CLUB AFFAIRS, November 1950


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Henceforth, intending competitors in the Sunbeam Motor-cycle Club’s annual Pioneer Run, from Epsom to Brighton, will only be eligible for entry on machines the details of which have been duly entered on the Pioneer Register. The fee for this is only Is., but it should be stressed that details of machines which it is hoped to ride in next year’s event (on March 18th) must be submitted for approval not later than December 31st, 1950. The necessary form is obtainable form H. 0. Twitchen, 41, Hampden Road, Kingston-uponlrhames, Surrey.

The Wirral Branch of the V.M.C.C. is a flourishing offspring of the main organisation. Meetings are held on the first Friday of each month at the Community Centre, ” Knockaloe,” Bridle Road, Bromborough, Wirral, Cheshire, where all owners and would-be owners of vintage motor-cycles will be welcome. Members of the Branch have been responsible for the rescuing from decay of several Scotts, Triumphs and Sunbeams of the pre-1930 era, a 1903 Humber foreear, a ” oneq:iff ” sprint Levis, a Powell and a ladies’ model Ivy, among others, and, despite the distance which separates us from the main body of the club, Wirral members are among the most enthusiastic participants in V.M.C.C. activities. * * *

Mr. Foster han severed all connections with the Sheffield and Hallamshire M.C. The Trials Secretary is Mr. K. G. Settle, 6, Grove Road, Totley Rise, Sheffield, and the Hon. Secretary is A. Scott, 4, Mount View Avenue, Sheffield, 8.

The Cemian M.C. Knowland Trophy Trial, open to the Cernian, Hants and I3erks, Horsham and District, Kentish Border, North West London, 750, Southsea and West Hants and Dorset Clubs, starts from the” Sally Lunn ” Roadhouse. Hindhead, at 11 a.m., on November 5th, Entries have closed. * *

The Southsea M.C. Hunt Trophy Trial is due to start at 11 a.m. from the Market Square, Petersfield, on November 19th. It is a closed event and entries from Southsea M.C. members should be sent to S. A. Faulkner, 113, London Road, Waterlooville, Hants, by November 14th. * * * A short trial in the Wrekin area was held by the Severn Valley M.C. on October 8th, and attracted a good entry. All observed sections being climbed nonstop, results were decided on timed sprints, braking tests and a figure-eight. Best times were made by : let: G. Cope (Austin A70). .2nd: P. Fullwood (TC ” MALL

3rd : P. Thompson (Singer Roadster).

A good effort was that of P. Jones, who completed the event in (or on) a 1928 Ford Model-A. After the trial about thirty members gathered for tea at the ” Halfway House ‘ on the Wrekin, where results were worked out by the organiser, Terry Heath, Competitions secretary. This event was the last of seven on which will be decided the Victor Ludorum, the ” Hark& Trophy,” the winner of which, on aggregate, would appear to be F. Oldham, with his remarkably lively and long-suffering Morris Eight, subject

to confirmation.

The club have been invited to take part in an inter-club rally promoted by the North Staffs Motor Club, on October 22nd, finishing with tests at Ateham Aerodrome, near Shrewsbury.