

pended upon to produce some really fine racing. It may be that drivers are not afraid of bursting their engines, with all the winter before them in which to make good the damage. The handicapping, too, is generally accurate, for the speeds of the cars can be gauged to a nicety, after a whole season has elapsed. The meeting on October 13th was made still more interesting by the annual Mountain Championship Race, a new event on the Mountain Circuit for lap record holders, the Women’s” Mountain” Handicap, and an attempt by Whitney Straight on the Outer Circuit Lap Record, at the wheel of the Duesenberg. In spite of this excellent programme the attendance was small, particularly in the Public Enclosure. In fact, when the first race began at 1 p.m. the cars there could be counted on the fingers of one hand. The Paddock side was by no means filled to capacity, for which those present were duly thankful. The vantage points at Brooklands are so few that a good attendance inevitably means overcrowding at such places as the” Grandstand “overlooking the Fork corner. Incidentally a famous landmark has disappeared, for the

little lap scoring stand by the Vickers sheds has been demolished. Proceedings opened with the ” Junior Long,” for the ” Short ” Handicaps had disappeared from the programme this time. Five non-starters reduced the field to eleven cars ranging from the Abbot

Nash with a start of 1 mins. 14 secs. to A.C. Lace’s Invicta on scratch. The former car driven by Metcalfe was still leading at the end of the first lap, followed by Miss P. Naismith (Salmson), R. F. Oats (Amilcar), A. C. Dobson (Bugatti), C. G. H. Dunham (Speed Twenty Alvis), Miss K. M. Moodie (Graham-Paige), A. Ashton-Rigby (M.G. Magna), W. L. Thompson (Austin), Miss J. Richmond (Ballot) and A. C. Lace (Invicta). The Alvis

was misfiring and turned into the Finishing Straight by the Members’ Bridge, while M. F. L. Falkner’s Aston-Martin passed away on its first lap. Metcalfe held on to his lead for another lap, but then his car developed trouble and he fell out of the running. Miss Naismith then led for a while, but she was being rapidly overhauled by Oats on the beautifully finished Amilcar and Dobson’s red Bugatti. Incidentally Miss Naismith’s car was called a ” Salmon ” in the racecard. These two were having a great scrap, and Dobson caught the Amilcar on the Home Banking on the last lap. Oats had still got a little extra tucked up his sleeve, however, and he repassed the I3ugatti to win the race by 15 yards in a

really exciting finish. Miss Naismith finished third and Miss Moodie fourth. Ashton-Rigby and Miss Richmond both retired. After the race Miss Naismith was called before the stewards for driving over the line at the Fork on every lap of the race. For this sin she was fined the sum of two pounds and excluded from taking any further part in the programme.


1. R. F. Oats (Analcar, 1,093 c.c.), 57s.

2. A. C. Dobson (Bugatti, 1,496 c.c.), 46s.

3. Miss P. Naistnith (Salmson 1096 c.c. S) Ini. 8s.

Won by IS yards at 90.73 m.p.h. 200 yards between second and third.

The scratch car in the second race was Oliver Bertram’s 12-cylinder Delagc ; and the driver named to handle this massive vehicle was frail little Mrs. Wisdom. Only a few days previously she had been deprived of her Ladies’ Lap record by Mrs. Kathleen Petre, who lapped at 124 m.p.h. of the day. On the next lap they were in the lead, coming past the Fork side by side, and giving the race an interest seldom seen at Brooklands. Miss Allan’s Bentley was exuding an ominous film of blue smoke from its bonnet, eventually retiring in a

distinctly unserviceable condition. At the end of lap 2, Day was third, Gardner fourth, Dixon fifth, and Bertram last. Shuttleworth pulled up at the Fork. Couper and Dobbs completed another lap in exactly the same positions, but as they left the Member’s Banking Couper

with her Bugatti. Mrs. Wisdom was obviously going to lose no time in taking up the challenge, and this race was evidently to be her opportunity. For some reason, however, the car was actually driven in the race by its owner, and so Mrs. Petre’s record still stands—at the moment of writing.

