Club news, November 1950


Club News


The ex-works ” Rubber-Duck ” Austin Seven single-seater that went ottt to New Zealand now has a Ford engine installed. Cat folk are rightly intolerant of railways, but it must go on record that railwaymodellers seem to know more about motoring matters than you might suspect. At all events, photographs in the October Model Raihcay News showed that J. It Ahern, F.R.P.S., owner Of the Madder Valley line; has a very delectable Edwardian tourer outside Much Madder Church (the Vicar’s ?), a Type 49 Bugatti awaiting its owner, who is drinking in the ” Brandy Keg,” and there is even a derelict chassis to be found in the yard of Bert’s Garage, by Mach Madder Station I Which reminds us that the larger “Tri-ang Minic” Series of clockwork toy replicas of various versions: of 1947 Type 5.1 Buick, made by Lines Rtes. of **den, with their sleek finish and Bros., colours, make pleasing house

decorations that shouldn’t offend even non-motor-minded housewives.

Interest in 500-c.c. cars for road-work is on the increase and we hear that at least two such projects are likely to Materialise in the West Country. On this subject Iota remarks : “On paper there appears no reason why a 65-nt,p.h. and 95-m.p.g. vehicle cannot be built to provide transport for two people in more comfort than a-motor-cycle and sidecar.” Work out your petrol bill since the extra 9d. a gallon tax went on, and the idea will doubtless appeal to you!

We regret that Dan Clare’s time on his Second run in the Semmenee Special at Brighton, 81.8 sec., was wrongly quoted as 80.0 sec. Ivor H. Smart is anxious to trace the history of the lt-type M.G., of which the known details are as follows :

No. not, known, but the number mimed as such is Beg. No. Gt, Britain. 802914. Engine No. 2257A ,1(58.’1′. The engine number plate bears Ike litters R.2. The car, according to infortication, was painted in the racing colours of Miss Doreen Evans when purchased by the late St. John Horsfall. However, the car is now painted green, but a sprint tank is-painted blue. This colour was that of the late Sir Malcolm -Campbell, whereas Miss Evans had’s, white stripe around her ears. The car is in standard form (no twin-,’am -head). This seems to rule out the K. 1). FAlitile car. It might be that which was at one time owned by Alan Phipps. Does anyone know the answer to this one ? ‘Vhose was I he de Dion tourer with pointed radiator, either a late Edwardian or of the early nineteen-twenties, and or the kind Edgar N. Dullield used to praise in the Alan many years ,kg0. seen going down Holland ‘Park vel tile on the morning of October 9 t h ? Sackcloth and ashes department : B. E. Iiradnack was 12th fastest at :Shelsley Walsh in 41.74 see. and Walter Hill of the

B.M.11.11.T. is-associated with the B.R.M. through the Vigzol Oil Co., Ltd. Also, Flack ” did not crash in the TM. and duly finished the race in a TD M.G., as the full results published elsewhere in this issue testify. Finally, the B.R.M. Mobile Workshop is on a Commer One of the reasons why R. C. Willis’ special competition B.M.W. goes -so well is because it now has a Bristol cylinder head. Incidentally, !his and not an Allard as we stated under a caption la_st ruonilt. made rust esl spm-ts-car time at the National Preseuil meeting. The Sunbeam Register now lists over 160 Sunbeam ears, and ils official organ,

