

From time to time I have noticed in the pages of Mama SPORT discussions relating to the building of road “Specials” and have been specially interested in those._ based on the .J.A.P. V-twin.

Reeently I beard that an acquaintance wished to dispose of one of these engines, but only on condition that it was put to some interesting use. I called on him, and after three hours’ ” jawing ” I was the owner of an 1,100-e.e. 1932 J.A.P. twin, which had been used and raced in a Morgan Aero till Hitler put an end to these things for a while.

The unit has been rebored, fitted with racing pistons and connecting rods, J.A.P. dirt-track valves, new guides, roller bearings, treble valve springs, etc.

I am now looking for a light Sports chassis to install it in and hope to have an interesting road motor when finished (if it works 1).

A friend has just purchased a 1935 CAntore Frasch, and though we haven’t had time or gas to try it yet, we lave to bring it to life soon, as it will be used regularly on work of national importance.

If our friends’ plans all materialise after this little trouble, you should be hearing again from this part of the world, with its two ” Specials ” under construction, a Frasch, blown Wolseley Hornet and tuned Morgan 4.4.

So until the happy days when they are in use again we’ll just meet and talk of fun to come. I am, Yours etc.,

R. R. FRENCH. Ilford, Essex.