.76 sec.; 2nd : Si. 11. Hukins 1″ 2,3 ” Bugatti, sic.), 15.01 sec.



5-LAP Scitcreif HAM Ut”ro 1,100 0.0. :

1st : M. Rash (

2nd : W. J. Finlxwv (1,080-e.e.

3rd : K. Cotterell (748.e.e. Austin). 1,101 0.0. UP TO 1,500 0.0. :

1st : C. M, Sears (1,496.e.c. Frazer-Nash).

2nd : L. J. Cot) (1,406-ex. Riley).

3rd : It. N. Richards (1,172-e.e. 1-LAP SPEED TRIALS-FASTEST IN EACH CLASS:

UP TO 1.1000.0,: H. Hash (817-c.c. 13.0.).

1,100 0.0., c r TO 1,500 0.0. E. Kinnell (1,496-ex.

1,500 0.0., UP TO 2,500 0.0. : II. Kemp Phu, (2.443-ex. Healey). OVER 2,500 0,(% : W. B. Black (3,442-0.c. Jaguar). 5-LAP SCRATCH RACE: 1,500 050. TO 2,5000.0.: 1st : H. Kemp Place (2,443-ex. Healey), 2nd : R. E. Pattenden (1,7)17-ex. Connaught). 3rd : 0. N. Hennesey (2,202-ex. Ford). OvER 2,500′ :

18t : W. B. Black (3,442-c.c. Jaguar). 2nd : S. J. Bosider (3,442-cx, Jaguar), 3rd : H. Sarginson (3,442-ex, Jaguar). 25-LAP iieRvivffi.,TRAM ItimAy RACE :

OP TO 1,1000. : Team NO. I-.-K. Catered (748-ex. Austin), W. J. Maine (1,080-c.e. M.O.), R. Sage (1,089.e.e. Amilear).

1,100 0.0., up TO 1,500 0.0. : Team No. 3-A, C. Sears (1,496-c.c. Frazer-Nasid, 1). Ryan (1,250-ex. M.G.), R. It. Rayner (1,172-ex. Ford Special).

1,500 0.0. To 2,500 0.0. : 0. II. Hennessey (2.202-ex, Ford). H. Kemp Place(2,443-ex. Healey), A. J. Davey (2.280-c.c. M.O.). OVER 2,500 0,0. : Hodder (3,442-ex. Jaguar). J. it. Sarginson (3,412-ex. Jaguar), W, B. Black (3,442-e.c. Jaguar), 6-LAP HANDICAP RACE:

1st: C. H, S. Abbott (1,172.c.c..Paratno)Int). 2nd A. C. Sears (1,496.ex. Frazer-Nash). 3rd : W. J. Finhow (1,086-e.e. MS/J.

750 M.C. WROTHAM TRIAL (Oct. 7th)

WROTHAM CEP (TINOEY TRoPHY) (for best performance of the (lay).-A. E. Rumfitt (Cotton Special). COMMITTEE CUP (for best performance In Class A).

C. FL Harris (NI. and H. Special). WALSCRGHAM Cup ((or best performance by 750 M.C. entrant with 750-cc. Austin).–M. R. C(1,1111011,

FIRST CLASS AWARDS: Ow A.-W. 11.11.1))irling ; Clam IS. -R. V. Faulkner, M. 11. Lawson and G. Pottony. SE0OND CLASs AWARDS (Class B onl)J).–I1,. Chappell and 1), W. Price,

500-c.c. RACES, BROUGH (Oct. 7th)

1st ; .1. Reece (f!moper), 02.22 m.p.h. ; 2nd ; E. Brandon (( ‘ooper) ; 3rd :

1). Parker (1.11.5.). Fastest lap : _Brandon, 63.81 m.p.h.

thy:mem, : 1st : A. 1). Gill (Cooper). 57.79 m.p.h. * • 9)1,1 : .1). Parker (.1.13.8.) ; 3rd : 3. Reece (Cooper).



PlUVA.TE CARS: Voniffer. (Porsche), 6.8.7 GRANDE TOMoSME : Peron (Ferrari), 77.7 m.p.h. SPORTS CARS, 750.0.0.: J. Beaulieu (I)13), 90.44 m.p.h. SPORTS CARS, 1,100-C.C.: Huai (riat), (13.55 m.p.h. SPORTS CARS, 2,00)-C.c. : de 13arry (8ffitica), 70.9

SPOR78 CARs, 3,000-0.0. : Peron (Ferrari), 79.98 m.p.h.

SPORTS CARS, OVER 3,0004’x. Maireffse (Talbot), 86,1.s imp,11.


