

Up to 850 c.c.-P. G. Skinner, 846 c.c. Morris Minor, S., 46.4 secs.

851 c.c. to 1,100 c.c.-J. V. Bolster, 981 c.c. Bolster, 45.8 secs. 1,101 C.C. to 1,500 c.c.-Raymond Mays, 1,486 c.c. Riley, S., 42.2 secs. (Previous record beaten.)

1,501 c.c. to 2,000 c.c.-Noel Carr, 1,990 c.c. Bugatti, S., 46.4 secs. 2,001 c.c. to 3,000 c.c.-Whitney Straight, 2,494 c.c. Maserati, S., 41.2 secs. (Record for the hill. Previous best, 42.4 secs., by Hans von Sttick, Austro-Daimler.)

3,001 c.c. to 5,000 c.c.-R. Hughes, 4,526 c.c. Vauxhall, 54.2 secs.


Up to 850 cat.-F.. R. Hall, 746 c.c. M.G. Midget, S., 50.2 secs.

861 c.c. to 1,100 c.c.-R. T. Horton, 1,086 c.c. M.G. Magnette, S., 46 sees.

1,101 c.c. to 1,500 c.c.-Comdr. R . T . Grogan, 1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash, S., 47.4 sees.

1,501 c.c. to 2,000 c.c.-J. A. M. Patrick, 1,750 c.c. Alfa-Romeo, S., 53 secs.

2,001 c.c. to 3,000 c.c.-Hon. Brian Lewis, 2,336 c.c. Alfa-Romeo, S., 47 secs.

3,001 c.c. to 5,000 c.c.-J. W. Whalley, 3,622 c.c. Ford, 53.8 secs.

6,000 c.c. and Over.-H. F. Clay, 7,020 c.c. Mercedes, 53.4 secs.


Shelsley International Championship Cup and £100 for fastest time of the day.-Whituey Straight, 2,494 c.c. Maserati, S., 41.2 secs.

M.A.C. British Championship Cup for the fastest time by a British-made sports car.-R.T. Horton, 1,086 c.c. M.G. Magnette, S., 46 secs.

M.A.C. T.T. Cup for fastest time by a car and driver who has driven in or is entered for any of the International Calendar Events.-Whitney Straight 2,494 c.c. Maserati, S., 41.2 secs.

M.A.C. Open Cup for the best aggregate time made on two runs by a racing car.-Whitney Straight, 2,494 c.c. Maserati, S., 41.2 secs. and 41.4 secs. 82.6 secs.

M.A.C. Open Cup for best aggregate time made on two runs by a sports car.-R. T. Horton, 1,086 c.c. M.G. Magnette, S., 46 secs. twice -92 secs.

M.A.C. Challenge Cup for best time by a sports car up to 1,500 c.c.-R. T. Horton, 1,086 c.c. M.G. Magnette, S., 46 secs.

M.A.C. Challenge Cup for best time by a sports car over 1,500 c.c.-Hon. Brian Lewis, 2,336 c.c. Alfa-Romeo, 47 secs.

M.A.C. Ladies’ Championship Cup for woman driver beating the women’s record for the hill with any type of car.-Miss C. Sedgwick, 1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash, 48 secs. (Previous record. 50 secs., by Mrs. T. H. Wisdom, Frazer-Nash). M.A.C. Challenge Cup for best aggregate time by a team of three racing cars.-Raymond Mays’s team (Raymond Mays, 1,486 c.c. Riley, S., 42.2 sees.; Raymond Mays, 2,996 c.c. Villiers Supercharge, S., 42.4 secs., and R. G. J. Nash, 1,496 c.c. Anzani-Nash, S., 43 secs. 127.6 secs.)