

Sir, Regarding this H.R.G. battle, I feel I must write to back up Mr. Gandhi. Although apparently wrong on certain

points, I think he feels as I do—that is to say, he too thinks the H.R.G. somewhat out of date. Anyone who has examined one of these cars can hardly fail to remark on the crude workmanship and finish in many parts. Several praiseworthy efforts have been made in the past to produce a potent British sports car of small size, but I do feel that the manufacturers have not shown sufficient imagination and realisation of what a modern sports car should be like.

Many people rave about the T-type 111.G., but I must say that they are easily satisfied. The M.G. may hold the road fairly well, but so does a vintage job. After a Continental sports car, the steering of an M.G., for one thing, leaves much to be desired. The springing is also hard and out of date. Can’t we break away from these pseudo sports cars and really produce a pukka job ?

Having made all these remarks, readers may perhaps be wondering what car I drive. The answer is a Lancia Aprilia.

Here you have a 12-h.p. full 5-seater saloon which will beat up practically every small so-called sports car on the road. A genuine stop-watch 80 m.p.h. and 30 m.p.g. into the bargain. The acceleration is better than that of a T-type M.G., and the number of times I have left an M.G. at traffic lights and proved this is legion. The expression on the other driver’s face never fails to amuse me. To Stop being provocative and to sum up then, if the Italians can produce a car like the Aprilia, which is not supposed to. be a sports car, surely after the war our own manufacturers can produce something better than the T-type M.G. or the H. R. G

As ” stop press,” let me just add that the latest type Aprilia (I believe there is one in this country) will do a genuine 90 m.p.h., so let’s get a move on with the designs for a cheap British car to compete with this, with modern suspension like the Lancia, and modern construction as well. I am, Yours etc.,

R.A.F. B. J. LANE, S/Lr.