

The recent spite of reetaxl-aei

continues. At the Zandvoort 1-,u1;1 circuit, W. Visser with a 1,087-c.c.. M.G. Magna attempted the local hourrecord on September 20th under the official supervision of the R.A.C. of the Netherlands, in very bad weather conditions. A short stop lowered his average speed, but he had covered 96 kilometres, Or 1.11 more than the holder, Van Houten (F.I.A.T.), when the differential seized!, the propeller shaft broke, and the car skidded and rolled over. Visser suffered only slight concussion. Van der Tyyn (2-litre Cotura-B.M.W.) postponed his attack and Van der Torers (F.I.A.T.) gave up after a few laps due to the rain. Further attacks were pending.

The DB II Aston-Martin failed to return to Montlhery as intended to re-attack on October 2nd 1111(1 3rd the Class D 2,000 mile, 3,000 kilo and 24hour records and these remain the property of the Citroen Speciale Yaeco, as they have done for the past sixteen years. At Montlhery• Deutsch, Annan’ and Bouchard have broken Class H records with is 745-e.e. Dyna-Panhard-engined D.B., including the 12-hour record, with a new figure of 1,254 miles; (see page 564). This reeterd was held previously by Eystott and Deftly in the M.G., which in 1932 covered 1030 miles in 12 hours. At Jabbeke Gillie Tyrer attempted to break locak Belgian short-distance records with his ” Mille Might ” B.M.W. but dropped a valve: Before this, however, Tyrer broke the Belgian National Class E Sports Car kilometre record in 28.02 sec., equal to 78.159 m.p.h. The previous holder was A. Pilettel (Veritas). This was 3.9 m.p.h. faster than the XI: 120 Jaguar’s Class C kilometre record last year. The B.M.W.’s best one-way kilometre run was in 27.58 sec. (81.1 m.p.h.), which. was 0.42 sec. faster than the CadillacAllard .12’s time at Brighton and an amazing performance for a sports car of under 2 litres” engine capacity. Incidentally, if anyone can assist Tyrer in establishing whether this MAIM., which is basically the 1940 Brescia car, complies NVElh present-day production-car race requirements, he will be ext remedy

grateful. In practice the 11.7,1 .V. did 134 m.p.h. It 118(1(1 ” Wy resole ” retreaded tyres for the S.S. attempt.

In the sphere of motor-boatimr. N. H. Buckley raised the one-hot r record for boats weighting under 800 kg. in ” Miss. Wididermere,” covering 48.28 nautical miles (55.29 m.p.h.) at Windermere. He also took the 22 mile record at 55.17 knots (03 53 m.p It.). Tony Crook did a bit of hustling on October 12th by driving from Caterhant to 7,1o131lIt6ry cud Intek in the day, which included crossing the Channel both was by Silver !ity Airway’s Bristol Freighter and driving his Bristol 401 saloon for an hour round Mont Iltery under ollieial observation. The Ihristol covered 104.78 miles in the hour, its best two laps being: done at 107.55 m.p.h.. Cood motoriag, both on and oft the track 1