“Sunbeam,’ is issued to subscribers hi-monthly (single copies 25.). TIte subscription is 10s. per annum and the Registrar is Mrs. Boddy. ” Carmel,” 1Vood Lane, Fleet, Hants. Congratidations to D. Cameron Peck on his recent marriage to Miss Margaret Tobiason of Ottawa. The Sports Car Club of America now issues its magazine ” Sports Car ” in much improved, printed form, edited by L. H. Pftmd. The Club’s Secretary is l’Itillip J. Cade, 22, Giun Road, Winchester, Mass. This is an age of house journals and Redex have their own, obtainable on -application to Redex Record, 863-065, -Chiswick High Road, W.4, saying that you read Moron Seoul% A four-seater Daintier has been standing outside a garage about three miles from Leeds On the Leeds-Huddersfield road and someone might like to restore it. P. J. Holroyd has the supercharged N-type M.G. Magnate which Humphrey Symons drove in the 1935 Monte Carlo Rally. He would like to learn its MI .history.. A. A. Baring uses a modern Frazer-Nash for competition and fast road motoring and is getting every satisfaction from his Type 401 Bristol for somewhat less hurried transportation. Peter Mercer is in this country front his native Australia and has acquired a 1,750-e.c. twin-cam Alfa-Romeo. At home he owns the Stuewer and the ” Blue Lake ” hydraulicbraked ()I’: ” 30/98 `7 Vauxhall, so called !teem ‘s,. it spent much time under water wilily a former owner was Settling an insttranec claim. George Brooks, also from Australia, is having lighter valves and other ” urge-prompters ” installed in his ” 24/90 ” Straker-Squire and meanwhile goes about his lawful business in an

early Clonally Austin Seventhe later coil-ignition engine. The dwardian %fist seems to have turned up again in Cardiff and may be for sale.

A 23-11.p. Type ES Ruston-llornsby is waiting for someone to rebuild it, otherwise its engine will he used in a boat.


contemporary journal ptlmhi’.huuuh in Smini frica has started mc ‘• Vintage Chatter ‘• feature, and ntedher. published in I his country, a realm., called -Vintage

1,Ve started ” Vint Veerings mm Ito.ron Seoulin June, 191,9.


The weish Comities Car Club has developed strongly since its foundation less than two years ago. Its initial meeting was at the ” Travellers’ Rest,” between Cardiff and Caerphilly, where conto,,litors in the old Caerphilly speed Raymond Mays with recall them) used to forffalher•

Meetings ar,. held every other Monday evelmig at 11cr Carpenter’s Arias,” Romney, and here, on Nov. 18th, starting at. 7.30 p.m. Aubrey Keywood will talk of his es perionee-:, the Mintex Co. will telivcr a lecture on brakes and clutches an Nov. 27th, and a Shell filmshow will take place on Dee. I 1 th. The A.C.M. is scheduled for January 1st, 1951. Sporting and social events are also held. -Sec.: .0 G. Parnely Evans, B.Sc., A.R.I.C., 7, Museum Place, Cardiff.


One more meeting in the series this club are running devoted to particular makes of car was notched up on October 6th, when Pat Green addressed the club on the subject of G.N.s, Salmsons and Antil

cars. following up his talk with a number of photographs shown through an epidiascope. Tracing t he development of each of the three marques, and beginning with the G.N., he described the very first models in 1913 [1911—En-.1 made in the stables of ” Archie ” Frazer-Nash’s house, with belt drive, followed by the production of the G.N.s as they have come to be best remembered, with chain and sprocket drive, in 1019, leading to the ” Vitesse model and the ” Akela,” and some of the specials with G.N. power units. It was interesting to hear about the H. R. Godfrey and Frazer-Nash partnership, breaking up in 1924, going separate ways bat each carrying on to some extent some aspects of G.N. origin. Also, we learnt that after 1924, G.N.s, carrying on after a .fashion, produced a shaft-drive model, which did not meet with much success, and was soon followed by a reversion to chain and sprockets. The tendency for two of the four road wheels to come off at odd moments because of the fact that all four

had right-hand threads scents now, in retrospect, a humorous aspect of the design, butat the time it surely must have brought. about some harsh worth; directed towards the designers. Sahnsons were covered very fully, from the ” Push-pull ” 1922 model, up to the, ” San Sebastian,” including the ” model and the ” Grand Prix Special.” One very interesting Salmson, and a new one to most of the awlience, was the 1028 straight-eight. 1,100 c.c., with twin blowers and two overlie:Id camshafts,

shaft-driven in the centre, delivering about 100 b.h.p. at 6,000 r.p.m., and purporting to rev. at 8,000. Apparently, this was a very temperamental motor car and nothing much came of it.

