

The Fastest I „SOO c.c. Car on The Stelvio Pass (121 miles of ‘ collar work ‘ and 49 hairpins) in the 1934 Alpine Trial, was a FRAZER NASH

in 23 mins. 54 secs. (privately owned and driven by L. Bucier-Henderson, Esq., and the Hon. William Feilding.) THE “HAT TRICK” IN ■ 10,


The Frazer Nash is the ONLY ENGLISH CAR and the only non-supercharged car of all English and foreign makes of cars, to get through the ” Alpine” WITHOUT THE LOSS OF A SINGLE MARK for the three consecutive years-1932, 1933 and 1934.

Maximum Speed v. Guaranteed All-Round Performance!

Frankly, in our opinion, enthusiasts give insufficient thought to the above matter. Maximum speed is useless by itself—it is invariably obtained with low gears in order to obtain maximum engine revs revs, one does not indulge in without considerable risk, while even if the risk is taken the resultant fuss takes all enjoyment out of a long journey, arid militates against putting up a high average speed. In fact, when performance is stressed only in terms of m.p.h. fast drivers should be dubious about making a decision in a hurry (it is wonderful how manufacturers will rev. their ” demonstrators ” in order to get those maximum speeds !). The average private owner can hardly afford to indulge in high speed when it results in heavy wear and tear and rapid depreciation in value. Enthusiasts should rather give careful thought to retention of performance, braking figures on a wet road, M.P.G. at high cruising speeds, etc. Again, if you are interested in any specific make of car, and to get the stated maximum speed, performance. necessitates your buying a model of that make with an uncomfortable racing type body, wings which are quite inadequate in bad weather, no door, no allweather equipment, a cramped cockpit, no luggage accommodation, i

small lamps which cut down your speed at night, it s safe to say you will not get the enjoyment out of driving your .car you should gA, because, whether on a pleasure jaunt, a business journey, fast touring at home or on the Continent or—if your ambitions lie that way—the Alpine Trial, your passenger and yourself will lack any appreciable degree of comfort. Frazer Nash all-round performance, on the other hand, is obtained without effort and is allied with—

SAFETY—under all conditions.

RELIABILITY and long life—a statement backed by the high values maintained by used Frazer Nash ears.

VIVID ACC:ET-ER:MON in spite of the high gears fitted, permitting exceptionally high average speeds to be maintained without recourse to ” flogging ” the engine.

COMFORT—mental, and physical.

ECONOMY—without which one has to think twice before long Journeys are undertaken frequently.

As an example of typical ull-round Frazer Nash performance, the six-cylinder Model with a really comfortable two-seater body—built to last, luggage space, door, hood and side curtains, sensible screen, 10-in. diameter Bosch headlamps, wings affording full weather protection, and gear ratios of 11.75, 7 to 1, 4.8 and 3.8, has a maximum speed of 90 4,200 r.p.m., and a cruising speed of 70-75 m.p.h. at 3,200-3,500 r.p.m. (Maximum engine revs. 5,500 r.p.m.). Its petrol consumption at 70 m.p.h. is 24 m.p.g., and 25-28 m.p.g., maintaining a 50 m.p h. average. The engine is exceptionally smooth and silent. It flattehs out main road gradients in its stride, 1ind in bottom gear will climb anything. It will accelerate from to 6(1 m.p.h. in 15 seconds ; will climb Shelsley in 52 seconds (if it is raining, and quicker if it is dry1); put in 88 miles in the hour on the track, and average close on seventy for the Tourist Trophy circuit (fitted with standard gear ratios). These performance figures are all based on the car being fully equipped for the road. Moreover, you can use your Frazer Nash for pleasure or business, the Alpine Trial or any type of competition work. extras needed. Any make of car taken in part exchange— Models available from £475 Os. Od., fully equipped—no

demonstration runs at any time and anywhere. IFUAZIEU • NASII-1 • CAUS Falcon Works, London Road, Isleworth • Hounslow 0011 & 0012