

Over a we received for test

a set of 14 al Wipac sparking plugs. We assulat.ti that these would retail at about Os. each and screwed them into the aluminium-alloy head of a rather worn, oily little engine. There they stayed for thousands of miles, we never once inspected them until the head was removed for decarbonising, they never mis-fired once, and they look as good as ever. Consequently, we are rather shaken to learn that the Wico-Pacy Sales Corporation, Ltd., proposes to retail these Wipac plugs at 3s. 6d. each, which is lower than the price of sparking plugs in 1914. Moreover, as if to convince us there is no catch in this, Wico-Pacy state that a 10,000-miles’ guarantee goes with each of these 8s. 6d. plugs, which at present are made in 14 mm. standard, 14 mm. long reach and 18 nun. standard types.

Wico-Pacy seem proud of this achievement and say, in announcing plugs at 883 per cent. reduction on accepted prices, “After all, the motorist deserves a break.” He does, and he will be sensible to try these plugs. As we have stated, we found a set to give impeccable service. We may mention that Wico-Pacy themselves have called on over 50 years’ experience in the manufacture of ignition equipment in designing and making these plugs. Remember the nameWIPAC, and the price-85. (Id. each.