And so to Amilears : the ” Petit Sport. ” in 1922, the ” Grand Sport ” in 1925, and the twin oh.c., supercharged, six-cylinder model, the last named being road-tested in 1925 in touring trim, and attaining 103 It. was an intensely interesting talk, given by one who knew his subject t horoughly, and who introduced pleasant little touches of humour here and there which added to the pleasure of the evening,

Hon. See. G. Bailee, 7, Queens Avenue, Muswell Hill, N.10.


In America they have a happy knack of putting on imitation old-type races WI jilt nuike the parade of historic racing maehinery at our Daily Express Silverstone meeting this year look too terribly timid for words. For example, at Bridgehampton on June 101 h an event, naughtily called an “Old Crocks’ Race,” figured in the programme, and such cars as Stutz Beareat, Mercer, Pierce-Arrow, Simplex and Duesenberg raced, a Duesenberg winning from an S.S. Mercedes-Benz.. Then, on July 16th, several thousand spectators watched a re-run of the historic Vanderbilt Cup Race. Note that it was over a distance of 100 -miles and attracted the following runners, all the cars, incidentally, emanating from the stable of Lindley Bothwell, senior :—W. Rosenthal (1907 Stearns), R. Gotlieb (1910 Simplex), D. Eastwood (1910 Cadillac), II. Prentiss (1010 Pope Hartford), L. Bothwell, junior (1913 Cadillac), J. Cheeez (19)3 Stutz.), L. Bothwell, senior (1913 Peugeot.), L. Mahoney (19)4 Ford) and I). Cole (1915 Hudson). The rave was organised by the Santa Monica and Ocean Park Chambers of Commeree as a grand finale to Diamond Jubilee celebration week. A one-mile circuit was used and amongst the spectators were Ralph de Palma, Peter de Paolo, Eddie Hearne, Earl Cooper, Klein, and Mrs. Barney Oldlield. The

prize was a replica7of the original Vanderbilt Trophy and two events were recognised, the Vanderbilt Cup and Grand Prix. Ralph de Palmer dropped the flag and Mahoney’s model-T Ford soon. took the lead, challenged by the Peugeot which, however, was experiencing plug trouble. The Ford won, in 2 hr. 17 min. 33 see.. an average of over 47 m.p.h. It was virtually a stripped-chassis, with the square brass radiator. Mahoney was awarded the Vanderbilt Cup race and declared second to Bothwell’s Peugeot in the Grand Prix.

Over here we have Silverstone, we lutve the ears. Will the R.A.C. please look the other way for a couple of hours . . . ?


We had long ago given up any hope. of seeing 13rooklands restored to the motoring fraternity, since its sale to Vickers for £330,000 in 1945. Hitt. C. A. Lewis, Secretary of the British Motor Cycle Racing Club, which had its headquarters at the Track, feels otherwise. He recently expressed his views in a letter sent to three of our leading daily papers, of which two regretted inability to publish it and the Daily Mail published it in part. Lewis states that following the extract which appeared in the Daily Mail he has received a very heavy correspondence front the general public, the majority calling in no uncertain terms for the restoration of the Motor Course. Some go so far as to write that a restored Campbell circuit would be well worth a sum equal to that expended on the B.R.M. Lewis will presumably go on crusading, and no one could offer more sincere good wishes than MOTOR SPORT and many of its readers.

The Vintage S.C.C., which now has_ some 1,500 members, will hold two November fixtures. On the 4th theNorthern Section has its Second Annual Nidderdale Trial, a closed event starting from Longster’s Garage, Pateley BridgePateley Bridge being the scene of a hill climb in the clays of long ago, as well as a. noted beauty shut. The start is tinted for 11.31 a.m. E. K. H. Karslake and Kennet Ii N(•’ will act as Stewards. Entries have closed. Then, on November 26th another of the popular Bisley Rallies, will be held, with the usual driving tests. Entries for this, at I0s. per car, close on November 17th, first post, and go toT. W. Carson, ” Mellahar,” Pack Lime, Kempshott, liont4. There are classes for’ vintage and modern ears of over and cinder 1 i.litres. Starting time is 12.30 p.m. A feature of V.S.C.C. life is the issue of thebeautifully-produced and very enjoyable

Bulletin,” of which ceeil Clutton is Editor, which tells of vintage happenings, and puts modern t in-wear in its place.


