

At a meeting held on Sunday, October 24th, 1937, there was formed the Model Car Racing Association and the following officers elected.

President : Mr. Alan Hess.

Chairman : Mr. J. K. Hankinson.

Hon. Secretary and Treasurer : Mr. L. 0. Tucker. Committee Member : Mr. A. Deacon.

The Association will have its headquarters in London but the formation of affiliated clubs will be most heartily welcomed, in whatever part of the country they may be. Inter-club competition will be encouraged and the president has kindly offered a cup for such a competition.

Subscriptions :

Single Members Affiliated Clubs within 15 miles of Charing Cross … 10/per Affiliated Clubs outside that area … ••• ..• 5/per

All types of model cars will be encouraged whatever the motive power. A Race Meeting will be held in the London District on Sunday, December 5th, for rubber-driven and clockwork 2/6 per annum annum annum

models of the following classes and over the following distances.

Class A. Cars not exceeding S inches

In length … 50 feet „ Cars not exceeding 16 inches

in length … 100 feet „ Cars not exceeding 24 inches

In length … … 100 feet „

Cars of unlimited length .. 150 feet

Length to be measured overall, but not including front bumpers if fitted.

Cars must bear reasonable resemblance to full size racing-cars.

Motive power to be either twisted rubber or clockwork and to be applied via the wheels. Four wheel drive permitted.

All cars must have painted on each side a dead black circle of reasonable size, on which racing numbers (issued on the day of the race) can be chalked.

Races will be run with heats on the knock-out principle.

The judges’ decision on all matters to be final. Entrance fees per car in each class :

Class A, 6d.; Class B, C & D, 1/-. Prizes will be given in each class.

A wire will be stretched over the finishing line at a height of 7 to 8 inches to enable automatic brakes (where fitted) to be worked.

The course will be arranged so that the maximum possible distance is afforded for slowing down after the finish.

The M.C.R.A. extend a hearty welcome to all model racing-car enthusiasts to enter for these races whether they are members or not.

Subsequent race meetings will only be open to members of the Association or Affiliated Clubs.

The time and place of the meeting will be decided later, but will almost certainly be indoors on a smooth floor. Further particulars of the Association, and race meeting, can be obtained from :

The Hon. Secretary : Mr. L. G. Tucker, 110, II arborough Road, Streatham, London, S.W.16.