
A NEW RACING ALTA has interfered with the

the introduction of a new racing job from the Alta workshops at Tolworth. Lady Mary GrosvextOr’s new nionoposto Alta was completed at the end

of August. The new, tubular chassis has a wheelbase of 8 ft. 5 in. and a track of 4 ft. 3 in, It has entirely new independent suspension, comprising torsion bars running within the tubular corss-members. The wheels are carried on ball-hearing, box-section swinging links, coupled by T-pieces to the torsion members. There is an internal reservoir to lubricate the steering pivots and the kingpin location remains constant at all angles of wheel deflection. Luvax piston shock-absorbers are fitted and there is a ’28 ft. turning circle. Alta formerly used coil springs. Girling brakes are a new feature. The 15 in. alloy drums have cast-iron liners. The supercharge is now 20 lbs. per square in. and over 200 b.h.p. is claimed at 5,000 r.p.m., or over 275 b.h.p. as a 2-litre. R.R.A.C. 9 alloy is now used for the big-ends. There is E.N.V. transmission, a 21gallon oil tank and a 33 gallon fuel tank. The cost is about

1;1,250. Our sympathies, Lady Mary !

Taylor still toys with a V8 300 b.h.p. 1i-litre engine for this chassis.

I.A.E. Centre

The Research Centre will ‘concentrate on work of National Importance “for the duration,” but no papers will be read. It is hoped to continue the Journal, containing papers already prepared— which we hope will include Raymond Mays’s contribution on the technical aspects of motor-racing. The last issue contains a paper on sound-problems, by General Motor’s engineers.


As it happened, Plimnix Park was not the last British motor-racing event until the war is over. As Eire postponed its fuel rationing until October 2nd, it was found practicable to run on open, speed hill-climb at 13allMascOrney Gap, near Dublin, on September 23rd last. The three-quarter mile course involved many corners. A new record was set up by A. P. Macarthur, handling his well known M.G. Magnetic which clocked 48.79 sees., or 55.34 m.p.h. As a handicap system was in operation, D. M. McCracken’s Morgan Won the 1,100 c.c. class in 52.29 secs., or 58.26 secs. actual time. Macarthur’s M.G. was second and third was Stanley Wood’s 4/4 Morgan, in 53.9 sees., or 59.9

secs. actual time. IVIacarthur was on scratch.