

There is always plenty for the enthusiast to see and do at a Brooklands meeting, but somehow the final or Mountain Meeting, which was deferred a week in order to give visitors to the Motor Show a chance of attending, did not seem to have quite its usual snap.

The cold weather no doubt had much to do with it. Approaching the track on that windy morning, one felt distinctly sorry for drivers such as Cobb and Bertram who would have to go all out in an effort to secure a place, and everyone who competed in the outer circuit events admitted to Some awkward moments as they clung to the top of the home banking or steered with tails sliding round that slight but perilous bend in front of the Vickers Bend. In spite of the conditions some very high speeds were put up, Oliver Bertram for instance lapping at over 142 m.p.h. on the Hassan, but under the new ruling records made during the course of a race do not count, and only speeds set up with the track cleared are eligible as records. “Slip-streaming” and the difficulty of obtaining an accurate figure during the course of a race have no doubt influenced the authorities in making this decision, but it would add greatly to the interest of the proceedings if it were announced at least that ” so-and-so has unofficially beaten the record.”

The agitation which has been launched in these columns for better viewpoints for spectators has been answered handsomely by making raised banks along the inside of the Finishing Straight, and for the first time in the history of the track those people watching from the Public Enclosure were able to enjoy an unobstructed view of the finish of mountain races. The October meeting opened with two October Long Handicaps. Bertram was scratch man in the first, giving Marker on the q-litre Bentley a start of 31 sec

orals. Dent (Frazer-Nash) was limit man with 2 minutes 18. seconds start and got away well, but was overtaken in half a lap by J. C. Davis on the old 4-litre Mercedes. Then Mrs. D. G. Evans (N-type Magnetic) started to show surprising speed, catching Davis just after he had completed his first lap and Cushman on the new light Railton also came through to challenge the German car. Bertram was obviouslylapping at tremendous speed but his chances of getting a place seemed remote, but Marker soon accounted for Eccles’ 1-1-litre Bugatti, which had four seconds start of him. The second time round the Railton was second behind Mrs. Evans, followed by Oats in Dunham’s Speed Twenty AJvis and the Mercedes, but Marker had been coming through in a way which meant busilless, and he passed Oats on the Rail way Straight. on the third lap Mrs. Evans was only 30 yards ahead of Cushman and a hundred in advance of the Bentley, but a hundred yards before the line Cushman drew half a length ahead, only to be thwarted, again by half a length

by Marker on the Bentley. This was the closest finish witnessed this season, and Bertram who was a hundred yards behind might easily have made it a quadruple dead-heat.

ruple dead-heat. FIRST OCTOBER LONG HANDICAP About 9 Miles 1. R. B. W. Marker, (6,507 c.c. Bentley), 318.

1. R. B. W. Marker, (6,507 c.c. Bentley), 318.

2. L. . ( ‘ushman, (4,108 c.c. Rallton), trn. 28s. 3, Mrs. P.O. Evans, (1,287 c.c. M.G.), lin. 34s.

Fourteen Ran : Won by I-5s. (5 feet); 2-5s. (10 feet) between second and third. Speed : 117.33 m.p.h. Betting: 6/1, 4/1, 8/1. In the second Long Handicap, Cobb on the Napier-Railton was scratch and like Bertram, he had to fight against. a for midable handicap. D. S. H a ndley (747 c.c.. M.G.). had a start of 2 minutes 29 seconds, and hummed down the Railway Straight hours, as it seemed, before Powys-14W (Alvis) and Hughes (Frazer

Nash), who had already passed Munday (Munday-Diesel), came into sight. Charles Follett very quickly picked up his twelve seconds deficit on Bowler’s 3-litre Bentley, and again by the Railway Straight Cobb had made full use of his car’s acceleration to overhaul Vickers (2.3-litre Bugatti) and Esson-Scott (2-litre Bugatti) who spent the rest of the race in a private duel of their own.