BENT PERFORMANCE OF THE DAY.–): 1). ffit•ernan (Mercury saloon), 2 marks lost (Shenstone and D.C.C.),

BEST PERFORMANCE BY AN OPEN CAR.-A. Benwose (31.0. sports), 7 marks lost (Pathfinders and Derby MC.). BEST PERFORMANCE BY A (USED CAR..-.T. R.. Wood • ( Riley. saloon), 2 marks lek4 (Shenstone and 1).C.C.). BEST PERFORMANCE IN EACH OF THE SIX MASI:I:S.- Glass Is ; A. 0. Allen (31,0. sports), (Shenstone) : class : H. Crumb (Frit3or-Nash B.M.W.), (31.31.E.C5); Cirais le : A. (laser/erne (Allard), (Shenstone) ; Clam : A. It. Priestly (Ford saloon), (Sheffield) . • Class 25: 1). 1). aMes

(Singer), (Shenstone) ; GUM; 2c: 11. C. BurrOws (Triumph saloon), (Pathfinder).

NEXT BEST 10 PER CENT. OF ENTRANTS.–F. Dean (A. W. Special), (Sheffield and II.); J. V. S. Brown (HAL) .). (Shenstone and D.); C. W. liRcllo (Austin Wean)), (Shenstone and D.); Mrs. F. .1. Fleetwood (Ford), (Sheffield and H.); C, Austin (Vauxhall )sloon), (Sheffield and /.1.) ; B. Huntphries (Austin saloon), (M.M.EJ.%). SOUVENIR AWARDS (for compffidors losing no marks up to the effinpletion of the. Road Section, who have, not received an uward).-A. Towle (Sun. Talbot), (Pathfinde)’s); R. A. Hopkinson (MA).), (Sheffield and 11.); 11. 0. Rayner (Austin saloon), (Pathfinders); B. 11. 11. Upton (Hinman sa)oon),

TEAM AWARDS.-•Pathlinders and DerbyM.C. ; IL D, Rayner (A list ; B.C. Burrows (Triumph); A, Towle (Sun. T)llbot).

CoScoffitS D’ELEGANCE. CLASS A (open ears registered prior to 31.l2.41).– II, IL Beebee (1927 -Delage), (Shenstone D.C.C.). CtAsS B (closed cars registered prior to 31.12.41). R. 13, Bruce (19,34 Daimler), (Sheffield Hallamshire). CtAss C (open ears registered after 31.12.40.

D. C. Birkinshaw (1950 Morris), (Pathfinders and Ifi•rhy). Cf.Ass D (closed cars registered 1150,r

C. Burris 0950 Triumph), (l’atl,ll,,dcr5 and Derby).

HANTS & BERKS M.C. NIGHT NAVIGATION TRIAL (Oct. 13th-I4th) WINNER : IC. 1′. N. Stark (Vauxhall

WINNER : IC. 1′. N. Stark (Vauxhall Velox). MASS AWARDS : S. Wilkinson (A C), 1. Brenmer (Lancia), D. Johns (Austin A 90), .1. Powell Miley), (1. Silver (Morris Minor), H. Trueman (Volkswagen). A. Arnold (M.O.), J. Higginson (M.0. TA), J. Pocock (Va)Ixhall), S. Sedgnick ( Bent10). SECaND-C LASS AWARDS : P. Gregory (Ford Ten), W. Davies (Austin A 70), D. tialiagan

(Alfa-Nub), J. Freneh (Hover). Bradshaw (Citroen), P. Rowt•Il (Wolseley). J. Gott Word Ten), R. johnson (Jav)’lin), E. Brandon (Austin A 90).


ALLEN TROPHY: C. E. Ortunp (Marders) ; RUNNER’ EP AWARD: It. W. Faulkner (Paul Speeial); Cita; CPP W. H. Waring (Bellow): [‘ARE TROPHY : 3. Deeiey (Cranford); C. ALLEN SMALL TROPHY : ,y, .Toinian (Betsy) FIRsT-CLASS AWARDS : B. G. Spence (Spence), A. O. Imhof (Imhof). 11. S. Sweeney (Jeyabel) SEffoN D•CLASs AWARDS : L. Parker (Parker), j.•.3. Whitelield (Ford), 3. T. Spare (Whiteford); TEAM TRoPHY : Messrs, Waring, Faulkner and Crump.



750 FORMULA : L. West (Austin), 27.70 see. SPORTS CARS, UP TO 1,300-0.C. :M,C, Parrott (Buckley), 26.03 sec.

1,301-1,750.0X. : 1). W. Dorris (M.G. Magnette sty), 23.14 See.

1,131430TED: D. W. Davis (M.0. Magnate sic), 22.85 see.

scwor: CARS’ 12.01-16 11.P.: It. Yeats (Yeats Special), 26.38 see.

16.01-22 : J. ForWh-Grant (Mk V Jaguar), 27.6 see.

UNLIMITED: J. Hamilton Stutt (Jaguar), 25.44 see. RAc130 CARS, 500-C.C.: E. Yenning ((over), 22.00 see.

750 c.c. sic-144,1nm : G. V. Coles (-34 ” M.G.), 21.33 see.

