

The Harrow Car Club held its annual General Meeting on the 27th October. The chair was taken by Mr. C. G. Cullen. The Club has gone ahead rapidly with its increasing membership and during the past year has staged many successful events. The following officials were elected for the coming year :

Patrons : The Earl Howe, Mrs. IC. Petre. President : S. C. H. Davis, Esq. Vice-Presidents : Oliver Bertram, Esq.,

1). 14. Briault, Esq., C. G. Cullen, Esq., Raymond Mays, Esq., A. E. Moss, Esq. Hon. Secretary : P. G. Fowler.

Hon. Treasurer : F. J. Coyne.

Hon. Competitions Secretaries : L. G. Eckett, Miss M. Webb.

Club Captain : S. G. E. Tett.

Hon. Magazine Editor : L. G. Wilkins. Hon. Press Secretary : V. W. Bailie. Hon. Social Secretary : G. B. Murphy. Hon. Solicitor : A. L. Philips.

Hon. Auditor : W. Jackson.

Committee : R. M. Andrews, E. J. Haesendonck, A. W. Jones, R. E. Thurston.

At the end of the meeting two presentations were made. The Moss Cup for the Chiltern Summer Trial to D. E. Harris and an electric clock to A. W. Rackham for his success in the non-stop variety run which was held on the 17th October.