Iii ‘pile of the Wet that t‘henever t hey pitotognivrt a new mot or-e:k etc iii he States a shapely girl Inc it brief hal king.cosi woe has cliothill on to it fir-4, I IR,N11.1-o. their sports-ears seriously. Since. I Ike -war (pike a lot of proper ehtb-ty rte._ sports-car races have been held, besides hill-climbs, gymkhanas and other events. Here are the results of some recent races :— Barensardwros 1st: Tom Cole (Cadllhw-Allard .12), 50 miles in

1 hr. akin. 10 see. (71).74 m.p.h.).

2nd : Sam Collier (” Inter ” Femkri). 3rd : Oeorge .Huntoon (Ford-Duesenbera

Pastes( lap: Cole, at 82 m.p.h. SUFFOLK COUNTY AIRPORT HUB: 1st: Briggs Cunningham (Ferrari), 99 miles at

76.03 m.p.h. Won by 1.4 see.

2nd : Tom Cole (Cadillac-Allard J3).

3rd : (loldsclunidt I X1020 Jaguar).

Fasieg tap : Cunningham, at. approx. 84.5 mph. SAN nut/0mo BucnANAN Finn ROAD RACES :

Jet: S. Edwards (Edwards). 2nd : It Breeze (blown ” TV”

3rd : N. Bourgeault TC ” 110/). At Bridgehampton 60,000 spectated and the competing cars included “La Mans” Frazer-Nash, Healey “Silverstone,” H.R.G., blown PB M.G., TC M.G., Cisitalia coupe, Nardi-Danese coupe, Superleggera Ferrari, Alfa-Romeo coupe, Type 57SC Bugatti, Type BO Bugatti, Austin A90, XK120 Jaguar, the Bumere and various Ford Specials. Last year’s winner, the Ford-Duesenberg, had disc brakes and Garroway’s SS100 was supercharged. Alan Hess, ” Goldie ” Gardner and George Eyston acted as starters at Suffolk County. At the Mt. Equinox Weaver’s 3-litre G.P. Maserati made f.t.d. in 7 min. 8 sec., from NI illiken’s F.W.D. (four-wheel-drive !) 7 mm. 14 sec., Speak (XI:120 Jaguar) 7 min. 50.2 sec., and Cunningham (XK120 Jaguar) 7 min. 59 sec. At the Chicago Region Studebaker Meet, at their three-mile proving ground near Indiana, Seaverns (TC M.G.) won the 18-mile M.G. race at 83.27 m.p.h.. Whiting (Simea) the 18-mile lk-litre race at 80.03 m.p.h. and Kimberly (Ferrari) the 18-mile over-Ii-litre race at 107.1 m.p.h. from the XK120 Jaguars of Lewis, Briggs and Victor. In the Los

Angeles Sandburg Thatcher Darwin’s Ford V8 Special made f.t.d. in 43.4 see., beating the XK120 Jaguars of Robinson and Barlow. Fay ‘faylour was sixth in an XK120 Jaguar. Doidge and Fisher (TC M.G., the former’s blown) tied in the small sports-car class, beating 20 Other M.G.s, including four TDs.

750 CLUB

This club, catering as it does for Austin Seven owners of a sporting turn of mind, is developing apace. which isn’t. surprising considering that in its day the Austin Seven was the finest economy car ever conceived and still is today to those unable to Ventilate 1950 models away from the showrooms. A Midlands Section is in full swing—Secretary : A. Currie, Elmdale Hotel, 546, Chester Road. Sutton Coldfleld—sind meetings are held on the second Wednesday evening each month at the Forest Ian, Dorridge, Knowle. If you own an Austin Seven, go along I Other regional sections are forming, one being proposed for Hull, and the Bristol area being looked after by D. Cross, 4, Selbourne Road, Westonsuper-Mare. Southern members meet at the “Red Cow,” Hammersmith, on the first Wednesday evening every month. Invitations have been accepted for members to compete in the ecinian Knowland Trial, Harrow C.C. Cot t ingRam Trial and Kentish Border C.C. Sporting Trial during November. The Bowles ” Ulster Trophy” will be awarded to

the member who does most to promote the use of the Austin Seven for competition purposes. Details front : K. Biekle, 4, Pelham Court, Staines, Middlesex.


