
THE EX-ZBOROWSKI HISPANO Sir, After reading the first of Mr. Karslake’s articles on the ” banana-squeezers ” I unwittingly bought what turned out to be this chassis. Since then, of course, I have been trying to settle the discussion, with the following results :

(1) The car has her original engine ; a very big operation must have taken place to change the stroke.

(2) Until 1948 she had alloy pistons, put in by Count Zborowski, but found unsatisfactory at the time of ownership by Colonel Gallop.

Now, while not offering a proof, it seems unlikely that neither Mr. Briand nor M. Chevrollier, both specialists in this marque, should find no evidence of operation (1) ; nor does it seem likely that it was carried out without their help being asked. Even if we allow doubt here, surely, if such an alteration were executed before 1943, pistons known to be very little good would have been changed at the same time. Finally the earliest record of the car I have found, the registration form, gives her stroke as 105 mm., which is eloquent of shaky tradition 1 am, YoUrs, etc.,

Mill Hill. KEN Moss.