Miss Margaret Allan started the ball rolling on her 4f. litre Bentley, followed 11 seconds later by J. H. Day on Miss Moodie’s Graham-Paige. Then W. M. Couper got away with the green” Alpine” Talbot in company with W. L. Thompson’s Austin. T. H. Wisdom was to have driven a sister Talbot, but the engine was at that moment in a very much dismantled state in the Paddock. Dobb’s Riley followed at an interval. of 3 seconds, and then came Major A. T. G. Gardner’s M.G. Magnette, Fred Dixon’s red Riley Nine, Shuttleworth’s 2-litre Bugatti, and finally Bertrarn’s Delage, re-handicapped to the extent of 9 seconds. On the first lap the only changes of position were that both Couper and Dobbs passed Day, and Shuttleworth overhauled Dixon. Dobbs was hard on Couper’s heels, and these two were already engaged in a duel which was to be one of the closest

shot ahead to win by the comfortable margin of 50 yards. Gardner was a long way behind, with Bertram fourth and Dixon last. Thompson retired on this lap at the Fork.


1. W. M. Couper (Talbot, 2,970 c.c.), lin. Si.

2. H. G. Dobbs (Riley, 1,089 c.c.), ha. 5s.

3. Major A. T. C. Gardner (M.G. Magnette, 1,087 cc. S.), 47s.

Won by 50 yards at 100.81 m.p.h. 600 yards between ‘second and third. There was seven starters in the Women’s Mountain Handicap. Mrs. P. Oxenham (Alta), received 50 secs. start ; Mrs. J. Houldsworth (Bugatti), Miss E. Ellison (Bugatti), and Miss Rita Don (Riley), all started from the 40 secs. mark ; Mrs. T. H. Wisdom (Talbot), had 30 secs. start ; Miss D. B. Evans (M.G. Midget), 25 secs. ; and finally Miss Fay Taylour was on scratch with Penn-Hughes’ 2.6-litre AlfaRomeo. Very little change took place in the order for the first two laps, only Miss Don falling back with a badly misfiring engine. Mrs. Wisdom and Miss Evans had a tussle which ended in favour of the latter, who was handling her brother’s “

Q” Midget, with splendid confidence, covering a lap in 1 min. 1 sec.

Miss Taylour was gaining -kround with the Alfa, coping well with the difficult task of driving a somewhat strange car. On the third lap she nearly overshot the Fork corner, but retained control in a masterly fashion. On this lap Miss Evans got into third place behind Miss Ellison and Mrs. Oxenden, who clung to her limit lead. Lap 4 saw Miss Evans in the lead, followed by Mrs. Wisdom. Miss Ellison, Miss Taylour, Mrs. Houldsworth and the outdistanced Miss Don. Miss Ellison’s Bugatti had retired. Going up the Finishing Straight the Alfa-Romeo passed everyone except the ” Q” Midget, which was still leading at the Fork. Here Miss Taylour made the fatal error of nearly overshooting once more, whereas Miss Evans was as cool and neat as ever, in spite of the imminent presence of the AlfaRomeo. On the last run up the Straight the little Midget staved off the Alfa in a wonderful way, and gave Miss Doreen Evans a popular and well-deserved victory at 6t.:50 m.p.h. But there was no stopping Miss Taylour. With the track to herself she continued to enjoy herself for three more laps. The green flag made no impression on her, and only the courageous arm-waving of three people standing in the middle of the track brought her to a standstill. For this behaviour she was fined £3 by the stewards and debarred from racing again that day. However, she had the consolation of clocking a lap during the race at 76.86 m.p.h., the fastest speed ever recorded on this circuit by anyone save Whitney

Straight. This _is a really wonderful performance, and although the Brooklands authorities do not countenance a Ladies’ Record for the Mountain Circuit.

Miss Taylour’s achievement will nevertheless live long in the memories of racing followers.


