

A Forthcoming Air Display. of air

AN entirely new kind of air display is being organised for the afternoon of November 5th. This will be the “children’s flying meeting,” and the programme is being arranged to have as much appeal as possible to youngsters. Guy Fawkes himself will be master of the ceremonies, and after the display is expected to go up in smoke in the traditional manner.

Details of the programme cannot yet be divulged, but it looks like being an amusing one, on very novel lines. The lighter kind of display has been more or less neglected in this country, and even in America, where it is more popular, it is no doubt open to further development, so that this experiment in producing a light programme for children will be rather an interesting one. Over a thousand youngsters are expected to be present, including the children of aerodrome employees,

and boys and girls from outside are to be admitted at a very low charge indeed. Altogether there should be plenty of enthusiasm at Brooklands on that afternoon.

School Activities.

On Sunday, the 16th October, a party of private owners flew from Brooklands to Sywell, stayed there for tea, and then returned to Brooklands. This scheme of flying in formation to another aerodrome and spending the afternoon there is becoming increasingly popular at Brooklands, and affords a very pleasant way of passing part of the day.

Colonel Strange has been busy in TR, and Miss Meakin has been flying the Hawker Tomtit. Mr. Penn Hughes, the racing motorist, who is at the moment one of the most active pupils, has been making considerable use of the Club machine, G-ABYI, for cross-country flying.

A Mock Air Fight.

Recently the aerodrome was enlivened by a mimic duel between two high-speed fighters from Hawker’s (who have their flying headquarters at Brooklands). It was a very thrilling spectacle ; the pilots made terrific efforts to catch the other by surprise and gain a commanding position, but both were old hands and the result was a drawn game. It seemed to prove that an expert, at the controls of a good modern machine, would be almost impossible to bring down singlehanded.

A Reduction.

During the winter months, a special reduction of 20 per cent. will be made in all flying rates at Brooklands, which means that a Licence will be obtainable at a much smaller cost than hitherto.