Last Goodwood Meeting of 1950


Last Goodwood Meeting of 1950

The B.R.M. Wins Woodcote Cup and Goodwood Trophy Races.

Parnell Secures His “Hat-Trick” in the Latter. An Episode-Free Afternoon in Spite of the Rain.

REAT1,Y enhaneed interest: was

lenI to the International B.A.R.C. N’teet ing at Goodwood on September 3011t, by reason of tlw entry of a BALM.. to be driven by Beg. Parnell. The only foreign entries were Platers Maserati to be handled by ” Bina,” Baron de GralTenried’s ‘Maserati. Johnnie Claes’ Talbot and Harry Schell’s Cooper 1,000. .But the presence of tIte 1t.ILM. mode the nweting. ‘I’wo ears were brought In GmalwOod as a precaution, bat Reg. drove the second car, if one regards that which ” ran ” at Silverstone as the first. He had tried a B.R.M. on the circuit a week earlier and on the Friday before the meeting put in 13 laps, the fastest in I min. 441.8 see., or at 89.1 m.p.h., only 0.8 see. or 0.10 m.p.h. below his own lap record–and Goodwood was slippery at the time. Best praetiee laps were : calls: R. M. Orydeo ‘..jr) … 111i1i. 1,3.6 nee, h. (Iarter ((!ooper) I „ „ P. Em m Emery t Eery:Km)… … 1 55,0 „ oxiper ((!ooper) • • • OrciEss

Paolo! (B.R.M.) … 1 min. 37.6 (we. Shawe-Tayhir B.A.) . . 1 „ 411.5 „ S. Moss CH As’ , … 1 „ 41.4 „ lIe Gratfenried (Maseral.1) . . I „„ p. white’ lead ( K. . A .) … I „ 42.0 „

That was most interesting, and pro’ raised well for 11.11.M. Parnell entrusted his new Cooper to Ltaipingwell. Raynes overturned the Crotitard-Special, but escaped with a bruised knee and was able to compete the next day.

Unfortunately rain, at times a driZzle, at others a downpour. set in early on race-day and autde conditions nxiSerable. All praise, then, to the efficient, handling of the racing by 13.A.1I.C. officials and the enthusiasm of the spectators who filled the stands and lined the enclosure fencing throughout that soaking afternoon. Goodwood really is an excellent place and rapidly approaching the COOVefliellee of Brooklands, although it. will be some years before it acquires similar ” atmosphere.” The Press arrangements are excellent. Reverting to the 11.R.M., it is most gratifying to he able to report that it won both its races. All credit, however, ” Bins,’ who showed it the Only opposition, finishing within 1.0 sec. of Parnell in the %Vtiodeote Cup race. It was a pity that, an over-zealous <>Melia

forobade Prinee ” Argentinian lady-friend to watch from the roof of the Press r1)011X. ill VICW Of the fact, that many persons not in possession of Press passes were oceupyilig tluit. vantage point. I ,, 56.2 „

Madgwick Cup Race (5 Laps, Scratch) (Cars up to 2,000 c.c. Non-sic., 1,100 c.c. Sic.)

After it bit or a panic at flag-fall when Bradnaek’s Cooper 1,000 and Hartwell’s Cooper with ex-Fernihough 1928 1,375 e.e. J.A.P. engine stalled, the field streamed out. into rather a procession. Aston’s Cooper 1,000, although seeming to misfire. was never Caught, but on the last lap usefttl 2-litre Riley caught Harry Schell’s well-driven blue and white Cooper 1,000. Throughout Winterbottom, cornering rather wide, held

fourth place. 1st : W. 8. Aalon (1,087 c.c. Comer), wonby 6 ma:. at. 73.3 m.p.h, 2rst : 0. 8. Sbiaita Riley), 3rd :11. Schell (1.097-e.e. Cooper). Fatal. Lap: Shillito (Riley), at 73.1

500-c.c. Race (5 Laps, Scratch)

Leapingwell turned cii, in Parnell’s new Cooper in time to mingle with the established ” 500 ” aces, Moss amongst them, and Ken Wharton took over John Cooper’s Cooper. As ‘Ebblewhite’s

flag fell Bottoni’.s Wicken’s ” French ” Cooper. Page’s Cooper and I.eapingwell were all stationary or stalled. As the rest roared past in a spray-haze after the first lap ” Curly ” Dryden had things well to his liking, liall(1011 SMOCK’. Collins third, 1:Vharton fourth. Already Moss was fifth and glancing astern at Carter. and Kennington’s i.w.d. Etneryson had pulled-in. while Smith’s Smith, the cylinder of which had been off Butt morning, was far from well. Moss WaS Op to second plaee next time round, Dryden snaking badly vast the stand. Nevertheless, ” Curly ‘ pulled out even more lead. Moss passed Brandon,

and Collins had to be content with fourth place. On the last lap but one Paul Emery spun round in his Emeryson, which makes rather a speciality of this, before the stands and slid backwards nearly into Wickert.

bit: It. M. Dryden (400-ex. tIooper-Norton), won by 4.8 PAT. at 70,73 in,p.h.