1. Miss D. R. Evans (M.G. Midget, 747 c.c. S.), 25s. 2. Miss F. Taylour (Alfa. Romeo, 2,632 c.c. S.),scratch

3. Mrs. T. H. Wisdom (Talbot, 2,970 c.c.), 30s. Won by 20 yards at 67.60 m.p.h. 200 yards between second and third. progress. On the first lap he passed Dr. E. J. Roth’s Talbot 105, and the Appleton Special. On the next circuit he overtook P. G. Fairfield’s Riley, A. D. Anderson’s ” Special.” H. P. Bowler’s 3-litre Bentley, and J. Hodge’s Singer. On the third lap tie claimed as victim Derrington’s Salmson The next lap saw him in fourth place at the Fork, having overhauled the Marquis de The next race produced the remarkable spectacle of R. F. Turner’s 747 c.c. Austin on scratch, behind such larger cars as two Bentley’s, a Talbot, the Appleton Special, a Frazer Nash and others. Nothing daunted, Turner proceeded to wade through the large field in a most determined fashion, .cornering at a terrific pace. On the first lap he nearly Belleroche’s Austin, C. M. Lewin’s Austin, and A. Powys Lybbe’s Alvis. There now remained C. T. Baker-Carr’s 44-litre Bentley, C. Casswell’s Frazer Nash and K. W. Martin’s M.G. Midget ahead of him. The Bentley and the Midget were passed before the Fork was reached on the last lap’, but the grey and red Frazer Nash was still in front. Turner swung the dark

“took a barrel” at the Fork, but otherwise his driving was consistently fast and

skillful. Talking of barrels, V. W. Derriagton missed one by inches at the Fork on lap 2. The race was realty the story of Turner’s red Austin round the corner in a perfect slide, but Casswell’s cornering was very little slower. The Austin crept nearer and nearer as the two cars accelerated away up the Finishing Straight, but Casswell got home first by 60 yards, with Turner a

most gallant second. Baker-Carr’s Bentley was third.


I. G. Caswell (Frazer Nash, 1,496 c.c.), 7s.

2. R. F. Turner (Austin, 747 c.c. S.), scratch.

3. C. T. Baker-Carr (Bentley, 4,487 c.c.), 7s. Won by 60 yards at 64.41 m.p.h. 40 yards between second and third.

Then followed another Outer Circuit race, the second Junior Long Handicap. Five non-starters brought the field down to eleven., and three people had their handicaps altered by virtue of previous performances. C. le S. Metcalfe led off with his Salmson, having the mighty start of 2 mins. 31secs. The result was that he had almost completed a lap before Lace’s Invicta got away. Behind him came Miss D. Summers (Marendaz Special), D. M. Dent (Frazer Nash), A. G. Bainton (Bainton Special), R. F. Oats (Amilcar), A. C. Dobson (Bugatti), Ashton-Rigby (M.G. Magna), A. H. L. Eccles (Bugatti), S. Smith (Bugatti), H. G. Dobbs (Riley) and A. C. Lace (Invicta).

It was obviously going to be extremely difficult for anyone to catch the Salmson. On the first lap Bainton had picked up two places as also had Ashton-Rigby on his amazingly fast “L type” Magna. On the next lap Bainton got into third place behind Miss Summers and the fardistant Melcalfe. Stanley Smith pulled up at the Fork and retired. Then the Bainton Special began to spit back, so that it lost speed and gave place to R. F. Oats on the Amilcar. Eccles was going well on the If-litre Bugatti, and

came up fast on the third lap to pass, Dent, Bainton, Miss Summers and finally Oats. Metcalfe still had a good lead when they passed the Fork on the last lap, although Eccles was drawing nearer and nearer. As they flashed over the line Metcalfe had an advantage of of a length in hand, so that from the Paddock it looked like a head-heat. Dent retired on the last lap. Metcalfe’s speed incidentally, must be the slowest recorded at a B.A.R.C. Meeting for many a year.


