club news, November 1936




An opening gathering of the Motor Sports Club was held at its premises during Grand Prix week. The scheme is for a Club, limited for the present to 200 Members, open to motor enthusiasts, and existing solely as a London Club, not organising competitions of any kind. This seems to us a very excellent idea indeed, for so often, as when, for instance, the daily papers announee a piece Of news sensational to our world, one feels the need of a talk with fellow enthusiasts. At the Motor Sports Club that will be. possible, as will writing letters, reading the current world’s motoring press and looking after the inner than—the premises are licensed, of course. The club rooms are in Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Square, and are open from 11.30 a.m. to 3 p.m., and from 5.30 p.m. to 11 p.m. on weekdays, and from 12.30 p.m. to 2.30 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 19 p.m. on Sundays. Guests can be introduced by members during club hours. The provisional committee was composed of J. A. Masters .(M.C.C.), F. H. Whittingham ( N.W. London M.C.), F. L. M. Harris (M.G. C.C.), A. S. Heal (Vintage S.C.C.) and C. C. W. Burrage (Standard C,O.C.), which should

be sufficient reconunendation. The premises have been most tastefully redecorated and and furnished by Messrs. Heal & Co. The annual subscription is 10/for members living within 50 miles of Charing Cross and -5/for those outside this area. Particulars from : The Motor Sports Club, Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Square, W.C.2.


Out of the long list of results of the Brooklands Members’ Day con* two

corrections. R. J. T. Marston, as we thought, had trouble with his Type 43 Bugatti, after some very rapid lapperv and retired, so that he gains no award.

B. B. Fielding(847 e. c. M.G.), originally credited with a Silver Medal, actually nets a Premier. E. K. Parley (II.R.G.) gained a Premier—his name was inadvertently left out of the detailed results last month.


The popular Thatcher Trophy Trial will be ,held on November 14th, starting from the Bull Hotel, Gerrards Cross, Bucks, at 10.30 a.m. The course comprises about 100 miles, finishing where it began, and with a stop for lunch at the Crown

Hotel, Pishill. Details from : Paul Hardy, 33, Cryrus Avenue, Twickenham, Middlesex.

U.H. & U.L.M.C.

Another excellent Donington Meeting was held on October 9th, this time using the new Melbourne Leg. These club Donington meetings provide p_rhaps the finest training possible for more serious road-ra,:ing, and we Pope they will flourish and be supported exceedingly well next S ason. As the following results show, Miss Joan Richmond not only won the first race won by the H.R.6, marque, but anotle.2r race as well, with otlizr

H.R.G.s frequently in the picture. Her average was 66 m.p.h. on both occasions. Burness with the fine old G.P. Sunbeam was lucky this time, averaging nearly 70 m.p.h. for ten laps–highest average of the day. We want to see more people supporting these race-meetings, in preference to slime-storming. RESULTS Sports-Cars

Three-lap Scratch Race (up to 1,500 c.c.) : 1, N. V. Terry ( 1,496 c.c. FrazerN;e411). 63.6 m. p.11. ; 2, A. C.

Scott (1,497 c.c. 63.) iii ph; 3, P. C. T. clad: 1,497 c.c. H.R.G.), 62.0 m.p.h. Three-lap Handicap (unlimited) : 1, R. WatkinsPitchford (1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash), 02.2 m.p.h.;

2, Miss Joan Richmond (1,497 e.e. 65.8 m.p.h. ; 3, R. M. Strang (4,108 c.c. Hudson). 05.9 m.p.h.

Three-lap Handicap (cars prior to 1932) : 1, R. H. Whitworth (4,234 e.e. Vauxhall), 61.6 m.p.h. ; 2, A. C. Scott (4,398 c.c. Bentley), 58.4 m.p.h. ; 3, G. Swain (1,498 c.c. Alvis), 66 m.p.h. Four-lap Handicap (up to 1,500 0.c.) : 1, Miss joan Riehmoral (1,497 c.c. It .11.0.), 66 lnm.h.; 2, C. C. 1-). Miller (1,496 c.c. Riley), 62.1 ; 3, P. C. T. Clark (4497 e.e., 63.4 16-1),/i•