On the second lap Handley was still in the lead, followed by Miss Allen on “Tim Davies’s ” single-seater Frazer-Nash and Cobb’s great wagon which were still a lap behind the limit car.

Charles Follett was now second on the field with Powys-Lybbe and Hughes third and fourth, and in another group behind Baker, who is usually seen on the wheel of a big Minerva, was pulling up well on the 5.3-litre Graham-Paige. The third ‘lap saw Follett close on Handley’s tail and going on to the Byfleet banking he passed into the lead,

sternly pursued by Baker. The Alvis continued to hold its speed however and crossed the line with a lead of 150 yards having averaged 95 m.p.h., an excellent performance for a car completely equipped except for lamps and hood.


1. C. Follett, (2,702 c.c. Aivis). Dn. 398. 2. G. L. Baker, (5,387 c.c. Graham-Paige), Ira. 27s,

:3. A .Rison-Seott, (1,900 c.c. Bugatti 35s. Thirteen Ran : Won by 3 4-5s. (190 yards) ; 138. (700 yards) between second and third. Speed : 95.51 m.p.h. Betting : 3/1, 5,1, 0/1.

The Record Holders’ mountain handicap only produced a field of three, as Mays was reserving himself for the mountain championship. Driscoll (Austin) and Fairfield 1J,10(Y c.c. E.R.A.) beat the starter and after a lap were recalled. At the second attempt Driscoll came down to the fork with a lead of a hundred yards, with ” Bira ” another hundred yards behind on the 1i-litre E.R.A. Driscoll and Fairfield were both very fast at the fork, skimming the protecting boards on the Finishing Straight each time, while ” I3ira ” cut close to Chronograph Villa and obviously lost time by this manceuvre. The third time round

Fairfield was only 20 yards behind the little white Austin and succeeded in catching it running up the straight, while

” Bira ” just held his own. His last lap he put much more zest into his cornering and crossed the finishing line only 10 seconds behind Driscoll.

RECORD HOLDERS’ MOUNTAIN HANDICAP About 6 Miles 1. P. G. Fairfield, (1,090 c.c. E.R.A. S.), 19s.

1. P. G. Fairfield, (1,090 c.c. E.R.A. S.), 19s.

2. L. P. Driscoll, (747 c.c. Austin S.), 228.

3. “11 Bira,” (1,486 c.c. E.R.A. S.) 10s..

Three Ran: Won by 2 3-58. (60 yards) ; 1 1-58. (40 yards) between second and third. Speed: 73.13 m.p.h. Betting : 2/1 on, 3/1, 3/1. In contrast to the last race, in t he First Mountain ” there were no less than twelve starters and consequently a jostling crowd bearing down on the Fork, headed by the limit Man, Goodson on his blown Austin Seven. Carr on the streamlined Singer Nine, Law (Ftazer-Nasb), Powys-Lybbe on the T.T. Aleis maintained their places, while T. P. C. ‘Lipper (Bugatti) had no difficulty in overtaking Oats on the lengthy Speed Twenty Alvis, surely an unsuitable car for the Mountain

circuit. The back markers charged up to the corner in a bunch, and Harker and Driscoll had some awkward moinent,, avoiding Appleton (Appleton Special) who turned half round right in their path at tile beginning of the Finishing Straight. The three leaders remained the same on the second lap, with Tapper fourth. On the third he had taken third place, while Vane, who had been coming through the field in great style on his two-seater blown Frazer-Nash took fourth place. On the fourth lap his cornering at the bap earner was inspired, and he came down to the fork actually in the lead, with Goodson and Carr now second and third. Charlie Martin, who started from scratch on his 3.3-litre Bugatti never Seemed to be hurrying, but now taking the Fork hair-pin with calm deliberation, had moved in sixth place. On the last he was third behind Driscoll on the Austin and gauged matters very prettily to pass the white car a few yards from the line, while Fane had already gained a well-deserved suc

cess. Powys-Lybbe, Carr and Goodman were the next to finish.