I. C. le S. Metcalfe (Salrnson, 1096 c.c.), 2m. 31s.

2. A. H. L. Eccles (Bugatti, 1,496 c.c.), 32s.

3. R. F. Oats (Amilcar, 1,093 c.c.), 41s. Won by length at 70.97 m.p.h. 200 yards between second and third. The next item on the programme was an attempt by Whitney Straight to break John Cobb’s outer circuit lap record of 70.68 gees. (140,93 m.p.h. The slim red Duesenberg had been the object of great interest in the Paddock until it was covered up by the inevitable dust-sheet. Now it appeared on the Track and Straight drove

down to the Fork before joining the main circuit. For this run an electrical beam timing-apparatus was used, recording 1/100 ths. of a second. Straight did not waste time in slow warming-up laps, and soon he was roaring

round the Byfleet Banking towards the Fork. The car made an impressive sight as it flashed past the Ticker s sheds, with the blue figure of Straight sitting bolt upright in the cockpit. On the Home and Members’ Banking, the car obviously demanded all Straight’s skill and concentration, although it has to be remembered that he is. used to such speeds on narrow road-circuits abroad. The Duesenberg did not seem to have a loud exhaust note as it swept past, yet it could be plainly heard far away on the Byfleet Banking. As is usual at speeds of 135 m.p.h. or more, this part of the track was taken in a long slide, the rear wheels being palpably higher on the banking than the front ones. He pulled the car off the banking early, and then cut across close to the sheds.

Two more laps were covered in this fashion, and the Straight turned in to the Paddock. He had failed to eqtal Cobb’s time, for his fastest lap was covered in 72.1 secs., at a speed of 138.15 m.p.h. On being told his speed Straight remarked. “Sorry, but the car wouldn’t go any quicker.” The Duesen berg again appeared in the next race, the Second “Senior Long.” There were ten starters, as follows : W. A. Cuthbert (Cuthbert-Riley) and Major A. T. G. Gardner (M.G. Magnette), 59 secs. ; F. W. Dixon (Riley 4-litre), 39 secs. ; Mrs. K. Petre (Bugatti) and R. J. Munday (Leyland Thomas), 36 secs. ; R. T. Horton (M.G. Magnette), 33 sees.; A. H. L. Eccles (Bugatti) 2-litre), 30 secs. ; John Cobb (Alfa-Romeo), 25 sees;;

B. P. W. Twist (Delage), 3 secs. ; Whitney Straight (Duesenberg) scratch. Gardner led from the flag, and Mrs. Petre had wiped out Dixon’s 3 secs. start, and was lying third behind Cuthbert at the end of the first lap. Eccles had passed Horton, and Straight caught Twist (driving Bertram’s Delage), on the Railway Straight. On the second lap it

looked as though Mrs. Petre would be able to catch Gardner, for she was travelling very fast—albeit a little unsteadily at the Fork. Eccles was lying fourth behind Cuthbert, and he was followed by Cobb, Dixon, Straight, Twist and Horton. In spite of her efforts Mrs. Petre could not catch Gardner, and the latter finally won by 100 yards, at a speed of 104.58 m.p.h. with Mrs. Petre second and Cobb third. Straight came up behind Munday and Dixon on the Member’s Banking, and cut down into the Railway Straight to pass both of them in a flash. This manceuvre brought him into fourth place. Munday’s near-side rear tyre, incidentally, was showing dangerous white patches all round at the end of the race.


1. Major A. T. G. Gardner (M.G. Magnette, 1,087 c.c. S.), 59s.

2. Mrs. K. Petre (Bugatti, 2,263 c.c. S.), 36s.

3. John R. Cobb (Alla-Romeo, 2,336 c.c. S.), 25s. Won by 100 yards at 104.58 m.p.h. SO yards between second and third.

Round they came again, Straight well in the lead, cornering faultlessly and . smoothly. Mays by contrast, was ragged and uneven, cutting in and out and taking a different path on every lap. Of the others, the only changes of position occurred among the tail-enders, the order now being Eccles, Cook and Dixon. Driscoll was putting up a simply magnificent show with the 750 c.c. Austin, holding off Eccles’ 2.3-litre Bugatti, and chasing Martin.

The next lap saw the end of PennHughes’ run. The radiator cap of his Alfa-Romeo worked loose, and he lost so much water that he had to retire. Dixon, too, fell out on this lap. In other respects, the order remained unchanged. By the time the fourth lap had been covered, Straight had got the measure of Mays, and could afford to take things a little easier. There seemed little to chose between the acceleration of the two cars, but Straight looked much quicker on the corners.

