Containent@L notez and. New



Rumours and Reports

With racing season practically finished, we now start the annual game of saying that so-and-so will drive such-andsuch a car next year—and contradicting it in the following issue.

Caracciola was said to be retiring at the end of this season, but as it happens he is one of the few drivers whose plans are already decided. He has renewed his contract with Mercedes-Benz for an. other season, and is the only existing member of the team to have done so at the moment. Von Brauchitsch may go over to Auto-Union, while Fagioli is said to be retiring. I was told that he would probably join Bugatti, but his financial requirements could not be satisfied by an unsubsidised firm. In any case Bugatti has denied that Fagioli is to join him.

Stuck was said to be leaving AutoUnion for Mercedes-Benz. On the face of it this seems doubtful, and one of my ” sources of information ” has written to say that there is no truth in the rumour. Varzi is definitely leaving Auto-Union. He has never fitted in well with the German team, and here again money has been the bone of contention. Rosemeyer will presumably stay, with Pietsch and possibly Loof as second strings. Varzi may retire, but will most likely drive a

M aserati.

On the Italian side, Rene Dreyfus has signed a new contract with Ferrari. He likes driving Alfas, and gets on well with the rest of the team. Nuvolari has not actually committed himself, but will no doubt lead the scuderia again next year. Louis Chiron is undecided. I have an idea he would like to drive a German car, but a Frenchman in a German team is unthinkable. Someone told me that he was negotiating with Bugatti,. which seems more than likely. Ettore denies it, however, so you can draw your own conclusions.

Bugatti Plans

Finally, Bugatti. On top of rumours that he would not race next year comes the official announcement that the Molshelm factory is to build six new cars to run in the big races of 1936. Details so far available show that the cars will have engines of about 41-litres, developing 400 h.p., with entirely new gear-boxes. The chassis and brakes will be the same

as on the present cars. Sound good, don’t they? Here’s wishing -them the very best of luck. It’s high time Bugatti had a break.

AS for drivers, Jean P. VVimille will continue to be in the team, and with a really adequate motor-car I believe we shall see him do big things next year. He has had some most attractive offers, especially from Ferrari. Robert Benoist will also drive, in between doing his job for the commercial side of the firm. Veyron has been named ‘as the third driver to drive both in the big races and in 1,500 c.c. events as well. What will happen to the remaining three cars? I rather doubt whether they will

find purchasers in England. Perhaps Etancelin will run one as an independent.

Caracciola the Champion Talking of drivers reminds me that the

reminds me that the A.I.A.C.R. has awarded the 1935 European Championship to Rudolf Carac ciola. Here are the final placings :—

1. Caracciola (Mercedes-Benz) 16 pt-s.

2. Fagioli (Mercedes-Benz) 22 pts.

3. Von Brauchitsch (Mercedes-Benz) 31 pts.

4. Dreyfus (Alfa-Romeo) 35 pts.

5. Nuvolart (Alfa-Romeo) and Stuck (Auto-Union) 37 pts.

6. Chiron (Alfa-Romeo) and Varzi (Auto-Union) 40 pts. It is worth pointing out that these results were obtained from five races, the G.P. of Germany, Italy, Belgium, Spain

and Switzerland. The French G.P. is not included, but it makes no difference to the results, for the Mercs finished one, two, three. The reason for this omission is that the idea was originally suggested by the German club, and was then submitted to all the national clubs who run Grand Prix. The A.C.F. did not approve of the idea, and so the championship was decided on the races of those who did.

The championship is to be held again next year, on the same lines.

Britain a Nation of Motor Racing Fans ?

The C.S.I. of the A.I.A.C.R. has approved 81 events for the 1936 International Calendar, of these, 20 are French, 16 British, 15 Italian, 8 Swiss, 4 German, 4 American, 4 Belgium, 2 Austrian, 2 Spanish, 2 Swedish, 1 South African, Hungarian, 1 Rumanian and 1 Czechoslovakian.

Record Laps

Reverting to the championship and the results of races, if one includes Monaco with the six national G.P. races, we find that Caracciola has won four out of seven, and Stuck, Nuvolari, and Fagioli one each.

The record laps give a different reading. Caracciola and Nuvolari both hold two, Fagioli, von Brauchitsch and Varzi, one each.

Record Attempts

After his visit to England, Caracciola is going to Gyon, in Hungary, for some record attempts with a specially prepared

Mercedes-Benz. Bobby Kohlrausch has also announced his intention of taking part in the proceedings at Gyon with his M. G. Midget. Kohlrausch, incidentally, caused quite a flutter at the Feldsburg hill-climb by practising on an E.R.A. He may run one next year.

Meanwhile Count Lurani is due to make a record attempt even while I write, on the Florence-Viareggio autostrada. His mount is the ” Nibbio,” a queer little machine powered by a 2-cylinder Guzzi 500 c.c. motor similar to those used in the T.T. motor-bikes.

The French Bombshell

Corning right on top of the announcement that Bugatti would definitely race next season, the news that the A.C.F. had decided not to hold the French Grand Prix in 1936 was all the more astonishing. A.C.F. has, by this decision, aroused a, siorm of protest in France. People have openly written that a nation might just as well cancel an international football match because you are sure you are go

ing to be beaten. Club officials and drivers alike are as one in their condemnation. Best of all I liked the comment of Wit-11We, ” Ce n’est as legant de la. part de l’A.C.F.” Sommer pointed out that he personally was not inconvenienced, because the A.C.F. have not allowed, independents to run in the French. G.P. for two years, but he regretted it from a general point of view. Etancelin, says that the A.C.F. seems to be doing its best to kill motor-racing in France.

