
THE COPPA MICHELE BIANCHI This race was run on very similar lines tc the Circuit of Lucca, reported elsewhere in this issue and was held in the town of Cosenza, in the ” toe ” of Italy. There were three heats and a final, but in this case the first heat was confined to 1,500

c.c. cars. The circuit, too, resembled Lucca, for the Cosenza lap measures only 2.5 km. The events were remarkable for the small entries-a result of the ItaloAbyssinian conflict. The first heat was a well-deserved win for Bianco, with his Masernti. This driver will be remettibt•red for his performance in the Mill, liglia this year,

when fie won the 1,100 c.c. class: At Cosenza he won quite easily from Bilotti, who drove one of the old G.P. Talbots. RESULT OF 1st HEAT

20 Laps : 50 km.

1. Bianco (Maserati) 38in. 46.4s. .77.400 k.p.h. 2: Bilotti (Talbot) 39m. 36.4s.

3. Marro (Fiat) 41m. 56.2s.

Fastest lap : Bianco. on his 2nd, in lm. 53.4s. There were again only three starters in the next heat, Pintacuda and Balestrero on Alfa-Romeos, and GherSi on a Maserati. The race was such a fierce one that no one cared about the small entry, and in the end Pintacuda won for Ferrari by neatly two in

RESULT OF 2nd HEAT 20 Laps : 50 km.

1. Pintacuda (Alfa-Romeo) 34m. 56.6s. 85.853 k.p.h.

2. Ghersi (Maserati) 36m. 25.2s.

3. Balestrero (Alla-Romeo) 37m. 35.8s.

Fastest lap : Gliersi, on his 5th, in ha. 41.4s.

The third heat was another Alfa-Maserati duel, Brivio and Mall ucci on the former, Siena on the latter. Brivio and Siena had a terrific scrap for the whole distance, the Ferrari man getting the best Of it in the end. Both clocked the same fastest lap, which shows that there was little to choose between them.

RESULT OF 3rd HEAT 20 Laps : 50 km.

1. Brivio tAit;:oittorneo) 33m. 58.2s, 88. 313 k.p.h.

2. Skim (Alaserati) 34m. 4.48.

3. Mallucei (Alia-Romeo) 38m. 1.6s.

Fastest lap : Brivio, on his 10th, and Siena, on his 15th, in lin. 40.4s.

The final was a grand battle between the Ferrari and Subalpina scuderias. Pintacuda and Brivio were the Alfa-Romeo representatives, while Siena and Ghersi defended the Masernti colours.

A very fast pace was set, and on the eleventh lap Pintacuda had to retire. Brivio had the logs of the Maseratis, howl,oT, and finally ran out a winner by a wli,de lap frciiti (Thersi.

RESULT OF FINAL 50 Laps : 125 km.

I. Brivio (Alfa-Roineo.) lh 26m. 57s. 86.256 k.p.h.

2. Ghersi (Maserati) 1 lap behind.

3. Blanco (Maserati 1,500 c.c.) 3 laps behind.

4. Bidest tern (Alfa-Romeo) 5 laps behind.

5. Bilotti (Talbot) 9 laps behind.