FIRST OCTOBER MOUNTAIN HANDICAP About 6 Miles 1. A. F. P. Fame (1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash S.), 238.

c.c. S.), 238.

2. C. E. C. Martin, (3,255 c.c. Bugatti S.), scratch.

3. L. P. Driscoll (747 c.c. Austin S.), 15s.

Twelve Ran : Won by 4 4-5s. (120 yards); 4-5s. (7 yards) between second and third. Speed : 70.91 m.p.h. Betting: 8/1, 3/1, 5/1.

There is nothing like a scratch race for excitement, and with nine really fast cars on the line the Mountain Champion

ship got everyone up on their toes. Raymond Mays made a phenomenal get-away and led the many-coloured pack of cars up on to the banking, and maintained his lead down to the Fork. He took the hair-pin fairly wide and Shuttleworth, who had gone far out towards the Vickers’ sheds, swooped in and almost passed him, Next came Martin (Bugatti), Appleton, whose Special has become really formidable nowadays, and ” Bira ” on the 1litre E.R.A., all fighting for position to the tune of tearing exhaust sounds and squeals from the tyt-e. Next time round NLiys was still in the lead and this time kept close to the corner. Shuttleworth took it broad and much faster and amid loud cheers actually gained a lead of one length, only to lose it again as Mays kept close and made use of his acceleration running up the finishing straight, while there was another patch of excitement as Appleton, ” Bira and Featherstonhaugh on Ii is veteran ztserati fought round the Fork nose to

On the third lap Shuttleworth’s efforts told and he came round with a 20-yard lead from Mays, with Martin close behind. In another lap Mays had dropped out with supercharger trouble and the Appleton Special disappeared for reasons unknown. Shuttleworth gradually pulled away from Martin, and he in turn had no difficulty in holding off ” Bira’s ” challenge, and what promised to be a thrilling spectacle developed into a steady though extremely rapid procession. Harry Rose on one of the ex-Whitney Straight 3-litre Maseratis clung grimly to fourth place, strongly pursued till the :end by Featherstonhaugh on the ” 2.5.”

on THE MOUNTAIN CHAMPIONSHIP About 12 Mlles 1. R. 0. Shuttleworth c.c. Alfa-Borneo

1. R. 0. Shuttleworth (2,904 c.c. Alfa-Borneo S.) 2. C. E. C. Martin (3,255 c.c. Bugatti S.) 3. “B Bira” (106 c.e. E.R.A. S.)

9 Ran : Won by 5 4-5s. (250 yards) ; 15 2-58. (600 yards) between second and third. Speed : 75:20 m.p.h. Betting : 2/1, 5[1, 16/1.

Renewed icy blasts of wind greeted the end of the Mountain Championship, but the programme was running well to time, and the twelve cars entered for the Women’s Mountain Race were soon on the line. Mrs. Petre on her supercharged Riley and Mrs. Stewart on the 4-litre Derby-Maserati were both on scratch, two of Freddy Dixon’s .Rileys driven by Mrs. Wisdom and Miss Taylour were considered to have a good chance, and other fast cars were Miss Evans’s R-type M.G. and Miss Ellison’s Bugatti (4-litre S.).

Miss Chaff on Austin Dobson’s Ballila Fiat, which was the limit car, led the first time round the Fork with Miss Richmond (Frazer-Nash) and Mrs. Oxenden (1,100 c.c. Alta) who came perilously near the tubs, second and third. The second lap saw Miss Richmond in the lead 50 yards ahead of Mrs. Oxenden who had a similar lead from Miss Chaff. Mrs. Petre was now eighth and going well, the Rileys were slow, and Mrs. Stewart’s Derby seemed almost too long to get round the Fork at all.