()vim 1,500-0.0.: B. K. Bradnack (Cooper 1,100 sle). 20.32 see.-F.T.D.


A big crowd cratOted the final Brands Hatch Meeting of the season, which ended in the dusk. Stirling Moss, driving the Ray Martin-designed Kieft-Norton for the first time at this circuit, demonstrated again that he is one of the world’s leading drivers and streets ahead of even firstline ” 500 ” boys. Ile won his heat of the Open Challenge Race at 65.87 m.p.h. frolic R. W. ((rise’s Cooper and Gregory’s Cooper, but the gearbox split and he had to miss the linal, which was won by S. Lewis-Evans, whose Cooper-Norton was another brilliant performer. Stirling borrowed a gearbox from a disabled .1 11.5. and value out again, although one mounting bolt was decidedly dubious. He won the second heat of the Championship Race at 65.35 m.p.h. on a diunp track ;mil then repeated his prowess in the final. In the heats he had come from the back of the grid to the lead in a couple of laps, weaving in and out of the opposition with neat hand signals. and now he lapped U bunch comprising Don Parker (J.B.S.), A. W. Richards (.1.11.5.), Harold Daniell (Emeryson) and Arnott (Arnott), in 25

averaging 66.91; N. .1. Gra,c”s Cooper-J.A.P. was second. The first of the production Moss-type Kiefts appeared in the hands of L. Taylor, gaining a third in a heat. The steering of Pelling’s Emeryson appeared to fail on the last lap of the first heat and it shot through the palings at the top bend, injuring a woman and a Oat spectator. The C.R.M., with B.S.A. ” Gold Star ” engine, went better than before but ” blew-up ” in the Mechanics’ Race, won by Dudley Ward after he had caught Tatan’s Kieft. Unfortunately H. Parker’s Cooper overturned at the top corner and the driver sustained fatal injuries. S. Lewis-Evans netted four ” firsts.” Cooper won eight races, Kieft three, and Iota (D. Taylor’s, with the Norton engine he uses for motor-cycle racing) and .I.13.5. One eaelc. The no-spinning rule was in force, which entailed much freirhy with the black flag, which was also waved if a bonnet catch was observed to be’ undone. Results : OPEN CHALLENOR RACE : 1St : S. LOOS-Et:Ana

rPer-Norton), 63.50 ; 2nd : D. R. R. Gray (Cooper-J.A.P.); 3rd 1). Parker (T.B.S.J.A.P.). JUNIOR BRANDS HATCH CHAMPIONSHIP : 1st: S. Lewis-Evans (Cooper-Norton), 6(440 mph.; 2nd : It. W. Brise (Cooper-J.A.P.); 3n1 : J. 13rown ISRANDS HATCH CHAMPIONSHIP : lilt : S. MOSS (Kieft-Norton), NM nipti.; 2nd N. J. Oray (Cooper-J.A.P.) ; 3rd : Parker 0.13-.8.4:AY.). MEMIANMS• RACE : 1st ; Dudley Ward (Richards’

J,13.8.), 59.45 ; 2nd : J. Truant (PowellRiehards• Kieft): :3rd : R. Stonliels (Annsble’s (ooper).

M.G.C.C. (S.W. Centre) “WESTON ‘• RALLY

I(EST PERpoRMANCE rot Day ; J. M. Readings

(If-litre saltsai), 70.1 Marks lost.

CLAss 1 (under 1,5(10-cm. open) ; A, S. Lusty C• TD ” N1A1.), 78,2 !rooks lost. I1LASSIt (under 1,500-c.e. closed): C. TingheS Davies (II-litre 51.11..)taloon), 84,9 marks lost. CLASS III (Over 1,500-e.e. open); A. 0. B. Wood

(Jaguar XI 120), 79.5 marks lost.

CLASS IV (over l OlOsts1):C, Whitehead (41-litre lletitley saloon), 80.8 marks lost.

CLASS V (specials): A. Mayne Wanifold Special), 77.7 marks 1(t.

13557 OPEN Can : J. H. Murray (” TC ” M.G.) 85.3 marks lost.

13557 CLOSED Can: C. J. Toomer (Allard), 85.5 marks lost. DISTRIBI:TORS’ AWARDS

BEST 131,0,, TALI:MTH (ill. STANDARD ; m. Seward (” To ” M.G.). 86.2 !narks lost.

BEST MORRIS Mrs. Fowler (Morris Minor), 178.3 marks lost.

BEST RILEY : R. Fursland (21-litre Riley Siiloon), 98.7 ‘narks lost. Anomosta. Awanns : M. A. NV. Ward (Standard Vanguard), 80.5 marks lost ; C. Lindsay Minx), 87.3 marks lost ; NV. 51. G. Marshall

C’ 18180″ 87.8 marks lost ; NI. Mayan C’ T1) ” MU.), 88.0 marks lost ; R. J, Saunders (Austin A40), 88.1 marks lost.