Four-lap Handicap (unlimited) : 1, R. M. Strang (4,168 c.c. Hudson), 07.2 m.p.h.; 2, N. V. Terry (1,49(1 c.c. Frazer-Nash), 68.5 m.p.h.; 3, A. C. Scott (1,497 c,c. H.R.G.), 67.6 m.p.h. Five-lap Handicap (unlimited), for the U.H.U. Trophy : 1, Miss Joan Richmond (1,497 c.c. H.R.Gi.),

06 ; 2, G. M. Crozier (3,022 c.c. Ford), 54.8 m.p.h.; 3, P. c. T. Clark (1,497 c.c. H.R.G.), 62.4 m.p.h. Racing-Car3

Ten-lap Handicap (unlimited) : 1, G. K. Burnoss (1,991 c.c. Sunbeam), 09.6 m.p.h. ; 2.11. A. Richards (1,087 C.C. Riley), 01.5 m.p.h.; n, 11. K. Place (1,496 ex. Frazer-Nash), 04.2 m.p.h.


Brooklands Track was officially closed for its annual repairs on October 30th, but, as usual, certain portions will be available for testing reasonably sober motor-cars, and, of course, there is always plenty of interest going on off the Track, within the Weybridge Estate.


An enthusiast is anxious to start a club for real dyed-in-the-wool enthusiasts residing in the Eastern Counties, the idea being to form a really live body as distinct from a club merely existing to run socials and occasional trials. It is hoped that eventually permission may be obtained to form such a club into a Midland branch of the Vintage S.C.C. In the meantittle, Mr. Geoffrey Deason would like to hear from anyone who is interested. Mr. Deason owns a G.N. and recently completed a 1,0(X) miles holiday tour of the Lake District and Scotland in a 357Jowett which he subsequently sold for 70/-, only the silencer having fallen Off. He it was who wrote that very enthusiastic article ” Memories ” for us, last January, and amongst motors owned by fellow enthusiasts are a fast Balilla Fiat and

a blown Lea-Francis. Those who live in the Eastern Counties and appreciate real motoring should do something about it. Mr. Deason can be found at Messrs. Cooks Garages; Ltd., London Road, Peterborough, Northants. Peterborough 3021.


That adventurous affair, the Bugatti Owners’ Club Night Trial, will be held on November 20th, and as the Veteran. Car Run is on the following day marshals Should have an excellent chance of twentyfour hours or so dedicated to motoring interests—whereas, in past years, there was the dismal prospect only of bed after

a night out with the Bugattisti. Details from E. L. Giles, 2, Queen Street, Mayfair: W.1.


The South Western Trial started from Wilton, near Salisbury, and at its conclusion a dinner and dance was held at the Runnacleave Hotel, Ilfracombe. The hills were in a dry condition and humoured

quite staid motors. But Kersham put paid effectively to many hopes and actuallyonly H. R. Winnicott (Frazer-Nash) climbed all the gradients and thus netted the only Premier Award for the Chain Gang. Dr. A. B. Waters drove Peaty’s interesting Vortic Velox Special, which has been described and illustrated in MoToR SPORT —incidentally, this is an example of sensible nomenclature, because the car is a combination of Velox Vauxhall and Vortic Hillman, the former the 14 h.p. Vauxhall and not the older Velox 30/08, the latter the later-series straight-eight Hillman. Shelsley Special builders, please copy.

A large number of competitors finished with no award, including Haward’s famous Bayliss-Thomas, Norton Bracey’ A.C., D. P. Scutts’s L.M.B. and L. M. Ballamy’s still experimental 1,099 c.c. Allard-L.M.B., so the J.C.C, can duly offer itself congratulations. RESULTS

First-class Award :11. It. Winnaeott (Frazer-Nash). Second-class Awards : The Earl of Essex (M.(. Midget), N. A. Prince (Singer), G. Warburton (Vauxhall), Dr. A. 11. Wroers (Vortic Velox Spealai), D. Maclean (M.G. magnate), M. W. Sheppard

(l1.(4.), K. E. Rushbrook S. L. H. Potter (M.G.), F. N. Crane (M.G.), L. K. Holdaway (Austin); C. G. Palmer (Austin), R. Peaty (FrazerNash).

