

An outstanding feature of the Allard Special is the fact that for all the numerous trials entered not one car has even failed to finish

Things that impressed us in 1936. S. H. A. climbing almost any hill in almost any trial. —”The Motor,” 22/12/6 S. H. A. driving that wonderful yellow Ford V8 with independent front suspension. Experts’ Trial —”The Light Car,” 611116 At Nailsworth it is worth recording that Allard again distinguished himself by taking his Ford V8 Special up visibly faster than anyone else. LondonGloucester.—” The Sport ing Life,” 7/12/6

For five years in succession small ears have won the Colmore Trophy. This time the Trophy goes to 8. H. Allard, driving his Allard Special, that very sporting cream coloured open two-seater. —” The Autocar,” 5/5/7 But S. H. Allard, with his famous Allard Special, shot up spectacularly with

no chance to pick a course.

J.C.C. Scramble. —” The Autoear,” 26/3/7

By Courtesy of ” The Autocar.”

S. H. A. made one of the fastest climbs ever seen at Nailsworth. M.G. Trial. —” The Motor,” 12/5/6 A short run in heavy traffic showed up the extremely smooth, silent flow of power from the V8 engine, the astonishing acceleration and complete tractability, while we observed with satisfaction the rigidity of the bodywork and “front works,” a feature all too rare in modern lightweight highperformance cars.–‘ Afotor Sport,” June, 1938

The only competitor to finish the trial entirely without loss of marks was 8. H. Allard, with his Allard Special-a very flne show Indeed. The Ifighland 2-day Trial. —” The Motor,” 30/3/7

A new hill, even more difficult than section 4 and Red Roads—only one of the 44 starters, S. H. Allard, climbed it. The Lawrence Cup Trial. —” The Motor,” 1/6/37