Club News, November 1933


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When the competitors assembled at the start of the Experts Invitation Trial at Tiverton on October 7th, the route was as yet a secret. Actually it included the observed ascents of Hatherland, Cloutsham, Kipscombe, Doverhay, Yealscombe and Loxhore. The trial started well, for Ratherland stopped everyone except five competitors, namely C. Ree (Singer), R. Carr (Austin), H. M. Avery (Singer), H. Hearn (M.G.) and J. Bastock (11/1.G.). Contrary to expectation, Loxhore was not so -difficult as Hatherland, although very narrow. There were six failures, and we noted good climbs by R. Carr (Austin), A. W. F. Smith M.G. Midget), J. A. Bastock (M.G. Midget), and A. E. Carr (Singer). In the special test on Kipscombe V. H. Tuson, G. R. Brocklebank (M.G. Magna) and R. A. Macdermid (M.G. Midget) all made outstanding performances.


Gliksten Trophy : H. M. Avery (Singer Nine), Dr. Low Cup (for runner-up) : H. Hearn (M.G. Midget J2).

Ballard’s Cup (winning club team) : The M.C.C.H. Hearn (M.G.), F. A. Thatcher (Triumph), and A. W. F. Smith (M.G.). Mellano Cup (winning onemake team) : Singer—W. J. B. Richardson, H. M. Avery and M. H. Lawson.


On October 1st the President’s Cup Trial took place, and attracted an entry of 29 cars. After some good sport the following results were obtained :

President’s Cup : E. Blake (Northern Centre). F. A. Thatcher Tankard (runner-up): E. H. Jopp. J. Gersham Adams Trophy (best novice) : E. Close (‘entre).

Special Awards (within 10 per cent. of winner’s marks) : N A. Tysceu-Gee, B. H. Nikolin, F. R. Ifebron.


No. 4 of the Club’s journal “The Exhaust. ” gives a full account of the activities of the G.W. Motor Club, the membership of which, by the way, has now reached 50 after being in existence for only six months. There is a technical article on ” Tracing Electrical Faults,” and another on ” Laying Up.” Altogether a bright little publication, and a credit to its -creators.


There is a possibility of a suitable hill being available in the near future for a speed hill-climb.

A member has recently opened a Country Club at Henley-on-Thames, known as the Boomerang Club, and honorary membership is offered to all Frazer Nash owners (or the Chain Gang, as they are -called) on completion of an application form.

The Annual Dinner and Dance will be held at the May Fair Hotel on Saturday. December 16th, when three cups given by Anne, Lady Selsdon, Mr. T. Twentynaan and Mr. H. j. Aldington will be presented.


42 entries were received for the half-day trial held over a sporting course in Surrey on October 1st. Of these, 3 cars failed to turn up at the starting point, Jordan’s Garage, Godalming. The first obstacle was grimly designated “Shirley Sue,” its chief purpose being to knock off any projecting parts on the underside of the competing cars. This it did fairly successfully, causing seven failures, and removing large parts from the A.C. of A. C. Fairtlough and the Austin of J. A. Baylay. A brake test followed, in order to grade the results to fine limits, and then a section described on the route card as ” Ahillybit.”

he next hill (or hills, for it was divided into two sections) produced an unlooked for obstacle in the shape of a land-owner who declared that the road was private property. After discussion the cars were allowed to proceed, on the understanding that they would not come that way again that day. Five machines funked the hill, and four failed on the last hill of the morning programme. Lunch was taken at Hindhead. More or less the same route was followed in the afternoon, with the addition of a stop-and-restart-acceleration-and-braking test. A. B. Langley (M.G. Midget) and J. D. Barnes (Singer) tied in the first test with 4 2/5 secs., but in the latter, the red, white and blue Singer team walked away with the best times. Three luckless wights failed to arrive at Hindhead for tea.


Visitors’ Award (for the best performance of the day) : J. R. H. Baker (972 c.c. Singer Sports). Bullock Cup (for the best performance by a member of the Singer Club) : H. Turner (972 c.c. Singer Sports). Harris Cup (for the runner-up) : N. G. Gibbs (972 c.c. Singer Sports). Premier Team Award : Singer M.C. No. 1 Team,

J. D. Barnes, J. R. H. Baker, A. H. Langley (all driving 972 c.c. Singer Sports cars). Runners-up Team Award : North-West London M.C., Miss Goodban (972 c.c. Singer Sports), J. Bond (847 c.c. Morris Minor), W. E. C. Greenleaf (847 c.c. Morris Minor).