The Mowing competitors finished the course : W.3.. Howard (Bay/In-Thomas), .T. M. Laing (Riley), NUM E. M. Dobson (0.M.), it. Vidler (Wolseley), P. St. V, Tabberner (Morris), R. H. B. Mason (Rover), B. H. Holloway (Ford), H. F. Burt (Triumph), R. F. Peacock (Riley), W. J. Lanes (M.G.), W. R. Wood (Singer), N. Bracey (A.C.), D. F. Seats (L.M.B.), L. M. Ballanry (Allard L.g.B.) s. S. Dawes (Fiat).

BERKHAMSTED & D. M.C. Lockhart-Bossingham Cups Trial

Dry weather made the course extremely easy for the competitors in the club’s Lockhart-Bossingham Cups Trial held on Sunday, 17th October. The various hills included as observed sections were all so hard and dry that the results of the trial depended entirely on the three special tests. Had it been wet, however, the result would have been very different for the course itself was excellent and consisted of plenty of gradient and some really good trials sections. Since all but two competitors got through to the finish without loss of marks everything therefore depended on the three special tests. The first of

these was a driving test. This took place on a downhill section of road. Here C. W. Taylor (Singer) clocked the best time. In the next test, a brake test, K. N. Hutchison in his rakish-looking special short-chassis Ford V8 did well. The results of these two tests, together with those of the third, a go-stop-go affair, evidently produced sufficient means wherewith the organisers were able to work out the official results, which are as follows : RESULTS

Bossingham Cup : K. N. Hutchison (Ford V8).

First-class awards I H. C. Dryden (Ford V8) ; E. J. Haesendonck (M.G.) ; C. 1). Claridge (FrazerNash).

Second-class awards : Miss Redfern (H.R.G.); .J. E. B. Wvidhart (M.G.) ; R. J. Harter (M.G.).

Team award : E. S. Haesendonck (M.G.) ; J. E. R. Wvidbai t (M.G.) ; J. H. Payne (Wolseley).

Model Car Race Meeting

As a result of the highly successful meeting staged earlier on in the year It has been decided to hold another model car race meeting. This will take place in the Dance Hall at the Kings Arms Hotel, Berkhamsted, and the date of this “Grand Prix de Berkhamstee–eed ” (as it has been titled) is fixed for Sunday evening, 28th November. The flag will fall for the first race at 7.80 p.m. There will be classes for 6d. Woolworth, Schuco-” Merc6des ” models, and the unlimited. In the latter class models must not have a wheelbase of more than 18 in. Steam, petrol or rocket as a means

of propulsion are barred. Entries, at ed. per car per class, will be accepted on the line. Awards will consist of a cup to the winner of each class and a medal to the runner-up of each class. There will be a special award for the fastest time of the day.

Any further details of this meeting may be obtained from the Hon. Secretary, Mr. N. C. Lone, 57, Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead, Herts.


The Veteran C.C. has continued active this year and will again hold the annual run to Brighton in co-operation with the R.A.C., on Sunday, November 21st. As last year, the start will be from the Magazine in Hyde Park, from whence the first of the pre-1905 cars will set forth at 8.80 a.m. Cars of 1894-1890 will be required to average 10 m.p.h., those of 1903-1904 18 m.p.h., others in pro

portion. The usual route to Brighton will be followed. This is an admirable event, whether you run to demonstrate the achievement of the pioneers, or merely to have some rare fun and adventure. Once again we would ask those who go down to the sea in modern cars behind the veterans to give the drivers of these wonderful old cars as much room as they possibly can—both in which to brake and in which to steer. If you have a minor smash in your car you merely straighten a wing or send a bill to your insurance company, hut the same happening to a lightly-constructed veteran may write off a museum piece. Of recent years congestion in the vicinity of competing cars has been all too evident. Make a point of seeing the run. Good vantage points, other than the start and finish, are Brixton Hill, the Croydon By-Pass (a hill for the competitors !) and Reigate Hill.


