

The R.A.C. has been asked by the Welfare Department of the War Office to find 200 London car owners who will give one night a week to assist sailors, soldiers and airmen of our own and the Allied Forces passing through London.

For those arriving late at night accommodation has to be found in one or other of the big Service hostels now available. In the majority of cases the men are strangers to London, and if turned loose in the ” black-out ” without a guide would inevitably lose their way. Cars are wanted, therefore, to convey the men to their resting-place for the night. The nights when help is most needed are Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The hours of duty are approximately between 9 p.m. and 1.30 a.m., and petrol co upons will be provided.

Will any motorist who is prepared to assist with this most essential work please communicate with the Royal Automobile Club, Pall Mall, SAVA (Whitehall 2345), stating on which night he or she is prepared to serve, the make and horse-power of the car (large cars are particularly useful), and home and business telephone numbers ? I am, Yours etc., J. SEALY CLARICE, Chairman,

Royal Automobile 11111).

Pall Mall.