First-class Awards: C. S. Morphew (972 c.c. Singer Sports), Miss P. Goodban (972 c.c. Singer Sports), H. C. Norman (972 c.c. Singer Sports), C. V. Glass (972 c.c. Singer), K. E. Utley (1,089 c.c. Riley), C. A. Henry (972 c.c. Singer Sports), 5. Bond (847 c.c. Morris Minor), R. I,. Appleton (1,089 c.c. March Riley), W. E. C. Greenleaf (847 cc. Morris Minor), J. Eason Gibson (1,089 c.c. Riley), J. A. Baylay (972 c.c. Singer Sports), Miss D. Evans (847 c.c. M.G.), W. S. Barnes (1,271 c.c. Wolseley Hornet), j. P. Barnes (972 c.c. Singer ,Sports), A. H. Langley (972 c.c. Singer Sports), J. A. 13astock (847 c.c. ‘M.G.), A. B. Langley (847 c.c. M.G.). Second-class Awards: F. J. Huckstep (972 c.c. Singer Sports), J. Selwyn (972 c.c. Singer Sports),

K. D. Evans (847 c.c. ‘M.G.), V. Coppard (972 c.c. Singer Sports).

Third-class Awards : E. Levy (972 c.c. Singer Sports), W. K. Hubbard (1,498 c.c. Alvis Sports), W. G. Kydd (1,493 c.c. Singer Sports), A. C. Fartlough (1,991 A.C.-Acedes).


Some well known trials hills were included in the route of the Lynton Trial

held on October 7th. Starting at Wilton, near Salisbury, good roads led to Taunton, from which point the hill section began. First came Grabhurst, near Timberscombe, an easy curtain-raiser. This was only the calm before the storm, however, for Doverhay soon took the confidence out of most of the competitors, causing many failures. Good climbs were made, among others, by N. E. Bracey (Wolseley Hornet), M. Collier (M.G. Midget), 1). Maclean (M.G. Magna), M. F. Wilmot (M.G. Magna) and Miss V. Wild (Wolseley Hornet). Yealscombe was even worse, and although the famous water splash proved easy, only two of the thirty-six entrants got up without assistance. The heroes were N. E. Bracey (Wolseley Hornet) and H. R. Winnacott M.G.). Station Hill was easy, and Beggars Roost decided not to be troublesome.


First-class Award : N. E. Bracey (Wolseley Hornet). Second-class Awards: D. Maclean (M.G.), W. j. Hawa.rd (Ford), K. E. Streat (Riley), W. R. K. Silcock (Frazer Nash), R. J. Barton (Aston-Martin), M. F. Wilmot (Magna), J. K. Shallcross (Rover), A. T. Loader (Vauxhall), N. A. Prince (Austin),

R. D. Tong (I,agonda), Miss V. M. Wild (Wolseley Hornet), 1Z. L. Appleton (Riley), Hon. P. Mitchell Thomson (Frazer Nash).

Dashboard Plaques : Mrs. Langton Garstin (M.G Midget), R. j. P. Morley (A.C.), A. H. Carnt (Riley), 3. L. Barlow (Magna), K. Westacott (McEvoy), W. A. V. Davis (Wolseley Hornet), N. L. Nevison Riley), M. Collier (M.G. Midget), R. T. Gardner M.G.), P. H. W. Burroughes (Vaivrha II), D . G. Quick Riley), A. F. Seal (P.S.A.).

W. A.S.A.

The trial constituting the third round of the Wakefield Trophy took place on October 6th and 7th. The route was similar to the famous London to Exeter Trial, starting from Virginia Water, and including such redoubtable hills as Langley, Windout, Fin& Bridge, Simms, Harcombe, Batcombe, Black Hill and Ibberton. Taken as a whole the standard of driving was first-class, for the route was a difficult one. Of the hills, Fingle is always a considerable problem, but fine climbs were made by Miss Doreen Evans (M.G. Midget), Miss B. V. Watson (M.G. Midget), Miss 1). Montague Johnstone (M.G. Magna) and Mrs. M. M. Riley (M.G. Midget).

The finish was at Shaftesbury.


Lord Wakefield Trophy : Miss L. Hobbs. Victor Riley Trophy : MissS. Richardson. Countess Howe Trophy : W.A.S.A. Team (Miss Champricy, Miss D. Montague-Johnstone and Miss

S. Richardson).

Sir William Morris Trophy : MissL. Hobbs. Lord Decies Trophy : Miss Montague-Johnstone. The Association’s Trophy : Miss S. Richardson.

1st Awards: Miss Hobbs, Miss E. W. Watson, Miss D. Evans, Miss P. Goodban, Mrs. Riley and Miss Richardson.