Now came the most important race of the day—the Mountain Championship. Of the eleven entries there was only one non-starter, Sir Malcolm-Campbell with the 12-cylinder Sunbeam. And so, ten cars lined up opposite the Paddock, in the following order : F. V. Dixon (Riley 2-litre), Earl Howe (Bugatti), R. 0. Shuttleworth (Bugatti), C. E. C. Martin (Bugatti), L. P. Driscoll (Austin), Raymond Mays (F.R.A. 2-litre), H. W. Cook (E.R.A., 1,100 c.c.), Whitney Straight (Maserati), A. H. L. Eccles (Bugatti), and

C. Penn-Hughes (Alfa-Romeo, 2.6-litre).

When the flag fell, two cars shot ahead of the rest of the field, the Maserati, and May’s E.R.A. In spite of his extra litre, Straight had all he could do to get to the top corner first, and they arrived at the Fork only a few yards apart. Thundering behind them came Shuttleworth, PennHughes, Earl Howe, Martin, Driscoll, Cook, Dixon, and Eccles. Driscoll’s position is worth special attention.

Driscoll was holding his own with Martin and Eccles, the little white Austin fairly shrieking as he tore away from the corners. His cornering was extremely good, and the same can be said for Martin and Earl Howe. On the seventh lap Straight caught up with H. W. Cook and lapped him, and did likewise to Driscoll on the following circuit. There was no change in the order for the rest of the race, the result being Straight, Mays, Earl Howe, Martin, Eccles and Driscoll. Cook fell Out two laps before the end, and May’s car was misfiring at the end.

It turned out that records had fallen during the race. Whitney Straight had beaten his own record of 79.18 m.p.h. with a magnificent 81.00 m.p.h. (52 seconds dead). Mays had covered his fastest lap ever on the Mountain Circuit in 53.4 secs. (78.88 m.p.h.). The previous 2-litre record was 58 seconds (72.62 m.p.h.), made by C. S. Staniland on a Bugatti. Curiously enough it was this same figure

of 5$ seconds that was clocked by Driscoll on the miraculous Austin, thus heating both the 1.100 and 1,500 c.c. records as well.


I. Whitney Straight (Maserati, 2,972 c.c. S.).

2. R. Mays (E.R.A., 1,979 c.c. S.).

3. Earl Howe (Bugatti, 2,263 c.c. S.).

Won by 200 yards at 78.29 m.p.h. 1,000 yards between second and third.

The rest of the programme consisted of Mountain races, the first of which was the ” First Senior ” C. A. Richardson’s Riley, fresh from its big victory at Donington the week before, led for two laps from the limit position before giving way to A. R. Samuel’s ” Q” type M.G. Midget, The latter car established a long lead over the rest of the field, and it was very doubtful whether anyone could catch him. His most dangerous rivals were Driscoll on the Austin, Martin’s Bugatti, and the scratch man C. PennHughes (Alfa-Romeo). The latter had a _stiff job before him, but he did not make a great deal of headway, although he succeeded in passing Cyril Paul (Riley), Delaney (Lea Francis) and J. H. Bartlett (Al fa-Romeo).

Samuel was .so far ahead that he could afford to take things quietly, but on the last lap at the Fork it looked for -a moment as though he might lose his victory after all, He missed ‘his gear on the _corner, and for about 50 yards coasted along trying to select the correct ratio. However, he found it at last and all was well. Martin was a good second and Driscoll Only third, in spite of raising the 750 c.c. lap record still further to 57.8 secs. (72.87 m.p.h.).