2nd : S. MOM (400.e.c. (‘ooper-Norton).

3rd . B. lirandon (4(40-e,r. Cooper-Norton). Faille.91. Sip.’ MOM (.3(oper-Norton), at 72.39 m.p.h.

The Woodcoce Cup (5 Laps, Scratch) (Formula Libre)

Applause rang out as the

emerged from its hiding place in the Scrutineers Enclosure and did its warming-up lap. ‘Raymond Mays, in blue overeoat, under a pale blue golf umbrella. waited for Parnell on the starting grid. At Goodwood places are allotted by lad lot, and the B.R.Al. was in tIte front row, flanked on its left. by Ashmore in Parnell’s E.R.A. and Claes ill his yellow Lago-Talbot, ill the right by Peter Whitehead’s E.R.A. not, alas. his Ferrari. Peter Walker had taken over Bolt’s Alfa-Rtinwo for this raoc. As the 11.H. M. came up 14) the grid the front wheels wtffibled alarmingly. Parnell used lots of r.p.m. ill wrirnucig Ill B.R.M.’s engine and the exhaust

gave evidence of ;t rich mixture. The note was really inspiring.

When at last the flag fell both de (1raffettried’s red Maserati front the second row and Wiliteltead’s E.R.A. beat Parnell, who took the B.R.M. off very slowly. But, after Butt, he put his font down and the sleek green car Caught these two and led the field. After a lap it. was Parnell, de Graffenried, ” Bira,” Poore in the big Ifill-Climb-Championship Alffi-Ronteo and Peter Walker. By the end of another lap Reg. was out on his Own. The ‘Vhitelieafiti, r. N. and A. G., had sick ears and so had Ashmore.

After the third lap the BALM. whined past the exeited spectators in the Stands with de Graffenried out of sight.. Indeed. ” !lira.” Poore and NValker had all passed him. Peter NVItitehead had retired and then Poore’s Alfa-Romeo lutd pulled-in after slowing down in a cloud of smoke on the back stretch, when in third place. Now Peter 1,Valker was making a determined bid in Rolt’s blown Alfa-Romeo, sliding wildly past the stands. Ile was then third, but. de Graffenried subsequently re-passed. But it. was ” Bira,” driving better titan he Ifas for the last two years, who offered the only opposition to tlw BALM., his 4 CI.T Maserati getting alumst wheel to wheel with Parnell at one time, ” Him ” gaining under the brakes, but anal de to hold the British, car in acceleration. Exciting !

1st : It, Parnell I I,487-e.e. 11.R.M.). won by 1.6 see:. at 78.3 11,14.14.

2nd : Prince ” Rim ” (1,406-ex, Maserati).

Baron de (I raf(enried (1,400-c.c. Mascrati).

Fastest lap : (l1, u.N1,), it 82.01 m.p.h.

First September Handicap (5 Laps)

The liondieapping may have lawn Intseil on speeds over a dry course, but II’. was still rather unsatisfactory, for If. A. Richards, the ” limit.” Mail, ran right away from the field in his aluminium and blue Riley Nine, to win by nearly 10i see. Dargue’s MG. held on for a lap, but was misfiring and then Willthent. going impressively itt Ayrton’s disguised Bugatti, held sce(aul place very comfortably front de Mat tos in the CromardSpeeial for the next. four laps. 1st : It. A. Richard., t ,im(4-e,e. Riley), I min.-12 see. Won by 1o.4 iice„ at 61.5 in.r.b•

: Willment 12,262-e.e. min. 311 We. 3rd : B. de Matto:, (1,406,e.e. Cromard•S(eel(d). min. 37 i(ee.

Foxiest Pip R. W. Merrill: (Cooper 141001. 74.80 in.p..11.

Second September Handicap (5 Laps) ” “

” flint ” decided to reserve his Mascrati for the Goodwood l’oipIty, SO Peter Whitehead WaS virtual scratch. Christie’s Kieft 1,100 proved reluctant to start. lartwell’s Cooper-J.A.P. refused for smite time to engage cogs, and Claes stalled. his yellow trolley containing a

Tudor starter battery being feverishly rushed across the track to the silent Talbot. These Goodwood starts want tidying-up a bit. After all the flap had died down Ituddock in the ” limit ‘ H.R.G. was seen to have a very nice lead. However, any chance of a “procession” was broken up by DuncanHamilton’s aged 6C Maserati. After a lap it was sixth, after two laps third, and by the third circuit Duncan lay second, having passed Dunham’s unwell Alvis. It took two more laps to catch Gerry Ruddoek, and then it was a “photo-finish,” one second between them.

1st : J. Dinaan Bananas (1,490-c.c. Maserati). min. 35 sec. Won by 1 Sec., at 75.8 m.p.h.

2nd : G. ‘ A. Ruddock (1,496-c.c, R.G.), 1 mitt. 20 sec.

Ord: H. N. Whitehead (1,488-c.c. E.R.A.), min. 10 AOC.

Fastest lap : Whitehead (E.R.A.), at 77.8 m.p.h.