The Vintage Motor Cycle Club continues to enrol new recreits to this fascinating and comparatively economical pastime with monotonous but praiseworthy regularity. Its September ” Bulletin” lists 1910 Minerva, 1915 Triumph, 1924 Douglas, 1925 Sunbeam, 1926 Sunbeam, 108 Sunbeam, 1929 Scott and Norton, and 1980 Rudge as the mounts of the latest new members. As a memory of events held during the closing months of the summer it may be remarked that Cover’s Velocette was ” best-vintage ” In the Southern Region Touring Trial, Scotts, in which 16 competed, taking the solo and sidecar awards. Jenkins’ 1921 225-c.c. Royal Enfield won a handicap prize. The four-lap vintage event at the Chelmsford & D.A.C. road-race meeting was won by F. D. Booth (1930 Ariel) at 66.3 m.p.h. from C. E. Allen (EnoughSuperior) and F. Booth (Arid). In the Redditch Rally .1. I). McKay rode 300 miles front Land’s End on his 1913 B.A.T. If you want to join in all this fun, you can get details from the general secretary : 11. A. Beeeroft, 65a, Wembley Park rri , Viitblev, Middlesex.

M.G. C.C.

Thirty competitors lined up at the starter’s flag for the S.W. Sub-Centre’s first annual Devon Rally, started from Totnes on September 30th. The tests en route were of diverse character, ranging from putting competitions by lady passengers, to a flat-out blind up a particularly steep hill which included four acute hairpins. Following the rally tea was taken, and to while away the interval to dinner, the club was entertained by a display of hypnotism. An excellent day’s fun was brought to a close with a dance and party in the true spirit of the club. The awards were presented by Mrs. John Thomley as follows :— I’REMIZR AWARD, OsvOs RA1.1.Y.—Yfichael Llewellyn RICNNTEPS:: 1?(;)3.-11117: E. Bryant, l” ‘PC “

Taunton. Vi srout’s 5 as Russell Barn (Morris ialonn)



Last mont li’s (91 1/ wusa S’67Y Stiff one, but three per cent. of t Iio. who attempted it ” hit the bull,cyc.” ‘Hie first correct solution to come in was from IL D. Johnson of IVhitchetn.h. who stated correctly tltat the car was a Stoewer. By the same post ruffle another ” Stoewer,” from Dr. .1. F. D. Thornton, of Ottershaw. Only one other reader was correct. The actual car depicted is the property of Peter :Mercer. of Australia, and is apparently a 1921:2, s3 by 120 mm., 17.1-11.p. 1)-10-50 model, built by the Stettin concern which started to manufacture ears as long ago MS 1890 and eventually built front-drive models. They also made sewing machines and typewriters. Mercer’s Stoewer has a side-Valve engine of about 2.6 litres and a 4.6 to 1 back axle

ratio, which makes it rather overgeared. He bought it from Bert Hood. The body is an Australian-built light-alloy four-seater and another view of this car appeared in Moron SPORT during the war.

Me incorrect solutions were not without interest arid show a great knowledge on our readers’ part of unusual Continental ears, especially those with V-radiators ! Voisin was by far the most popular attempt, followed by Spyker and RochetSchneider; next came Bentley (if we include a mysterious ” 12-h.p. 1 i-litre Bentley of which only about half a dozen were made ” !), then Crossley, Mors, Marendaz-Special and Metallurgique, then Th Schneider, Tureat-Mery, ChenardWalcker, Schneider, Cubitt, SeneehaL Whitlock, Opel. Palladium, Graf und Stilt, Piceard-Pietet, N.A.G., Napier, G.N., Crouch, Roland-Pilain, Farman and Panhard. We must see what we can dig out for next month !