A hill-climb was held at Knatt’s Valley, Kent, on October 31st. A trial in the Petersfield district is being arranged for Boxing Day, to which it is hoped other clubs may be invited. Classes for 8 h.p., 10 h.p. and over 10 h.p. Ford cars, using ordinary tyres and axles, will be used, with a special award for the best performance in each class, while drivers of other makes or of Ford cars with special modifications or equipment, will compete together in a separate class, whether members of an invited, or the organising, club. This class will also have a special award, and first and second

class awards will be given. Some stiff hills will be used, divided into sections, the marks earned depending on how far a driver climbs. It is probable that a short acceleration test will be instituted to decide ties and the entry fees were fixed provisionally at 5/for members of the organising club and 7/6 for members of invited clubs, with team entries of two. These arrangements may be modified before the close of entries.

Membership is increasing healthily and the Club has the advantage of being able to use the Millbrooke Dining Club as headquarters. The annual subscription is £1, or 10/for social membership, with an entry-fee of 2/6. Particulars are available from S. H. Allard, 15, Millbrooke Court, Putney, S.W.15, or from K. N. Hutchison, 23, Albemarle, Park Side, Wimbledon Common, S.W.


That great week at Donington entailed exciting journeys up “AS,” starting unhealthily early in the a.m., on one of which the Opel Cadet cheerfully averaged 40 m.p.h. in spite of prolonged fog until well past St. Albans. These journeys were punctuated by a run to Brooklands in a very beautiful Type 43 blown 2,8litre Bugatti, owned by an Englishman who has long been resident in France, the car having been imported for a holi day. The French registration letters and Bugatti blue finish of the special two-seater body attracted much attention as we drove out of Victoria Station and across London, the clutch fierce in traffic restarts, the ” pur sang ” machinery beneath the bonnet emitting an en thralling song as it idled. Screen flat, we motored in truly business-like fashion out on the Kingston By-Pass. Arrived at Brooklands, Mr. Bradley kindly ” scrutineered ” the French idea of a silencer to which Gatekeeper Cann had objected, and we were free to commit lappery—which in a good edition of a really fast Molshehn motor is a joyous undertaking indeed. This ” 2.3 ” had several interesting features, including a G.P. gearbox with central change and a camshaft, giving varied inlet timings whereby manifold pulsations, that would otherwise have resulted in unequal cylinder fillings, were claimed to be successfully defeated—which is a technical matter that deserves far more attention than I can afford it here. Alas, machinery of this calibre is a thought temperamental, and the Bugatti soon threw away its dynamo and disjointed its tail-pipe, while the timing could have done with some alteration and the water seemed to leave the radiator in some manner undiscovered. All we could do was to fit a bigger main jet, refill the rad. and mourn the damage (extensive) to the dynamo. We then lapped, two up, at 101.64 m.p.h., and that, I suggest, is a very good show indeed for a ten-yearold fully-equipped 2.3-litre car carrying two passengers and feeling ” out-of

sorts ” with the change of air. That Bugatti was very very stable indeed, with no heel-over and not a trace of tyresqueal, and could be held within the inside black line round the Byfleet at something like 90 or more m.p.h. On the road it was a most satisfying motorcar, fast, fierce, and with top-gear acceleration that could be made most excellent use of in fast traffic running. So that we forgave it for discarding its expensive dynamo—so that Godfrey Davis had to come to the owner’s rescue and provide a Vauxhall 14 for Donington—and for the embarrassing naughtiness of making very loud fire-engine noises when the starter pinion jumped the flywheel teeth ! That brief run set one’s enthusiasms, so carefully worked up over all the nice modern sports-cars we were to see at Earl’s Court, rather hopelessly askew . . .

Grand Prix day itself saw us off by 5.30 a.m. in the Opel, joined at Marble Arch by a very sporting Ford V8 cabriolet, a blown M.G. Midget and a very fine Frazer-Nash. We kept more or less together until over enthusiastic cornering after Weedon resulted in some excellent communal tail-sliding and a badly bent rear wheel on the M.G., while on the run up the Frazer-Nash had once gone ahead, temporarily, to deal with a certain rapid M.G. that had passed our procession. We then had fun with a car-load of enthusiasts in a 12/50 Alvis saloon, and with a cautious Jewish driver of a 4litre Bentley, who had probably hired his imposing motor-car from Mr. Godfrey Davis and, not being used to it, had, perforce, to suffer the indignity of being passed by our 085 automobile. Remarkable, how easily a 120 mile run passes, when enthusiasts meet enthusiasts . . .