1. A. R. Samuel (M.G. Midget, 747 c.c. S.), 35s.

2. C. E. C. Martin (Bugatti, 2,263 c.c. S.), 13s.

3. L. P. Driscoll (Austin; 747 c.c. S.), 21s. Won by 150 yards at 68.83 m.p.h. 30 yards between second and third. For the next race the B.A.R.C. had conceived the excellent idea of uniting all the class lap-record holders in one race, on a handicap basis, with a pastholder in W. G. Everitt (M.G. Midget), thrown in for full measure, so to speak. Unfortunately, Sir Malcolm . Campbell could not appear as his Sunbeam was reported to have ” blown up” a few days before the meeting. H. W. Cook was another absentee, his E.R.A. having developed trouble of an irremediable nature in the Champipnship race. This left only four cars, Whitney Straight’s Maserati, Raymond Mays’ I

Driscoll’s Austin and Everitt’s ” -Q ” type M.G. Midget. Mays, however, only completed one lap. so that the issue lay between Straight, Driscoll and Everitt. The battle between the Austin and the Midget was of the fiercest nature, both factions being right on their mettle and determined to Win. Driscoll was in terrific form, and soon built up a nice little lead over Everitt, who could not bring out that extra bit necessary to hold the white Austin. Meanwhile Straight was charging round in his usual style at the rear, gaining ground hand over fist, on the little scrappers ahead. -Nearer he crept, until on the fourth lap he was close behind them at the Fork. The pair kept

ahead up the Finishing Straight, but the Maserati engulfed the Midget coming off the Home Banking. Driscoll got to the Fork first and nipped away towards the finishing line. But Straight was too near, and he just caught the Austin in a streak of acceleration which carried him past the Paddock at something like 125 m.p.h.

And so in spite of there being only three cars, this race was one of the finest of a fine programme.


1. Whitney Straight (Maserati, 2,992 c.c. S.), scratch,

2. I… P. Driscoll (Austin, 747 c.c.-S.), 26s.

3. W. G. Everitt (M.G. 747 c.c. S.), 26s. Won by 10 yards at 78.73 m.p.h. 100 yards between second and third. A big field of 13 cars turned out for the next race, the “Second junior,” and Metcalfe’s Salmson led for two whole

Dusk was rapidly descending when the cars lined up for the last race of the dayand of the season. It turned out to be one of those uninteresting affairs when the limit man leads all the way to the finish. In this case the winner was C. T. BakerCarr on the black 44-litre Bentley. Kenneth Evans (M.G. Midget) and L. P. Driscoll (Austin), both made up some leeway, but the scratch man PennHughes could not live up to his handicap. Gordon Casswell held second place until the run up the straight to the line, when Evans and Driscoll suddenly appeared out of the blue and swept past.


1. C. 1. Baker-Carr (Bentley 4487 c.c.) 48 secs.

2. K. D. Evans (M.G. Midget 747 c.c. S) 28 secs.

3. L. P. Driscoll (Austin 747 c.c. S) 16 secs. Won by 50 yards at 65.21 m.p.h. 72 yards between second and third.

laps before sinking into obscurity. His place was taken by another Salmson, driven by V. W. Derrington, who also stayed for two laps. Some good performances were being made among the back markers, however, and E. K. Rayson in particular was making great

strides with his 11-litre Bugatti. Starting third from scratch, he picked up first one, then three, then two places on successive laps. But RichardSon’s Riley was also making good progress, and it was a toss-up as to which of these two would -finally win.

In the end Rayson gained the day, from Richardson and Derrington. Two people had phenomenal avoidances with barrels at the Fork, namely R. J. 13. Seaman (M.G. Magnette), and Dr. R. A. Beaver (Vauxhall). Both made successful recoveries. The former, incidentally, broke the lap record in thd 1,100 c.c.

class at 72.87 m.p.h. Cook’s E. R. A . previously held it at 72.37 m.p.h.


And so that was that. The October evening had a chill snap in the air, and the familiar Brooklands scene gradually withdrew into grey retirement for the winter. One always has a rather queer feeling at leaving Brooldands after the last meeting of the year. One thinks inevitably of the triumphs-and tragedies -of the past season: But next March will see us all at the Track once more. Who knows what the coming season will hold ?

1. E. K. Rayson (Bugatti, 1,493 c.c. S.), 16 s.

2. C. A. Richardson (Riley, 1,089 c.c.), 39s.

3. V. W. Derrington (Salmon, 1,096 c.c. S.), 44s. Won by 75 yards at 68,60 m.p.h. 200 yards between second and third.