41/2-litre Ferraris 1,2,3, in X Gran Premio at Pena Rhin. Both B.R.M.s Retire.


41-1itre Ferraris 1, 2, 3, in X Gran Premio at Pena Rhin. Both B.R.M.s Retire.

TELE new tut bloWfl -litre Ferraris, which challenged t . HU-Hornet’s at Alonza, hail things all I Iii•irnit finishing first, second :no’. third.

Asettri veiJt2..no.2 os er 94. m.p.h., and Seralini was second throughout, save for one lap, When Tarttlli Was ahead of hint. Alanzon’s blown Sinlea-GOrdilli put tip a splendid show, until t rouble, appa.renti?., t ransmission, put it out alter 34 laps, when in fourth place. l’arnell’s 13.1t..11. retired on its seeond lap. Vanier’s, never Iliglker than fuurt h. retired after :33 laps. ‘the Taltiots of Etancelin and Cahantotts followeti the -14-lit re Ferraris !unite, lint CtrhantouS, out Of fnel, had to push. in, losing fifth plitee to (;raffenrierrs Niaserali. Ftols Aluserati elmrged I la. torrAytt. * oini%,)y :t1 Dunkirk at .1 natt ott the .,.1.11.1ay preve.ting Mt. race. Ken Welt:trot:am Mist Peter fferthou were in charge the Illne ntechanica. It DMA haVe been all inspiring sight lo sAtt,t1(slirtt:t: (,.’ianitistirt,e,rati;t>iriilisltiont:. It iirLriy,’.11,,lovtiI;rt,l..1.,-N,:d1 t limit’ PIM-mile trcl.: iu root, Ellrope. Yolon was r…1 ‘Mod on lin first ilight..dontlielnor on 1 he where the Vans wore parsed in the moon square with a guard of 1/0011repte.. On the ?Vi•dlicSliay I Ii, convoy reaeltell Barcelona. where rarnell and Walker were already installed and had Item, getting to know 1 Ile eireuit iii 5Valker’s “.N.h 1 21) Jaguar. Iha-hat the 111’diclo’Y I 1°4,1 too bollobott• itaYtownol I:1Y,, worn mil (with worr). • ASA11.0011Sly AIV:111 11114 111•WS. II 0,1,1 thm Ray didia fIt i lo see his Itrain• (Mild ha iirst Continental race, hill Maya rlahnial

II, it lie was hal busy h. leave England. • • • 11.11((‘.131.(rSA. ScaMAY. 157. Yesterday afternoon tr,. arris.1,1:111,1″all journey per it-in-stir. al It a Iireak for remelting of incil and ” I ‘1111:4111 ItoritealtX. tinairporlm %yell-worn S intage Plymouth lavl hill of itammtiros and holes in its npinitslcry (it :M., hall It glass (marlever knob and whet] pal Inokrd in it you 5111V a. Yonne ladY)• rollrrYc.1 is Inlo this IncreddtIr cllY with its It i1,itaz.ir.1 train:. (whic)) relies Ott e01111 11111011A hooting 11l:1 11.011,1’ 11111,1 le-1110WIlig. S111411011011141 night by much flashing of lights), its vast new trains and old trams-cant-trailers Marooned with ittimanily, its continual ea Slava& of ‘Mick and yelltuv lasts. mostly 01,1 Citroens, and its exotic. young II’0111,11. The ears were a ‘,mire,. of …Minna! fa-win:trim’ 1411114., 1:IX1S, 111 tar its ataitea tit tleraY. everY son ni’ Font. ” t i.4 ” (‘ii 9n51), v11.11 a Mack and ” 1.1.10 ” 1 /-lag,on a limit 1512)1 4)1 1,0,o:it,. eily.,, itelaste. Type 57 111111 Trp, 1.1.5T Eight and ” 7-12 ” Pctigeot. share the soma. I, Ill, :ill j…01a1,1 1110,1V1.11 and 1,11..-mit’ :1101 l’irt