1. Mrs. P. Oxenden, (1,074 c.c. Alta, S.), 53s.

2. Miss I. Richmond, (1,490 c.c. Frazer-Nash). 58s.

3. Mrs. K. Petre, (1,486 c.c. Riley S.), scratch. Twelve Ran : Won by 5 2-58. (200 yards); 48. 950 yards) between second and third. Speed:. 0402 m.p.h. Betting : 4/1, 6/1, 2/1. Motor-cycles then held the field, and with their penetrating exhaust notes and banked-over cornering looked faster than the cars, though the times they put up disproved this. Mobbs (Velocette) the limit man held the lead for half distance, to be displaced then by Christmas, who

kept the lead to the end. The late starters were coming up well, but the race was too short for them.


1. N. Christmas, (348 c.c. Velocette), 22s.

2. It. Harris, (490 c.c. Norton), scratch.

3. L. J. Archer, (348 c.c. Velocette), 118.

Thirteen Ran : Won by 4 1-5s. (180 yards); 3 3-5s. (160 yards) between second and third. Speed: 67.50 m.p.h. Betting : Evens, 8/1, 6/1. There were twelve cars again in the eighth race, and with Lindsey Eccles’ 3.3-litre Bugatti a non-starter, LemonBurton’s bored out 3-litre was the heavily over-handicapped scratch car. All the cars except two, Bowen-Boscarlet’s Riley

which was from the Freddy Dixon stable and Phipp’s Aston-Martin, were supercharged, but it was these two which led the first time round, followed by J. ff. T. Smith (M.G. Magnette S.), Brockbank (4-litre Bugatti S.) and Abecassis (Austin). Bowen-Buscarlet had a lead of 60 yards on his second lap and Smith moved into

second place. Briault was coining up fast from the back regions, and on the third lap was third. On the fourth lap Fontes, on the Squire was seen doing great things on the Home Banking, and continued his spurt to catch K. D. Evans as they passed the paddock. The four leaders, Bowen-Buscarlet, Smith, Briault and Fontes tore up the finishing straight not more than four lengths apart and the result was doubtful right to the end, but the two firc:• named just marmood tn hnlel thoir load,

with Fontes forging up a couple of lengths behind.


1. Sqn.-Ldr. W. A. Bowen-Busearlet, (1 089 c.c TwIeltivieey)„Ra5n2s:

2. J. H. ‘1’. Smith, (1,087 c.c. M.G. S.), 378.

3. L. Fontes, (1,496 c.c. Squire 5), 93.

Won by 1-5s. (8 yards) . 1-58. (8 yards) between wont’ and third. Speed : 62.49 m.p.h. Betting : 8/1, 7/1, 7/1.

The shades of night were getting ready to fall as the last race began, with a stout entry of thirteen cars. Lewin, the limit man, on an Ulster Austin, retained his advantage for the first two laps, with Hughes (Frazer-Nash), Lloyd (N-type Magnette) and Bowler on his 3-litre Bentley in that order. After two laps Lloyd had forced his way to the front while behind him Hughes, Baker-Carr (41-litre Bentley) and Henken Widengren on the long-bodied Amilcar, which he used for record-breaking attempts some years ago.

Meanwhile there was terrific excitement. when Cadell (M.G. Magnette) hit the sandbank at the top bend, and hopeful spectators at the Paddock Stand declared that all four wheels had come Off the car. This mistake was pardonable, as it was almost too dark to see, but in actual fact after attempting to leap the bank and trying to annihilate George Eyston, who was acting as flag-marshal, the car came down little damaged on all four.


2. E. 0. flughes, (1,490 c.c.Frazer-Nash) 47s.

3. P. G. Fa:rtleld, (1,090 c.c. E.R.A. S.), scratch Thirteen Ran : Won by 9 3-58. (300 yards): 2-5s. (15 yards) between second and third. Speed : 66.44 m.p.h. Betting : 4/1, 5/1, 3/1. So the meeting ended, chilly but quite entertaining, especially the close finishes in the Long and the Mountain Races,

THIRD OCTOBER MOUNTAIN HANDICAP About Miles 1. N. Lloyd. (1,287 c.c. M.G.), 42s.