The Way of Things


ANOTHER season of motoring sport has drawn to a close, and we are left in the usual position of taking stock of our achievements, and also considering methods of remedying failure.

However pessimistic one may feel at times about this country’s position in the scheme of things, there remains no doubt of her supremacy in the main sections of the sport of motoring. On land we have put the speed record well beyond the immediate reach of any of our rivals, thanks to the enterprise of Sir Malcolm

Campbell and his many helpers.

The greatest trophy in the world of aviation is now our permanent possession, and the oft-disputed event originated by Jacques Schneider has been finally and fittingly concluded. Further, thanks to Flight-Lieutenant Stainforth, the Supermarine Company and Rolls-Royce Ltd., we have capped this victory with the new air speed record of over 400 miles per hour. On the water, we have had to leave the International Trophy for the time being in the hands of the Americans, but we have the great satisfaction of being in a

position to say that they can no longer beat us for sheer speed on the water. Kaye Don in Miss England II. has raised the water speed record to the incredible speed of 110 m.p.h. and completed our speed success in all the elements which man uses for transport. In the sphere of motor racing on road and track our successes have been frequent, though not absolute, and it is here that we should concentrate and complete our supremacy. In sports. car races, run on a handicap basis, have, thanks to the M.G. Car Company secured, a remarkable measure of we

success. In the racing car category of road racing we are, however, far be hind our rivals. In the great Continental road races British cars are entirely absent, a state of affairs plainly caused by the ridiculous policy of prohibiting road racing in this country. We have the engineers, the designers, and drivers to put a first-class racing team into the great events of the year. We still, however, lack rulers with sufficient foresight to see the business and prestige which would be gained were a successful British racing car to beat the foreigner in a level race on British roads.