Eight, .13VidiP, .Aprilia and the rest. had scarcely enterml the ” Ritz ” we .•11e.mittered Main 1.4turence IMITOy, neg. Parnell awl Pmer Walker. AI tbe rostaliraillo oloross Tin’ nen’ Ascari, Villnirsi anti I hiroti %VITO to too found. ‘rite It. 1(.1.1.s Mid 1/14.11 /1:1 I 1112 a hit 01 1•01 111.1% 1.1•111.till.lgal Ian Vers :Icirelleral ion Mit 01 1 111. eorners_ espevially if Ilwir drivers held too high a gear, tv hile carlairat ion bother siroilloot any real (ti im,. tirtkiit4 good this delleiency along I lie straight. So work .itt 1 lie cm-Mir:dim’, :mil I Ito replir of it lord low•pressure occupied !lett lion’s evenings. 5Valker pill tip smile tapper.). although 1.0111.1 one eortter. Asearl and Tartilli Ivoth lapped at 515.73 m.p.h. in the tothlow it I 1-litre 1,..rraris, eonImre.” to Villoresi’s SlIM silt reeoril of t0.2 11144.11, in a Vlaserati. Seratini ( 1″errari) was 111.X1 1 lien

1%11’11,11. 1)1.75 M.p.h.. III, T111101, al Aroma! and Valk/T.91.7 m.p.h. The emirs.. was very lainip;, and cotild 1/.• slippery in 1 he rain. Th, ‘acre goon, very fast indeed, Strinin being particularly citterprking. Saturday’s lap Inner( 11,1″1. 1,10 ‘I multi, 9111111 Serailiti. 2 ann, 2.s sec.: Parnell, 2 nun, 5ValloT, 2 min. :51 SVC:, 1 Ira IlertrIcd . min. 22 Itt?Siet (T:1111111 ), 211,111, 2:1 $1,4% T111. It, were stahled II tutom.Milet. 1.5•ffent dey. Benz a:tents. .51 II,,’ steering lii London elnittee,1veri• to to I. The 512 Ferrari, were ‘111.9 had 1. • 1 1i. ?I1 1)ark aNIV:i. 1141 11 IN:lir:1d 01. I a 141195 1/11, 11111 01’ 11.i1,1 11.A1 • ‘Il-idmvlitiratielit r.irmiretters_ atiol oo inagnoloas nielined intvar.ls iron the hm.:( 01 ….WI! eynittler kink

Is,,’,. oo Hear side ; all the other Taiiiiits thU Ingleset air tunnel. It-ti’,’ .lay was la viewed with glorhuis %veal heras the vast. e1o11d streamed tart lo the eirrtut Man astonishing ray:in.:Me ot vintage vell(eles_ real radiators prisiontimitit. toot( part it; a gas.producer 5Vit15’sarverland tra:VI of incredible do lepitode. ii.lt.A1., Vert the last cars to reach (Ile Pit area. %yore wpm/veil I.) their Conuner monde

worksla (.vhich 11,1.1 heell 1:11-41..41 1ln ttr.rt11 m.p.h.

Olt III,,’ ray out. THE STARTERS

Ascari (41-litre Ferrari).

Serafini (4-litre Ferrari).

Taruffi (v!)-litre Ferrari). Parnell (1 Walker (I)-litre

Chinetti (1 1-litre Ferrari).

Rosier .45-litre Talbot).

Etancelin (41-litre Talbot).

Cabantous (41-litre Talbot).

Louveau (41-litre Talbot).

Claes (4.1-litre Talbott. Grignard (41-litre Talbot),

de tiraff,nried (1 1-litre Maserati).

” Bira ” rlaserati). Chiron (1.)-litre Maserati). Rol (1 )-litre Maserati).

Murray (1 1-litre Maserati). Trintignant 11 .1-litre Simca•Gordini). Manron (1 1-litre Simca-Gordin)). Simon (1 1 -litre Simca-Gordini).

