
Sir, The Vintage S.C.C., by its careful definitions of “sports,” ” super-sports ” and ” racing ” cars, did its best to encourage the ” impecunious amateur,” and, I think, attracted a considerable number of ti em. Yet it was very seldom that a 750-c.c. class in a speed event had sufficient entries to be run as a class on its own. (These events were open to both Vintage and modern cars.) Most of the impecunious ran ears of 11-litres or more, for the very good reason,

I think, that for a given expenditure more fun can be had with the larger car. A 750-cc. cannot be made to go sufficiently fast to be exciting without becoming unreliable unless a lot of money is spent upon it. If this view is correct, then I do not think the prospects for Class I are good.

I quite agree with Mr. Lowrey that it would be easier to collect (lass I or 3 records than the htrger classes ; but record-breaking is an expensive pastime anyway, and even in Class I beyond the scope of the ” impecunious amateur.”

YOU may remember that I was Competitions Secretary of the V.S.C.C. up to the outbreak of war, but the foregoing are, of course, only my personal views. Changing the subject, your Editorial asks if the V.S.C.C. proposes to hold road events for pre-7974 cars after this war. Again only a personal view, but I have no doubt that the answer %%fill be ” ‘Yes ” I am, Yours etc.,

II. P. Bowia.at. Rickmansworth,

Herts. [Other notable clubs which sought to help the amateur in the manner Mr. Bowler mentions were the Kent and Sussex L.C.C. at Lewes and the Brighton and Hove M.C. at Brighton.—Ed.1