

THE M.G. Car Club held their second Dinner Dance at the Park Lane Hotel on October 19th, during Motor Show week, and had a particularly successful evening. The dinner and dancing were both well arranged, the speeches were limited to five minutes each, and visible warning was given by “traffic signals” mounted where everyone could see them. A first class cabaret show, with Elsie and Doris Waters, John Tilley, and the inimitable Western Brothers was presented during the course of the evening.

Captain Blair Watson, a Director of University Motors Ltd., proposed the health of the Club, and spoke of it as a very progressive body and one which was a witness to the enthusiasm of M.G. owners. Mr. Kimber replied, and welcomed his distinguished guests, amongst whom were numbered Earl Howe, Signor Nuvolari, Count Lurani, and his friendly rivals, Mr. Victor Riley, Capt. A. R. C. Waite, and the great Freddy Dixon. Captain Eyston was unable to be there as he had been taking part in the record-breaking

run of the Magic Midget at Montlhery.

Mr. Hess, Secretary of the Club, gave some particulars of the increase of membership, from 150 to 600 in a year, so that Northern and Midland centres had been started. There were actually 400 guests at the dinner. Mr. S. C. H. Davis proposed “The Sport,” and spoke of the good effect of motor racing in promoting better understanding between nations, while Mr. Victor Riley agreed that the sport was a good thing, but wondered if it was not developing cars into mere racing machinvi