Jovier (1 Maserati-Milan). Godia (1 1-litre Maserati-Mdan). .1s the 11.te Seralini :old (le tiralh.nri(71 tor,zed Vallioor siorinvol In soloot I IA roam (or goArari.1 Chincll 1)01111,1 11111 lotoM11 1 1-111 rr Viorrari, ;nal holt) loosl 111111.11 till’ a lap it 11545 5s,-art, Seranni. Tartitti_ earin(11, who had helm shut’ 511015,’. I ‘Mom, 1 ;ranenril.11,

” !firm” .slanytin. rrini tenant , Simon, Rol. .1(1%icr, thignar.b NItirra)., 1.0tiveati, kt allser, Chinelti. his Ferrari and Itosier, On lap two Ill,.a-tIonlitlis picked up several places. 5Vallier passed Nhirray, 11111 wtrit l’ar,n’ll is al Ids pit: Rog: got (ail. IN. 11:/11/0.1 l’1.1110Ved alai I he l’evIe.1-1111. ‘1 lirli S 11. It.:11. IVaS 11114n.11 ,adlly Vay, IvAS a lark of power, simgest is rot altc.tred blower drive. 1,111 519111’s nth.’ 51,’tql1 h.’ s01111111119 settled Mown .tseari, Tamil), drawing steadily iiway iront Chiron :ma t;rallettrieo. NItinzon 1111:1 [‘run ignaud were ttoing astonishingly well In their 55’mM-blown Siln,aa(Ordiltia. Chiron. fourth. (Mite mewed an unhappy :v•rles of slops. arid I hincltr’s car tvas Mot. very dint. Ily :SIN laps Vanier’s I t.lt..11. vv.’s ninth, Ins 1119 pas,d “

Sim ,Ms idmvit xvas not emulating its fellmvs.

pausing out 1111 1114. 14,11CS4′. 1V1113.111111,14 11,11.91. W.1,1 11 fro OM 1111′ eighth lap. laddiel Sinteas until the Inth lap, when l’rinlignanl retired. making ii si‘111. ” Itira also retired ;owe car [low started llIl”Ilninnf nil 0;11111′ In .11 lap 13, tVallicr had I./ammo to fifth pla., lviiI gat e a 1 /11111111,1101V11 NItirray had good periods plilielmiled 1e1111 hot Pings. lint llo,ier If 11,3..1010 .0110113,atter slop, ‘lied…Aril:111ot the Walker traslosing Illseemalsit lap 1.1 51:iitzon’sSinica. .511 le 1.1 P. 1 ;4,10.0 1,1.01“•rt arm l’eter lost fourth 1!,4,11’. 1111’11 lin 51,ilf. 11/111 hi, Ltroir-elialiviiiii

lonktool pool oiraW ran slostrr tiliol shmoor. The 1.54tt rI lo’rrrarls sumo lo nom will ‘loar of al*

.1,0’111.1 alwall :1/111 5IT:11111i so.0.11il, 011 hit 1 1 when Tallith was trittporarily St.,1/1111.

The poLyt, had to pass Elaimilitt’s Talbot.

II e order, after 211 laps hcing .eari, Seralitti. N1:1114011. 1Vall:01″. 1,;1:111(rlin, 011 I hp.: lan ill Ilk ‘14,4•1111 1•1 111111. 111111 hall 10 he nii…11

11,1arle.l. 1:0111 lan ?11101:1ca’no 110111 Ills, tail 01 Iii,11. 1{.M. ‘1 hen Tarn111 went into the st law hales al III, eortter atter tiirmat straight , losing lbw, 1,More resumitiv, lualtIni.t the 11.11.31. T co 1:1115 kiler ealin• 111. vas reittelled Nil Ii,’lane del ddeail pittiliip, .1 id led Deed indfidiried Outstook :11111 a lall 1:111.1T111.11111 hail haS.Si.(1 Walk,: 1 Ii’-, laps Inor,