Third September Handicap (5 Laps)

This should have been a good scrap, but de Graffenried had back shock-absorber shortcomings to look to on his Maserati, the A.J.B. was, as usual, a non-starter, Sydney Allard’s Cadillac-Allard had a Scintilla magneto but no sparks and Fairman failed to appear with Rolt’s Alfa-Romeo. And then Powys-Lybbe’s ” 2.9 ” P3 Alfa Romeo wouldn’t commence no matter how hard they wound its handle and had to be push-Started, very much later than the handicappers intended. Dargue’s M.G. led lap one but, still sick, fell right back and thereafter Lester’s Lester-M.G. led until the fourth lap, when Seltell’s Cooper caught it up. It looked like a runaway win for Schell, but as he got level with the Paddock return gate an oil-pipe was seen to be trailing and the J.A.P. to be silent. However, amid feverish clapping the Cooper coasted over the line a second ahead of Goodhew’s ex-Hutchison ” 2.9 ” Alfa-Romeo, that went really magnificently. Gerard occupied third place, after momentarily going to grass on

lap two.

1st: IL Schell (1,097-c.e. Cooper), min. 49 sec. Won by I sec., at 72.51 m.p.h. 2nd : J. Goodbew (2,992-c.c. A Ha-Romeo)

min. 42 sec. 3rd : F. R. Gerard (1,458.e.c. E.R,A.), min. to

k’atilol lap : Gerard (B.R.A.), at 80.0 m.p.h.

Fourth September Handicap (5 Laps)

Rain still falling as the cars lined up. Lyeett was in attendance on Leslie Johnson in the 8-litre Bentley, running stripped save for its off-side front wing. The bonnet was opened on the line and ” Mac” went over but the panic quickly subsided. After a lap the great car was second, and a grand sight, for it. was going really rapidly. Another lap and it had disposed of Treen’s pathetic Riley, but had, in turn, been passed by t hal

very swift and steady Riley of Shillito’s, which he manages so well in the wet. Shillito built up a commanding lead, I he vintage Bentley lay second and Almeassis in Mortimer’s ” Silverstone ” Healey held third place. Gale’s Connaught was slow.

let; G. Shillito (1,988-c.c. RiloY), min. 31 so. Won by 18 sec., at 72.9 m.p.h.

2nd : L. G. Johnson (7,983-cc. Bentley), (1 min. 31 see. 3rd : G. Abeeassis (2,443-e.e. Healey), HUM

25 sec.

Fastest lap.: ShIUfto (Riley), at 75,7 m.p.h.

The ” Daily Graphic ” Goodwood Trophy (12 Laps, Scratch) (Formula I)

This time the B.R.M. was in the second row, with Shame-Taylor’s E.R.A. on its right and Watson’s Alta, Ashmore’s E.R.A., A. G. Whitehead’s E.R.A. and Claes’ Talbot in the row ahead of it. Parnell brought it to the grid, got out, and chatted to Mays, while mechanics stuffed a tarpaulin in the cockpit. Then

the B.R.M. was push-started, its grand. exhaust note broke out, and Parnell again held its r.p.m. high. The starter’s: flag seemed an eternity before it fell.

Then they Were off. ShaWe-Taylor nearly stalled. After Madgwick Corner Parnell was in the lead, but ” Bira ” was close behind, having beaten Parnell on initial acceleration, although in the third row on the grid, and de Graffenried third. All eyes were naturally on those three. In a race of this duration you can never tell how much the leader, eye on mirror,

has in hand, but certainly ” Bira,” driving his Maserati with all his former style, was harrying the B.R.M. On the Corners, where the front-end seemed to worry Parnell -somewhat, the red Maserati closed up, came very near at times. Along the straight the low green car, emitting its peculiar, inspiring’ centrifugalboost whine, accelerated away. It looked very steady here, although Reg snaked round the bend by the stands and was still spinning his back wheels at this point. Indeed, he never got into top .gear, yet Speeds of 130-150 m.p.h. were spoken of. He gradually left even ” Bira ” behind,, although the rain now fell more heavily. At the .end of his third lap Reg glanced baek. But he won comfortably, third-time victor of this race, over 12 sea ahead of “Rim’s ” very gallantly-handled Italian car. De Graffenried looked like keeping his third place, when right at the end Gerard just beat him to the line in the evergreen E.R.A. Bob actually finished 41 sec. after the B.R.M, had won. ShaweTaylor was an excellent fifth, A. G. Whitehead sixth. Peter Whitehead Was Missing for a few laps, but restnne(I, but Ashmore and Richardson’s R.R.A. rci ire& A great race, and ” Bira was congratulated warmly by the Duke of Richmond and Gordon, While the damp spectators enthusiastically acclaimed Parnell and Mays. 1st: ft. Parnell (1,487..e.e. &RM. ). Won by

12.4 sec., at 82.48 m.p.h.

2nd : Prince ” Dim ” (1.490-e.e. Maserat4). :3rd: F. R., Gerard (1,488-ex. Rit.A.).

Fasted lap : Parnell (B.R.M.). at 84.95 m.p.h. 4** •