The Sports-car Race And so, instead of the French Grand

And so, instead Grand Prix, a race for sports-cars will be held at Montlhery next year, over a distance of 1,000 kilometres. Cars in classes A to G will be eligible, with the proviso, that at least twenty similar cars • must have been manufactured between January 1 and June 1, 1936.

In order to justify their decision, and to make the race an instructive one, the rules are framed to exclude ” pseudosports-cars,” or racing cars in disguise. Blowers are banned, only normal fuel supplied by the club may be used, and no major alterations to engine or chassis are permissible.

Prize money totals 210,000 francs.

Champion of Rumania

Such is the glorious title awarded to the Hungarian, Laszlo Hartmann for winning the Feleac hill-climb with his

Miaserati, averaging 123 k.p.h The previous Rumanian champion was Hans Stuck who reigned from 1930 to 1934 by virtue of averaging 113 k.p.h. on his old Austro-Daimler. All this reminds me of Ernest Flemingway’s classic remark about the chances

of winning a war. ” Sometimes you have allies; sometimes you have Rumania.”

The Formula to Continue No one seems to be surprised that

No one seems to be very the International Formula is to continue during 1937, instead of giving way to the new one after 1936. The Germans and Italians have it all their own way at the meetings of the A.I.A.C.R., and as they provide the entries for the big Grand Prix races this is only as it should be. The present move was suggested by the Italians, and endorsed by the Germans.

Why the Klausen Hill-climb will not be Held

The Klausen hill-climb will not take place next year„ partly owing to the difficulty of coming to terms with the local authorities and farmers, and partly to the fact that the road is in a very bad state and could not possibly be resurfaced in time. Efforts are being made to arrange the hill-climb in 1937, because the Swiss authorities are anxious to uphold the reputation of the Klausen hillclimb as the finest in the world, particularly as the Grossglockner road in Austria Is, a dangerous rival.

Stars on the Air

I happened to turn on the Eiffel Tower programme the other night and heard Mlle. Helle-Nice being interviewed about

her experiences of road-racing on the continent. The interviewer was a Mlle. Suzy Mathis.

Stuck wins at Feldberg

The annual Feldberg hill-6mb held in the Taunus hills, near Frankfurt, was won by Hans Stuck, on the special short

chassis Auto-Union. There was some doubt about his being able to race, owing to the injury sustained when a bird (feathered) hit him in the eye during the Ivlasaryk race.

The distance was lengthened this year from 8 to 12 kilometres, climbing 600 metres and including 50 corners.

Stuck’s time was 6 minutes 22.3 seconds, and he was the only driver to beat 7 minutes. Kohlrausch did extraordinarily well to clock second fastest time of the day with his 750 c.c. M.G., beating all the 1,500 c.c. and 3.000 c.c. cars.

In the sports classes fastest time was made by Berg (Mercedes-Benz) in 7 minutes 41.4 seconds. The 1,500 c.c. class was a massed victory for B.M.W.s. The event was marked by a vindictive

outburst against Stuck. Noticeswere pinned to the trees and hung across the road to the effect that Hans must be spat upon, and that hP is a ti aitor to Hitler—for marrying a Jewess.

The Frankfurt district is particularly venemous in its treatment of the Jew problem. A few months ago I saw from my hotel window a young Jew being marched through the streets for having walked out with a German girl. One village I passed through had a banner strung across the street hearing the words ” The road to Palestine doesn’t lead through this village ! Here are the results of the hill-climb : Sports

1,100 c.c.— 1. Brendel (N.8.11.-Fiat), 8m. 428.; 2, Beyer (Flat), 8m. 49s. 1,500 o.o.-1, Ilirnaun (13.M.W.), 8m. 14.48.;

2, Rooser (B.M.W.), 8m. 36.28.; 3, KrIngs (B.M.W.) Sm. 43,35. 2,000 c.c.-1, Hasse (Adler), 8rii. 4.4s„

Over 2,000 c.o.-1, Berg (Mercedes-Benz), 7m. 41.45. ; 2, Stolze (13ugatti), 7m. 44.2s.

1,100 c.c.-1, Kolilitacraufsucgh (M.G.), 7m. 5.3s. ; 2, Baumer (Austin), 7m. 18.3s.; 3, Brudes (M.G.), 7m. 23s.

1,500 o.e.-1, Steinweg (Bugatti), 7m. 31.4s. 2, Seibel (Bugatti), 7m. 60.4s.

3,000 c.c.-1, Wimmer (Bugattl), 7m. 12.18. Over 3,000 c.c.-1, Stuck (Auto-Union), 6m. 22.8s.

Voiturettes at Monaco

Everyone will be pleased to hear that the Monaco authorities have decided to hold a 1,500 c.c. race on the eve of the big event—and none more than the folks

up at Bourne, Lincs. The race ought to be a good thing fonan E.R.A.., and it would be a, fine sight to see an English car roaring to victory on that famous circuit. Maserati has already stated that he will enter.

This 1,500 c.c. race is to be called the Coupe du Prince Rainier de Monaco, and will only be open to drivers other than those taking part in the Monaco Grand. Prix.

Incidentally, there is going to be a sweepstake held on the result of the latter race.

race. Do you know Dobogokoe ?

A hill-climb was held in Hungary last

month at a place called Doboi Fastest rather a line name, I think.

time was made by Hartmann (Bugatti), in 4 minutes 21.88 seconds for the 7 kilometres. Dire (Alfa-Romeo) was second,. and a gentleman named Singer who sun, prisingly drove an Alfa-Romeo was third.

Racing in Norway

The Momarken meeting near Oslo, also produced some fine names. Fastest time was made by Olav Paulson (Hudson), ahead of O. Skedsmo (or Skidsmore) on a Ford, and Borre Sveen on a Chev. The 2-litre class was won by a B.M.W., with a Singer third.