11101 he 113third place. AS half distaiii, (I) Aseari had been driving for I hr. 2 tittn. 12 see., iiveraging 152.271 k.p.h.. 5′:; I ortunately 1{01 lilt the. 1.4./11Die iztalitt into Inc corner

atter B•101,171 Vent 111111 the croval, two. 0,…,0: twine. 5111111 :11111 St:Venal utjur.,(1. 1 tic rt. it..)1. resumed tor live laps, stopped again, when Ilte tai-sitie rear ‘riieei wit, inspected, vent. 011, SI 1/11 VA, 1111,…11111; tor quite :1 long mutheron! ‘‘alker (masted to his pit atm term…Lim lap Mi. Ile WaS flat stmlniy dirty, 1,111 right shoe had tett-trite oil idain,. I lieshilt him ro open own brain. of

Pal-1,41111011 . lty lap ‘..1s l,us ier’s Atasera ti.’) till, earlier hail nevi, wined in Dwell:ones at its tut, sounded dreadiul and ,vas seen no more. I In lap ,11 de (:ratienricd and

t Sp:1111,11 Ori% er 11 111,,’ remairting.11ascratiAlliart. §(01.ipell and lintel, maintenance was needed. 51 hen oaoliator 1111er on Me .11aserati-31illtit waS strani mai trater tomtralleil iitAvartls. 10 the torotett’s joy 1 Amid all Iltio=. Most Alailvoli, lien

railed In, and Inn latter nad wr Si place, his t’ar’s tau 0111 011 the e11111Nt.. :511 through the race itte.diantes itavildeu ffic pit arca ititd counters rn spite IlJnfo1v5lS.11’0111 201,1•Mahlim 1mM:einem and 1:1.1.11 the 11, 11,11 , pa seemed imorganised.

Poor .11:1114011 In! ‘’ 11.01 1 0:41 Iln after a itt:triil run, the siniea Lining to rrapolin to a push, IS the trans1111:4.;101i :+14.1i101 10 hate 11:1,1 eli011,41): ‘I his 1113111: thl. P0.81(1011 : .1.:;eart. t?cralitti, I :truth. Etanceint, I %MaliIons. Athol’ 40 MIN only 191 ears were leff . .Ascari had been sign:Mod 511I11 the Ferrari Ilag to ease mt. Ells lead %VA, 11110111 7111111, hill 111111 .1:11’1111i had ?f1(1,ed up, an holign tong ago Hwy ha(‘ lapped eryorw ‘Lartilli’s car sounded less crisp UntIl lIs leala 11/:11.1.!:4, 1•11111017,1′, II Was -.11:141 1)1.01.1111 through –Ferrari’s r:iee. nut the do:ing 1,11,.wen. not without interest. ominous. :tow 10,11111, g:115 a 1 11111110.,…101111 51:411 MO nin 1:11e1 1.:1:1110.1111 lino, for Faban Ions PaMl nig 111V:irtIS In. OK, appirettlly out of fum. Ire pushed Ilte car neariy to the litic amid applause. wailing Wail Atiral’i 11:1,1 W011 10 p11.s11 .111.1′ • lI n’i’,-lIlnlII In’ Ivan Ilagg,k1 111 ..111(1 Oonioto.ott kolislirr. ralit, It Molt ii, oxoeloolnittly apoolit waiting out Eli Inv c011111 10 110 S.,1111, 1 Mag, only livaltore Itionrst Spanish driver to 111111,1i 1.111011 1.1v:11.1011 and WAY, v111101 1111,101 allholigh some 15 laps Itoloilitt Asoari ran arross the enlirao for his wroath lintoom !honor(‘ the rare hall llinshool %shirt’ II did

lorrrarls 111,1, :>!:?’01,..1, 1 nivinre.111i. n0111:1. Al 1’0 10 1,111,111110 Vast 4,1.41VII, 111.(‘ lV111*N.111.111 4111. 111,1• 1.1.0:11111• V.1t11 114,1111% Mid 1 Is, 111.11 11_1′, oloholm !thin 11-515 krven. 1.,14‘1,11:4 .1111:l rushed the l’resanten back hi town with continuous Masts on its Imrti English organisers, please note ! -and all :114141 ritT0ell IaNi Ils 10 1 In.:111-11111. ,5,1 I/15, 1 1,1reelnna S t’,•

l'(i111.• !! 1t.